Going against the crowd - Champion preferences

Who is a champion that's highly regarded, that you just don't like, don't "get", don't use, or whatever (bonus points if it's someone other than Hercules)?
Conversely, who is a champion that is generally ignored or even disliked who you legitimately love using and find to be very effective?
Conversely, who is a champion that is generally ignored or even disliked who you legitimately love using and find to be very effective?
She's not ignored per se, but she's generally a few tiers down in lists, but I love Peni Parker as an attacker. Any time the opponent has regen I delightfully bring her in and just wreck.
CGR. I was planning on learning him, but just never did.
Ignored/Disliked/I Love:
1. CMM. Man! She gets a lot of hate, boos and rotten tomatoes thrown at her lol. She can deal some devastating damage when she hits binary ignition.
2. Jabari Panther. Other than her strong bleeds, her Sp 1 counters evade, and she counters invisible/untouchable/miss when The Hunt is on.
Underrated AF....and for the mainstream champ I hate.....torch.....not in my bgs deck and an instaban for me(I hate looking at his face!)
For example, Onslaught, Serpent, NegaSonic, and, Destroyer, Bullseye.
I enjoy rogue, antman and blade
I rarely use the following champs: Corvus, Omega Sentinel, OG Spidey, Anti-Venom
I love using Wags on offense, he's really a underdog that's glossed over too much.
Kitty, hulkling, juggs - I got these champs pretty late so I don't have fun with these guys.
Champs ignored by others:
Ham - While he is good, He is not talked as much as hulk or titty, imo he is the best 7* science champ.
Black cat - Great skill champ. Bg monster. Rarely see her in opponent decks.
Ghost - but that is just my skill issue, when it go great it is great, and but can go bad very quickly.
Just testing out Adam right now, and he seem to be the same too.
Oh and Mantis.
All because of my skill issue 🤣.
Champs that me like 🤣:
Colossus - I feel for this guy, take a lot of trash talk from a lot of players, whule he is no offence to anyone. Hit pretty hard when his friends is around, immune to a lot of stuffs, and an overall nice guy (I remember seeing his first appearance in X-Men 92, that was a good episode) 😊
I personally like the name "Tits" for her more.
Sandman: has consistently gotten me through fights that I had no business winning (often itemless).
And spot as well. Just really really hate his playstyle
like: Juggs is my absolute GOAT. Just enjoy a champ with fun and easy playstyle like him. Sigil witch is cool too, will take her up later today, when i finally gather enough tokens for 7 star one
Enjoy using Rogue
Have ghost, tried her for fun, wasn't a fan.
Love me some Anti Venom. So much utility, hrs a symbiote and he's fun as hell to play.
they are powerful but with the ai being weird u can't heavy ,takes a lot of block damage & suffer frustration.
Titania and Rintrah
Champs I like that most people don't
I feel like Zemo gets a bad rep he's a questing God with tons of utility
Also Mysterio doesn't get enough love
Dust is the one I digged lately. Great immunities, large healthpool and great dmg as well