Kabam response to criticism



  • ShuGokisShuGokis Member Posts: 635 ★★★

    ShuGokis said:

    ShuGokis said:

    ShuGokis said:

    ShuGokis said:

    Dear lord is he still waffling?. Does he not have anything better to do?

    Thanks for joining the conversation!
    Didn't want to miss you making a fool of yourself.
    I am not. But, thanks for the concern and support. If someone bullies and threatens me,.especially a mod, I dont feel safe. It's not okay.
    No one was bullying or threatening you kiddo.
    You don't know that, it was not one time thing. I have sent the relevant information to support team.
    Prove it happened then.
    I will wait for the feedback from Kabam.

    One instance is they changed the OP of this post to Goli. What would you call that. They even admitted they did as a joke
    Exactly the response I was expecting. You can't prove you were "bullied and threatened" by a mod.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,153 ★★★★★

    If I had a dollar for everytime Op mentions about his "country", I would have 246 dollars by now, lol.

    Btw tag me when someone finds which "magical country" OP is from.

    Don't ask my personal information. It's danger to my safety.
    It's not like someone's gonna kidnap you just by knowing which country you're from. You are just acting like those karen women in coffee shops who thinks anything against them is bullying.

    You're just embarassing yourself in the forums. Go touch some grass buddy, seriously.
    Cyber bullying and cyber threats are real, if you don't know?
    They are absolutely real, But whatever you "claim" you faced is not cyber bullying or cyber threat.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,153 ★★★★★
    Bro just go and read this entire thread, and tell me you didn't feel you're just over reacting, atleast for a moment? And for a fact idgaf about your personal info, It was you who mentioned about "your beloved country" in every other comment. You seriously have to consider seeing psychiatrist/psychologist/whatever they are called and I'M NOT KIDDING.

    I'm not a expert but I believe you have anxiety issues. It's better to consult a doctor or talk with a loved one. Again this is a advice, "I'm not bullying you".
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,153 ★★★★★
    You feel you've been bullied, then you should contact kabam personally instead of bringing it to a public forum.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,277 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    Ackbar67 said:

    And will add them here if needed. I would like a response from Kabam why they don't take criticism and harass players

    You keep saying "I just wanted to give feedback", however you've sent an astonishing 65+ messages to modmail within a few minutes berating the (volunteer, non-kabam employed) mods to explain why you were timed out.

    Feedback is just that - feedback. It's a 1 way conversation where you give your feedback, and it's acknowledged and you move on. Your feedback was in fact politely acknowledged but you sure didn't move on.

    Instead you proceeded to send 60+ messages spanning everything from gdpr compliance to accusations kabam is banning people because they're on iOS to saying mods can't handle feedback even though your feedback was acknowledged. None of it makes sense. It really seems like you're just baiting an argument out of boredom.

    When you were reporting another player trying to sell services, it was mentioned to you that it's appreciated, however you took that convo with that player to a whole new level that it didn't need to go. Not to mention there was a bit of "moderator impersonation" but we'll forget that happen. And no, this isn't a threat (cause you love throwing that one out there), it's just a statement of observation.

    Either way, you took it upon yourself to escalate the situation, and were asked to stop engaging with them, and let kabam handle it.

    You didn't though, and when timed out, you asked why and it was explained to you in the 1st response from the mod. You didn't like that so you continued on with another 62 messages accusing mods of not taking feedback well... What feedback?

    You also threatened legal action and gdpr mishandling, which if you think that's the case, discord has a form you can fill out. You were told that but said that's incorrect. Mind sharing what gdpr policy is being violated? I'd love to know.

    At this point it was just going in circles, and you were sending way too many messages in rapid succession for any volunteer moderator to want to keep up with (remember there's other users to tend to), that it got to a point where understanding what your true end game was other than either boredom, or just wanting someone to talk to...?

    Either way, wishing you all the best.
    No it was not responded to me.
    Again 65 or 100 messages. Why are you threatening me for providing feedback
    How went in circles explain?
    This is such a funny question to ask after saying the same exact things for the past 4 pages of comments
    Have you looked at the screenshot. Can you back those claims by discord mods? Mods should be friendly to the community and take criticism not timeout them for feedback and criticism.
    Who says mods need to be friendly? There moderators, it's there job to smack people on the wrist and shut them up when they're our of line like you
    And your community name is in violation of the policy and I hope Kabam finds you
    Brother if you were She Hulk, I'm Deadpool and Wolverine. You don't know anything about me and my kabam lore
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 946 ★★★
    Dragonfei said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    @BeeOfAutobots have you ever upload a video on YT placing a remote control in somewhere unusual? (Only old gamers will get the reference)

    Sorry, Bub. I am not in the mood for jokes. I am quite feeling sad with the situation. I did nothing wrong but gave feedback and criticism and the mods in discord are threatening me for that
    Oh ok I am sorry.
    Just so you know, you can't sue them for banning you from their discord. It has nothing to do with the spending on their game. Its their equivalent of blocking your twitter account.
    The discussion was about banning players from game accidentally. That's something can be reported as fraud in my country if there is no claim/ proof. I was stating that in a post created by someone who got banned.
    What country are you in?
    Can't say that's personal but kabam will know that basd on my game play and payment. In most countries if you don't get services for what you paid for you can sue the corporate and if there is any fraudulent behaviour you suspect the app itself may be black listed until proved otherwise. Fraudulent behaviour can just be a feeling of yours to do the reporting and police will verify the claim how far it is true.
    There’s only one country that has ever ruled in favor of a player claiming to have been defrauded by an online game company for failing to provide services in the context of being banned that very heard of, and that’s China, and there were very particular circumstances there.

    There is no charge for accessing the game, so you can’t claim damages if you’re banned. Nor can you claim Kabam is depriving you of access to your account, because the game’s TOS requires you to agree the materials in your game account have no value. If you claim you didn’t agree to the ToS or claim it is invalid, then you have no right to play the game and the company can claim you defrauded it, when you illegally accessed the game without permission.

    On the other hand, most countries do have laws against the kind of fraud where you claim you’re entitled to a refund for services when you’re just a disgruntled customer. Credit card companies rarely prosecute that kind of fraud, but it does happen.
    I don't belong to china. But why are you interested in this if it does not concern you. Who said I illegally accessed the game. I am talking about accidental bans. What will you do if you get banned. In my country laws are different
    If I get banned it will be because I deserve it, or Crashed finally decides those free revives cost him his new Ferrari.

    I’ve probably helped more players get errant bans reversed than any other single player. You are not talking about bans, accidental or otherwise. You are conducting a training class on how to spot a gaming Karen on amphetamines by example.

    And no matter how much you keep saying “in my country laws are different” no one cares. That’s about as interesting as me saying in my backyard, trees are taller. But you did mention the GDPR, which is a European Union regulation. And nowhere in the European Union do I believe you have a leg to stand on. Unless the EU annexed Shadowloo recently and M. Bison has it out for Canadian game companies.
    You dont have to care. This post is not about that either. This is about mods behaviour in discord and I have a reported a support ticket as well.
    1. I am a Discord moderator.

    2,. As such, I have access to all the active threads on Discord, and in particular I can read the thread where you went off the rails.

    3. You keep saying things like "do you know the laws in my country" while refusing to actually specify what your country is, specifically to be argumentative.

    4. I also have access to moderator discussions, activity, and modmail tickets. So yes, I read your modmail ticket from beginning to end.

    5. You were asked to drop your flooding a bug report thread with your armchair pseudo-legal nonsense four times in a row before being timed out.

    6. You also made a specific allegation, which I will quote here: "You said because I was discussing even after the mod told me to stop. That's not true." However, after a mod said "But I think we’ve talked this to death. So it’s time to end the convo." you continued to press your issues. As that might not have been direct enough they followed up with "Which is why we’re at an impasse and there’s no point in discussing further." After several more of your posts the moderator stated directly "But drop it now, please." And then "Enough, Bee. We’re talking in circles and that’s enough."

    Your response to that warning was "If kabam bans me, I will sue them for sure. I have sued banks and won the case." Which I guess is the 2024 version of "I know Kung Fu." So there was one final warning: "Drop it and go elsewhere." and when you defied that warning, you were timed out. I think it is fair to mention all of this, as it occurred on the public Discord.

    7. You also asked a question in your modmail ticket, which I think is reasonable to address here. You asked why if account ban discussions are not allowed, a moderator engaged the original Discord message? That happens. Moderators are not infallible or robots, and sometimes one moderator will make a judgment call in the interests of helping the player community, while another moderator will decide that the subject violates the Discord rules and put an end to it. And most likely the reason why the thread was closed was because of you. Account bans are not allowed to be discussed for all sorts of reasons, but one of them is that they attract lunatics who insist on jumping into them with no actual situational awareness and an abundance of ignorance. Your tirade was almost certainly a contributor to reminding the moderators why, even if they want to be helpful, there are some topics that attract too much nonsense to be allowed to happen.

    Given all the available evidence, good luck with your support ticket.
    I cannot provide my personal or country information ina forum. Why are you asking for that here?

    I never told about suing for discord timeout and this post is about how mods have shown abusive behaviour.

    The mod was showing aggressive and abusive behaviour with their threats and bullying.

    There was timeout after 1 warning and I did not even have time to read the messages. Mods are timing out without reason and at their amusement . the first time I was timed out it was for reporting a player selling their account. Why would the mod change my name of this post. Is this not abusive behaviour. I have added that to the ticket as well. Abusing your credibility as mod and doing what you like. I wanted to share how I felt and I did int his post. This is not place to discuss other things and a mod should know that? I repetitively said there is a ticket I have created. I am not gonna waste my time on some guy who feels right for doing something wrong.

    You said mods are actual people. Thanks for sharing that.

    If the mod believes that there is a place to those feedback or questions asked. He should have directed me there. Timing out people at their own amusement after 1 warning without even waiting for the other person to read the messages.

    Again Same with this post. I don't think this is the place to talk about gdpr and international laws. Mod should have asked me to contact kabam elsewhere. But instead engaging on things that's unnecessary?

    I myself told there is a ticket I have created to address those concerns. I am not gonna respond here anymore. I have attached screenshots of those conversations from discord to the ticket.
    You know, as the discord moderator in question that you’re providing “feedback” about, I do wonder why you’re insisting I timed you out for my “own amusement” after only one warning when DNA posted the receipts for the FOUR times I warned you to move on from the conversation.

    You repeatedly responded to those messages I was sending - so you had read them. You were not bullied, you were not threatened, you were told to respect the rules of the server, and if you did not, action would be taken against you on the server in terms of a mute or a ban.

    Which is how any moderated discord works.

    There is no injustice to champion over. Just a person who didn’t understand that moderators would enforce the rules.
    Say it louder!!! 👏🏻
  • ShuGokisShuGokis Member Posts: 635 ★★★

    The first time the mod decided to time out was here. Why?

    None of these screenshots show you’re timed out.
  • ShuGokisShuGokis Member Posts: 635 ★★★

    The mod deleted those messages. I don't know why. But I took a screenshot of timeout. Here

    So what did you say to deserve the timeout?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,294 Guardian
    (Side note behind the whole issue apparently)

    “I’ll join your Ally for 100. per month”

    (Q) is this, all by itself, actually against Kabam TOS ??

    Person was not saying (at least in pics shown here) that they would play anybody else's account once they joined.
    That they would play their own account but use Mods, Hacks, etc. which would thus benefit themselves and the Ally.
    Would join the Ally but then get someone else to play that account.
    Was looking to sell that account to the alliance for other alliance members to play.
    Or lastly, that the account itself was not actually theirs (ie, they “acquired” it by Merc'ing for someone else and then “stole” the account from that prior person, and is looking to profit further from it before Kabam bans it or original owner takes it back).

    **All of those would definitely be against TOS, but pics did not describe any of that.

    Was there more to the original Discord convo, in which that other person actually DID offer something which was against TOS.

    Or is asking for (or offering someone) a salary or bonus just to be part of an alliance, while otherwise playing within the game rules itself, actually against TOS as well ??
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian

    (Side note behind the whole issue apparently)

    “I’ll join your Ally for 100. per month”

    (Q) is this, all by itself, actually against Kabam TOS ??

    I don't know if Kabam has an official position on this, but my read of the Terms and Conditions of the game is that this is not prohibited, nor am I sure if Kabam even can prohibit it. Kabam doesn't really have the ability to enforce rules outside the scope of the game and game materials. This is just my opinion, though, not the official position of Kabam.

    This is probably something Kabam does not want to encourage to be sure. But it would be difficult to know where the line was drawn. If I were to buy a bunch of iTunes gift cards and give them away to all my alliance mates for Christmas, is that a problem? I can't see how.

    This would be a dangerous thing to attempt, though. All it would take would be for one disgruntled alliance mate to catch you saying and doing the wrong thing and reporting you. Being paid to join an alliance might be inside the letter of the law. But being paid to join an alliance so you can score a ton of points in an alliance event to allow them to get higher ranked rewards is mercing. That's actionable.

    Was there more to the original Discord convo, in which that other person actually DID offer something which was against TOS.

    All I will say is that there was more to the sequence of messages that was deleted. Nothing of a technical nature that would benefit from discussion.
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    ....But my read of the Terms and Conditions of the game is that

    I swear if you told me I could bet a large amount of money on if anyone read the full ToS of the game, and that if the answer is "yes" that I can quadruple my money if I guessed a player who's done so - I'd have written "DNA" on the entry form.

    I feel like I deserve to win something for this thought that can never and will never be proven.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    ....But my read of the Terms and Conditions of the game is that

    I swear if you told me I could bet a large amount of money on if anyone read the full ToS of the game, and that if the answer is "yes" that I can quadruple my money if I guessed a player who's done so - I'd have written "DNA" on the entry form.

    I feel like I deserve to win something for this thought that can never and will never be proven.
    I’m sure I’m not the only player to have read the TOS.

    I may however be one of the few to have read both the TOS and the Privacy policy more than once. And gotten a response from Kabam legal over its contents.
This discussion has been closed.