My Opinion



  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 719 ★★★
    The title of this thread is very informative.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,389 ★★★★★
    It makes the game more challenging, which is not a terrible thing.
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,036 ★★★★
    edited August 18
    Actually Photon isn't the first champ to turn off dexterity there were other champs way before her Domino she can fail your dex if unlucky, Void can prevent your dex if you have agility debuff on you and Heimdall his sp2 is guaranteed unblockable and you can't dex it since it turns off dexterity. It's existed since 2018.
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,036 ★★★★
    edited August 18

    I agree with photon and even dust turning off willpower. But Onslaught turning off willpower is just pure evil. You can parry him, I understand. But atleast make his AI suitable for intercepting atleast. I don't owe a death in bg and war because of youe stupid AI. If you're not going to fix ai, atleast don't turn off willpower when fighting onslaught.

    He only turns off willpower if he places the daunted debuff on you Dust turns off willpower right at the start of the fight that's the difference
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,706 ★★★★★
    smdam38 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    smdam38 said:

    Totally agree. It costs a lot to even get masteries.
    But now they can be turned off/negated?
    Kind of ridiculous.

    Yeah, rather than turn off Willpower, they should just inflict you with a passive spectre instead. That would allow you to continue to use Willpower, and preserve everyone's sense of "design purity."

    Long before I started playing this game, I suggested to another dev team that they implement the "whine flag." The whine flag would be a binary flag that would be flipped whenever someone complained about a game design decision without understanding the design implications, based on completely made-up criteria. The effect of the whine flag would be: their characters, and only their characters would get what they asked for. And the flag would be permanent and un-appealable. Once you ask for it, you get it, forever.

    If I had infinite discretionary design power in MCOC, I'd consider it.

    Photon is not intended to simply hand the player unlimited healing via debuffs. There are a lot of ways to prevent that. They could have made all of Photon's effects passives, which would mean skill champs couldn't purify them. They could implement a persistent spectre debuff which would either completely neutralize all healing (not just from Photon's debuffs, but from recoil masteries and any other node sources) or even reverse it. There's lots of things they could do. Disabling Willpower was the route they went. But the idea that if they were prevented from disabling Willpower then that would be it, players would just get free healing from Photon, is ludicrous. It took a ton of extra development work to implement Willpower disabling. The devs didn't have to do that. They could have used any of the other options available to them. They implemented Willpower disable because all other options were much worse. But give them no choice, and they will use them, as would I.

    You don't get to "keep" Willpower healing. Poison can reduce it. Spectre can even reverse it against you. There's no rule in the game that says everything must benefit the player, even though there are lots of players who believe that. Ability accuracy reduction should only be allowed if it helps me, it is unfair/nonsensical/broken if it hurts me. Masteries must always help, if the game mechanics prevent that the rules of the game should change until they do. Nodes designed to help the player must help every champ in their roster or they are busted. None of these things are actual game design rules, and none of them actually make sense when it comes to designing a consistent and reasonable game experience. They are just the complaints of players who think everything should go their way, they way they want, the way they expect.

    Nobody follows those rules.
    Asking a serious question here.
    You think you run the place.

    Did you or did you not put my account into a post approval group for posts?

    I already ticketed it so they’ll see. Just wondering if you’ll actually own up.
    I know you are young and filled with the angsty rage.
    Brother it's time you take it down a notch and think before you comment stupid opinions. Your rants won't effect anyone but you. I'm sorry to say this but your Ignorance is on peak.
    Calm down bruv. Work on yourself before pointing fingers at others. Take your hate outside the forums.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,660 ★★★★
    smdam38 said:

    Let’s actually go back to the OP.

    You buy masteries.
    But, they may not work on new champs?

    Nodes in goofy content I can understand.
    But a champion that just shuts down masteries is kind of ridiculous?

    This theory about masteries is wrong.

    You buy deep wounds - many champs are immune to it thus making it useless agiainst these champs
    You buy parry - champs now can cleanse or shrug it off thus making it useless agaisnt these champs
    You buy Mystic dispersions - champs can't gain buff thus making it useless against these champs
    You buy will power - Robot champs can't heal with will power thus making it useless using these champs
    You buy suicides - only selected champs really benefit from it

    Every masteries has it's champs that work best with it and others that don't benefit as much. New champs just seem to remove the other masteries that we aren't used too so it makes it very frustrating but masteries flaws have been around for since day one.
  • kenadroidkenadroid Member Posts: 490 ★★★
    Terra said:

    I don't feel champions who turns off masteries for the negative detriment of the player are a valid or good game design.

    Looking at you, Photon. No I'm not pissy.

    Honestly, i wish knocking down photon removes her true light form same as how using special attack on cmm removed here indestructible
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★

    smdam38 said:

    Let’s actually go back to the OP.

    You buy masteries.
    But, they may not work on new champs?

    Nodes in goofy content I can understand.
    But a champion that just shuts down masteries is kind of ridiculous?

    This theory about masteries is wrong.

    You buy deep wounds - many champs are immune to it thus making it useless agiainst these champs
    You buy parry - champs now can cleanse or shrug it off thus making it useless agaisnt these champs
    You buy Mystic dispersions - champs can't gain buff thus making it useless against these champs
    You buy will power - Robot champs can't heal with will power thus making it useless using these champs
    You buy suicides - only selected champs really benefit from it

    Every masteries has it's champs that work best with it and others that don't benefit as much. New champs just seem to remove the other masteries that we aren't used too so it makes it very frustrating but masteries flaws have been around for since day one.
    Deep wounds doesn't get shutdown though?
    It just doesn’t work against bleed immune champs. Which is fine.

    Parry stun not working is ridiculous as well. And an obvious money grab.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    A node doing it is fine.
    But an actual champ doing it from base kit isn’t.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,000 ★★★★★
    edited August 18

    I agree with photon and even dust turning off willpower. But Onslaught turning off willpower is just pure evil. You can parry him, I understand. But atleast make his AI suitable for intercepting atleast. I don't owe a death in bg and war because of youe stupid AI. If you're not going to fix ai, atleast don't turn off willpower when fighting onslaught.

    Onslaught is evil, that's why. He's very lore accurate
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