I see..

Kabam I recently made a post bout how I started a alt and noticed act 1s ai was similar to the ai in 5.3-5.4 and how unfair it is to lower ranked players and blah blah blah it was a post bout the ai is getting way worse every day. And it got silently taken down… how convenient. Most likely not a coincidence. If this post gets silently taken down kabam you did this ai stuff on purpose and if anyone on forums doesn’t believe me here’s proof; a picture of me clicking to view @EdisonLaw’s comment on this thread and finding the thread has been silently been taken down ( I couldn’t find any other comments when I checked on them either) and if that’s not enough proof for you this isa screenshot of me looking through my posts not finding the post I made at the top and realizing it disappeared from my posts list (because it got silently taken down)… I’m on to you kabam, and you can’t shake me and if you do by putting bars on my account I will speak no matter what most likely with the forums community behind my back, why becuase they’re on to you too
Despite maybe having a kernel of legitimate concern.
I do vaguely remember an ACT-1 post. Although no matter what the AI, anyone starting out nowadays tends to get very advanced “Star” champs very quickly that doesn’t need to do anything in ACT-1 other than “tap, tap, tap, KO”, than in years past.
But the night is young.
Started it on Discord, asked to stop, then continued it over here in Forums afterwards ?
(Nevermind, that was an Autobot one.)
Or even if not,
And as Edison mentioned, already a major post (yes, even that one with some Kabam replies in it) about AI that it could have been put into, instead of making duplicitous threads about it.
They don’t.
Yep, have you?