Unpopular opinion but all these "everest level healthpool" champs like northstar and enchantress are actually not useful for majority of players EVEN IN EVEREST CONTENT. I'm saying this because as per my understanding these champs needs like 2-3 minutes of ramp up before getting the damage going, so yeah these guys are naturally good at necro level fights. But one things devs forgot to consider is, players are more likely to die during the 3 min ramp, in long fights like necropolis. That's where champs like Aegon and kate shines in, as these champs have the damage right from the start, and Aegon's setup is persistent among fights. I don't think enchantress and northstar (and BRB) have persistent damage by nature, Correct me if I'm wrong.
Tldr, The new champs who are "supposedly good" for everest content isn't actually the best option for long fights since the average player most likely die during the ramp and have to start the ramp all over again.
BRB has good damage from the start and will definitely be better than the other 2 I definitely agree with everything else you said
Yeah that's why brb is good design. He is like kate, good for short fights, good for longer fights, and have the damage right from the start.
Unpopular opinion but all these "everest level healthpool" champs like northstar and enchantress are actually not useful for majority of players EVEN IN EVEREST CONTENT. I'm saying this because as per my understanding these champs needs like 2-3 minutes of ramp up before getting the damage going, so yeah these guys are naturally good at necro level fights. But one things devs forgot to consider is, players are more likely to die during the 3 min ramp, in long fights like necropolis. That's where champs like Aegon and kate shines in, as these champs have the damage right from the start, and Aegon's setup is persistent among fights. I don't think enchantress and northstar (and BRB) have persistent damage by nature, Correct me if I'm wrong.
Tldr, The new champs who are "supposedly good" for everest content isn't actually the best option for long fights since the average player most likely die during the ramp and have to start the ramp all over again.
Enchantress’s whole thing is that she’s practically unkillable with the spells up and she’ll be doing big damage. She’s not like northstar at all imo cause she has like 50 safety nets and if you set those up first you’re good to go. You lose your ramp with Kate if you die too and she has a lot of safety as well so I disagree. Especially if we do end up seeing massive health pool maestro’s and serpents she’ll be the better option from what I see
She’s also a 5/5 defender so bg champ regardless
Yeah kate can lose her damage if you die but you can start with coldsnaps and few sp1 to deal good damage until you set up completely, i.e., you're doing good damage even while ramping up.
It's nice to know enchantress has safety nets. Enchantress is definitely very relevant just for how cool she is(and she's also good in defense). My comment is not targeted on her or anyone else, I just don't agree with how kabam design champs who excel in long fights. I personally believe champs who are designed for contents like necro should have persistent ramp like Aegon, or have the damage right from the start like kate. It just sucks to ramp up and die before having the payoff for the ramp.
Oh yeah that I agree with. Enchantress won’t be cooking with damage like Kate from the start but during that time it seems like you could set up spells to greatly minimize the chance you die
Yeah NS in particular is interesting since he has nothing persistent. I believe that DLL said that persistent charges are hard to balance and they tried to avoid using them. He’s still quite good but you do lose practically everything if you slip up with him and he doesn’t have the safety nets and long term power gain that enchantress seems to have
Unpopular opinion but all these "everest level healthpool" champs like northstar and enchantress are actually not useful for majority of players EVEN IN EVEREST CONTENT. I'm saying this because as per my understanding these champs needs like 2-3 minutes of ramp up before getting the damage going, so yeah these guys are naturally good at necro level fights. But one things devs forgot to consider is, players are more likely to die during the 3 min ramp, in long fights like necropolis. That's where champs like Aegon and kate shines in, as these champs have the damage right from the start, and Aegon's setup is persistent among fights. I don't think enchantress and northstar (and BRB) have persistent damage by nature, Correct me if I'm wrong.
Tldr, The new champs who are "supposedly good" for everest content isn't actually the best option for long fights since the average player most likely die during the ramp and have to start the ramp all over again.
Enchantress’s whole thing is that she’s practically unkillable with the spells up and she’ll be doing big damage. She’s not like northstar at all imo cause she has like 50 safety nets and if you set those up first you’re good to go. You lose your ramp with Kate if you die too and she has a lot of safety as well so I disagree. Especially if we do end up seeing massive health pool maestro’s and serpents she’ll be the better option from what I see
She’s also a 5/5 defender so bg champ regardless
Yeah kate can lose her damage if you die but you can start with coldsnaps and few sp1 to deal good damage until you set up completely, i.e., you're doing good damage even while ramping up.
It's nice to know enchantress has safety nets. Enchantress is definitely very relevant just for how cool she is(and she's also good in defense). My comment is not targeted on her or anyone else, I just don't agree with how kabam design champs who excel in long fights. I personally believe champs who are designed for contents like necro should have persistent ramp like Aegon, or have the damage right from the start like kate. It just sucks to ramp up and die before having the payoff for the ramp.
Oh yeah that I agree with. Enchantress won’t be cooking with damage like Kate from the start but during that time it seems like you could set up spells to greatly minimize the chance you die
Yeah NS in particular is interesting since he has nothing persistent. I believe that DLL said that persistent charges are hard to balance and they tried to avoid using them. He’s still quite good but you do lose practically everything if you slip up with him and he doesn’t have the safety nets and long term power gain that enchantress seems to have
Also Northstar doesn’t have a way to refresh his prowess, he can only pause them (as I mentioned in my champion review), so giving that to him as well as the persistent charges would be nice. Also I want his armor break to be able to be used on all champs except techs, that way it wouldn’t be as niche.
She is but nowhere near as skill based as Tigra, just a lot of memorization needed
We don’t even have her to play in game to fully determine this.
Secondly both champs have different skills needed. Tigra isn’t complicated, but what mechanics she ask for is hard to master. Enchantress while isn’t a difficult mechanic, i can see people messing up her spells during sp1 making her less efficient in fights as people will waste her sp1s doing the wrong spell (my theory on the champ at least)
Edit: forgot to mention BRB. I think there is definitely a hype for his character atm because its BRB. But while he may loose value over time, i think he will definitely become a favourite champ to use for some people and i think he will fluctuate in popularity based on new content that come out. Such as when new long form content that come out.
Also kt1 didn’t really like the gladiator buff when it was released but imo i use gladiator nearly everywhere.
Typically my rule of thumb for anything KT1 says, it's generally the opposite.
I’m very much not a fan of what I consider quick slop content of reading forum posts and stuff as soon as they drop and overdramatizing everything. He has some decent takes here and there but most of it (and the fan base he attracts) are very much to my dislike
He’s the only Mcoc YouTuber where I’d expect to see comments complaining about stuff like wokeness in Mcoc and his chat was whining about too many women in the game or something a few months ago. I don’t think he’s out of line on the BRB take but from the comments on it I can already tell that half the people didn’t watch the video 😭
This was an actual well thought out vid on her impact on the contest, but once again, this is preliminary and most of it also boils down to “too hard to use for most people and she’s a 5/5 defender” which is what most people have been saying before she’s even released
I don’t think the question with BRB is whether shock has enough targets or whatever. I think the biggest possible challenge is whether we can maintain that rotation in a matchup like many in Necro where the opponent is forcing you to play in response to their flow, and you have less control over the fight. Should be interesting to see the testing…
Unpopular opinion but all these "everest level healthpool" champs like northstar and enchantress are actually not useful for majority of players EVEN IN EVEREST CONTENT. I'm saying this because as per my understanding these champs needs like 2-3 minutes of ramp up before getting the damage going, so yeah these guys are naturally good at necro level fights. But one things devs forgot to consider is, players are more likely to die during the 3 min ramp, in long fights like necropolis. That's where champs like Aegon and kate shines in, as these champs have the damage right from the start, and Aegon's setup is persistent among fights. I don't think enchantress and northstar (and BRB) have persistent damage by nature, Correct me if I'm wrong.
Tldr, The new champs who are "supposedly good" for everest content isn't actually the best option for long fights since the average player most likely die during the ramp and have to start the ramp all over again.
It does seem like there has been an over emphasis on “Everest” attackers and either niche or broad utility in attacker design this year. I’m still waiting for a great BGs attacker to be introduced this year. We are most definitely starved for it.
I don’t think the question with BRB is whether shock has enough targets or whatever. I think the biggest possible challenge is whether we can maintain that rotation in a matchup like many in Necro where the opponent is forcing you to play in response to their flow, and you have less control over the fight. Should be interesting to see the testing…
I must definitely disagree on this one. In my opinion Kabam finally did something right and deserve some credit!! I think they did a great job! I can't remember being able to say this before now lol
The only overhype I think he has is the fact that people really wanted him in the game.
There was definitely a vocal contingent that wanted him to be game breaking but they also want every new champ to be more game breaking than the previous one released.
With the exception of maybe Rich the man, people just wanted him in the game as a character.
I predict Beta Ray Bill is the Knull of his generation - - Extremely popular comic book character that players wanted in the game - Initial previews of his kit had him look amazing - Players loved him the first few months of obtaining him - For some reason, he becomes somewhat forgotten despite still having good damage and utility.
KT1 is on the same level as Prof Hoff, except he at least had some credibility before. He's lost every single bit of his credibility and all he does now is whine.
I think it really boils down to how much a person respects “the rules of the game,” as far as what you think about this kit.
The reason kits like Hercules — or Ghost or Magik or Quake, back in the day — are simply broken is because you could basically use them anywhere, in almost any kind of fight with almost any kind of nodes, with little penalty to Class Superiority/Disadvantage.
There will probably never be a 6-star Quake, or higher. I probably wouldn’t release a 6/7-star Magik. There will not be a 7-star Hercules.
See what I mean? Already, BRB isn’t in that class.
But there’s a level right below those that features what I have termed “catastrophic DPS” and/or “extreme utility,” and to me, that’s where BRB is.
Think of characters like Red Magneto, Archangel, Nimrod. Human Torch. Aegon. It’s still early, but I think Onslaught and Serpent — depending on a potential rebalancing in which I would lean toward a mild tune down — are in that class.
BRB, to me, just my opinion, has such staggering DPS, it elevates the kit into a class where — like Archangel with bleed and poison — if you can shock it and you those buffs aren’t neutralized, it’s over. It’s a wrap.
Again, that doesn’t mean EVERY SINGLE FIGHT. Just like Archangel can’t get started against Bleed Immunity or Red Magneto doesn’t end all things against non-metal, then yes, there will be fights and nodes where BRB isn’t the best option.
Again. But.
Where you can use that kit — and there are plenty of places where you will be able to do so — then that catastrophic DPS is staggering.
If you know what you’re doing and you play it well, if Shock can be applied, it is a wrap.
Just like Archangel for bleed/poison. Just like Red Magneto for metal. Just like Human Torch for mystics/incinerate.
It's popularity is reverse kate. When kate got released they didn't know that she is so powerful but eventually they did. But we all know that we regret to choose shang chi over kate for 7 star vote. So yeah beta ray bill is overhyped but has the potential to stay one of the best champ out there. But believe me kate is always my precious champ over any other champ.
We all know he has great damage. The questions are 1. How accessible is that damage and 2. Does he have anything else in his kit that makes him a compelling choice over other high damage champions.
To the first question I think it’s clear to anyone who plays him thar his ideal damage is not hard to achieve. Now it does require nothing interrupt the fight tempo. He answers unstoppable but miss/evade and auto block can ruin the timing of his rotation. That said I still think very little is asked of you for that level of damage.
To the second question I think his easy to access Grit is tremendously useful. No worries about sticking a debuff or ability accuracy just a simple to conjur hard counter to unstoppable. Add in the unique ability to remove armor without armor break and his immunities/resistances and there are a lot of reasons to use him. The anti glance is very niche but it’s the cherry on the top of the utility sundae.
Overall he’s got solid utility and fantastic damage. So I’d say he was appropriately hyped.
We all know he has great damage. The questions are 1. How accessible is that damage and 2. Does he have anything else in his kit that makes him a compelling choice over other high damage champions.
To the first question I think it’s clear to anyone who plays him thar his ideal damage is not hard to achieve. Now it does require nothing interrupt the fight tempo. He answers unstoppable but miss/evade and auto block can ruin the timing of his rotation. That said I still think very little is asked of you for that level of damage.
To the second question I think his easy to access Grit is tremendously useful. No worries about sticking a debuff or ability accuracy just a simple to conjur hard counter to unstoppable. Add in the unique ability to remove armor without armor break and his immunities/resistances and there are a lot of reasons to use him. The anti glance is very niche but it’s the cherry on the top of the utility sundae.
Overall he’s got solid utility and fantastic damage. So I’d say he was appropriately hyped.
Yeah I was surprised he doesn’t have undermine or a way to counter autoblock and miss like other cosmics do. But he doesn’t really need it
We all know he has great damage. The questions are 1. How accessible is that damage and 2. Does he have anything else in his kit that makes him a compelling choice over other high damage champions.
To the first question I think it’s clear to anyone who plays him thar his ideal damage is not hard to achieve. Now it does require nothing interrupt the fight tempo. He answers unstoppable but miss/evade and auto block can ruin the timing of his rotation. That said I still think very little is asked of you for that level of damage.
To the second question I think his easy to access Grit is tremendously useful. No worries about sticking a debuff or ability accuracy just a simple to conjur hard counter to unstoppable. Add in the unique ability to remove armor without armor break and his immunities/resistances and there are a lot of reasons to use him. The anti glance is very niche but it’s the cherry on the top of the utility sundae.
Overall he’s got solid utility and fantastic damage. So I’d say he was appropriately hyped.
Yeah I was surprised he doesn’t have undermine or a way to counter autoblock and miss like other cosmics do. But he doesn’t really need it
I agree it’d be nice but he doesn’t need it. Since his design “budget” is finite I’d rather have new utility like the steady buff vs one more cosmic who counters auto block. I’ll use Gorr Vox Herc or Serpent if I need a cosmic who combats autoblock.
comparing to hulkling, hulkling is surely the better fam counter as he nukes him faster than brb and is somewhat safer but i feel brb is better for red skull as the pulverize helps to negate more things tht red skull does.
comparing to hulkling, hulkling is surely the better fam counter as he nukes him faster than brb and is somewhat safer but i feel brb is better for red skull as the pulverize helps to negate more things tht red skull does.
Also despite being immune to power drain, Red Skull still deals damage to Hulkling if he hits his block.
Yeah NS in particular is interesting since he has nothing persistent. I believe that DLL said that persistent charges are hard to balance and they tried to avoid using them. He’s still quite good but you do lose practically everything if you slip up with him and he doesn’t have the safety nets and long term power gain that enchantress seems to have
How about Arcade, does he need a damage tune up?
Secondly both champs have different skills needed. Tigra isn’t complicated, but what mechanics she ask for is hard to master. Enchantress while isn’t a difficult mechanic, i can see people messing up her spells during sp1 making her less efficient in fights as people will waste her sp1s doing the wrong spell (my theory on the champ at least)
Edit: forgot to mention BRB. I think there is definitely a hype for his character atm because its BRB. But while he may loose value over time, i think he will definitely become a favourite champ to use for some people and i think he will fluctuate in popularity based on new content that come out. Such as when new long form content that come out.
Also kt1 didn’t really like the gladiator buff when it was released but imo i use gladiator nearly everywhere.
Here is another CCP that I would assume most of the community respect and he is saying similar things, just present it in different wording.
So there got to be something to it.
He’s the only Mcoc YouTuber where I’d expect to see comments complaining about stuff like wokeness in Mcoc and his chat was whining about too many women in the game or something a few months ago. I don’t think he’s out of line on the BRB take but from the comments on it I can already tell that half the people didn’t watch the video 😭
I stopped watching his vids after that lol.
You don’t know KT1? And you expect people to take you seriously?
There was definitely a vocal contingent that wanted him to be game breaking but they also want every new champ to be more game breaking than the previous one released.
With the exception of maybe Rich the man, people just wanted him in the game as a character.
- Extremely popular comic book character that players wanted in the game
- Initial previews of his kit had him look amazing
- Players loved him the first few months of obtaining him
- For some reason, he becomes somewhat forgotten despite still having good damage and utility.
The reason kits like Hercules — or Ghost or Magik or Quake, back in the day — are simply broken is because you could basically use them anywhere, in almost any kind of fight with almost any kind of nodes, with little penalty to Class Superiority/Disadvantage.
There will probably never be a 6-star Quake, or higher. I probably wouldn’t release a 6/7-star Magik. There will not be a 7-star Hercules.
See what I mean? Already, BRB isn’t in that class.
But there’s a level right below those that features what I have termed “catastrophic DPS” and/or “extreme utility,” and to me, that’s where BRB is.
Think of characters like Red Magneto, Archangel, Nimrod. Human Torch. Aegon. It’s still early, but I think Onslaught and Serpent — depending on a potential rebalancing in which I would lean toward a mild tune down — are in that class.
BRB, to me, just my opinion, has such staggering DPS, it elevates the kit into a class where — like Archangel with bleed and poison — if you can shock it and you those buffs aren’t neutralized, it’s over. It’s a wrap.
Again, that doesn’t mean EVERY SINGLE FIGHT. Just like Archangel can’t get started against Bleed Immunity or Red Magneto doesn’t end all things against non-metal, then yes, there will be fights and nodes where BRB isn’t the best option.
Again. But.
Where you can use that kit — and there are plenty of places where you will be able to do so — then that catastrophic DPS is staggering.
If you know what you’re doing and you play it well, if Shock can be applied, it is a wrap.
Just like Archangel for bleed/poison. Just like Red Magneto for metal. Just like Human Torch for mystics/incinerate.
It. Is. Inevitable.
-gasping asphyxia
To the first question I think it’s clear to anyone who plays him thar his ideal damage is not hard to achieve. Now it does require nothing interrupt the fight tempo. He answers unstoppable but miss/evade and auto block can ruin the timing of his rotation. That said I still think very little is asked of you for that level of damage.
To the second question I think his easy to access Grit is tremendously useful. No worries about sticking a debuff or ability accuracy just a simple to conjur hard counter to unstoppable. Add in the unique ability to remove armor without armor break and his immunities/resistances and there are a lot of reasons to use him. The anti glance is very niche but it’s the cherry on the top of the utility sundae.
Overall he’s got solid utility and fantastic damage. So I’d say he was appropriately hyped.