F2P Valiant Speedrun Round 2 (Crucible Edition)



  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    Bro gon be valiant sooner than I have completed 1 chapter of anything. Congratulations man! Good luck!
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    Holy the antman vs juggs is a very costly mistake lmao.
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★

    Holy the antman vs juggs is a very costly mistake lmao.

    Yeah 😂
    As soon as I went in and did the first hit I was like oh no. If I hadn’t have used so many revives to get there I would have quit out and replanned, but I was too far in at that point
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★

    Day 10 Recap!

    Basically, nightmare part 2 😢. I’ve ran out of my single revives already, and the first path isn’t completed yet.

    So let’s talk about how the remaining bosses went:

    Hit monkey - solo with prof X, vigilance shuts him down

    Punisher 99 - 2 revives with idoom, better than I expected tbh

    Nova - solo with Chavez

    Ibom - Major problem. My kingpin just straight up would not shrug his poison, and with no willpower it cost a lot of revives to get through here. Really annoying

    Man thing - 2 revives with 4 star scorp, I’ll take it

    Void - ok now I’m incredibly angry with Kabam for this as there is zero way I got this wrong. I selected blade to drag in and he was in the slot, then I double and triple checked I wanted blade, so locked it in. Then on the next screen, DOC OC APPEARS. I was absolutely speechless, and just sat there for a few minutes in shock. Obviously doc oc is not good for this void, and so that’s where I ran out of my single revives.

    So I had to stop and really think about how I’m gonna get this challenge over the line, cause I’m in a really bad position now. I’ve still got essentially a full path of crucible and necropolis with only my team revives left. But then a new plan hit me:

    Day 11 - grind as many units, revives, iso etc as possible from the new events dropping later today. The Crystal event will give me 300 units and 8 revives, I can complete other events like road to the labyrinth and unit paths in act 7/8. Essentially stock up on as much as humanly possible

    Day 12 - the necropolis.

    Ok I know what you’re thinking, necropolis was meant to be the last thing why do it now. In the necropolis I’ll be able to maximise my team revives as I will be using cgr, scorp + synergy, Chavez, and rocket. Given that I have 60 team revives, I can spend 3/4 team revives on each boss to “break even” which means I need to do about 25-30% per team. I did a test with cgr and he was able to wipe 20% of Titania by himself, and it’s a horrible matchup really.

    So if I can get through the necropolis with the team revives, that’s 2 more 7 stars for crucible, a r3 gem, a r2 gem etc. And I think I can do it with some team revives to spare, as they can then be used as single revives in crucible.

    Day 13 - Finish crucible path 1 and prep for path 2, only 3 fights left so should be easy

    Day 14 - Crucible path 2, and hopefully I can get it over the line

    It’s not ideal, but I think it can be done. This challenge has been different to the last one in the sense the crucible is a way bigger challenge, but I think I can get through it. I need a smooth necro run on day 12 and then I’m back on track.

    I very easily could item out, and essentially fail the challenge, but at least it makes it exciting to watch as it’s not just a matter of time this Speedrun, there’s danger creeping up to me.

    Tomorrow the recap will likely be short, just showcasing the things I did to get more units and revives to prepare.
  • BadahBadah Member Posts: 320 ★★
    Keep going, you can still do it! We are cheering for you!
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,234 ★★★★
    That Doc OC/Blade situation sounds absolutely terrible. Really sorry that happened. Personally, after something like that, I probably would have abandoned ship & said F it! Your perseverance is commendable. Hope the plan works out & things get back on track. Good Luck & looking forward to following along
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★

    That Doc OC/Blade situation sounds absolutely terrible. Really sorry that happened. Personally, after something like that, I probably would have abandoned ship & said F it! Your perseverance is commendable. Hope the plan works out & things get back on track. Good Luck & looking forward to following along

    Tbh, I very nearly said nah it’s not worth it and quit out, but I’m so close now that I may as well give the other plan a try.
    Hopefully it works out in the next few days
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    Cantona59 said:

    Void - ok now I’m incredibly angry with Kabam for this as there is zero way I got this wrong. I selected blade to drag in and he was in the slot, then I double and triple checked I wanted blade, so locked it in. Then on the next screen, DOC OC APPEARS. I was absolutely speechless, and just sat there for a few minutes in shock. Obviously doc oc is not good for this void, and so that’s where I ran out of my single revives.

    Do you have video evidence of this? If this kind of bug is possible in the Crucible, that's a critical show stopper bug I would like to report to Kabam.
  • HaverTimeHaverTime Member Posts: 31
    DNA3000 said:

    Cantona59 said:

    Void - ok now I’m incredibly angry with Kabam for this as there is zero way I got this wrong. I selected blade to drag in and he was in the slot, then I double and triple checked I wanted blade, so locked it in. Then on the next screen, DOC OC APPEARS. I was absolutely speechless, and just sat there for a few minutes in shock. Obviously doc oc is not good for this void, and so that’s where I ran out of my single revives.

    Do you have video evidence of this? If this kind of bug is possible in the Crucible, that's a critical show stopper bug I would like to report to Kabam.
    I don't have video proof of this. But a similar thing happen to me in war a couple weeks back. I had my team selected and when I hit to proceed into the war the game crashed. When I reloaded the game it had my previous team of 3 selected (not the new 3 I had selected prior to the crash) and I was in the war with no chance to back out and change my team. Very strange.
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Cantona59 said:

    Void - ok now I’m incredibly angry with Kabam for this as there is zero way I got this wrong. I selected blade to drag in and he was in the slot, then I double and triple checked I wanted blade, so locked it in. Then on the next screen, DOC OC APPEARS. I was absolutely speechless, and just sat there for a few minutes in shock. Obviously doc oc is not good for this void, and so that’s where I ran out of my single revives.

    Do you have video evidence of this? If this kind of bug is possible in the Crucible, that's a critical show stopper bug I would like to report to Kabam.
    Sadly no, I was just trying to “quickly” get through the last fights for the day and then it came out of nowhere.
    Wish I was streaming it
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    Its time. Necropolis stream inbound!

  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,400 ★★★
    Wow!! Amazing job!!
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,400 ★★★
    Cantona59 said:

    Day 15 Recap!

    I’m feeling good again! So it was time to get this challenge finally finished. First order of business for the day was to finish up the necropolis, starting with tigra:

    Tigra - 1 team revive, scorp was goated here due to rupture immunity

    Hercules - 2 team revives, pretty annoying fight, cgr and Chavez did some good work but it was very long cause of the protection spamming

    Cap Sam - 1 team revive, rocket was actually insanely good here as his crits bypassed all the armour

    Dragon man - 1 team revive, scorp did some good damage here, only champ who wasn’t good was cgr

    Cap IW - 1 team revive, one of the easiest necro fights, every champ was good here

    Nova - 1 team revive, Chavez ripped through this guy cause of all the buffs

    Grandmaster - 2 team revives, reverse controls phase was annoying me, but eventually got him down. Finally done!

    Onto the rewards! First order of business, open the 2-3 gem incase I don’t have a champ of that class. I got tech, so no issue there, the goat rocket straight up to rank 3 😂. I then used my class crystals to pick and mutant and skill, as I had no 7 stars in these classes. Got Stryfe and crossbones, very nice pulls for crucible path 2. I also had a Titan Crystal formed, which was leader, an interesting champ that I haven’t played, so he will be fun to use even if it’s only for 2 fights.

    So necropolis took me 27 team revives in total, which tbh is very very good. I now essentially have 40 revives for crucible path 2, as well as the units and actual single revives. Overall it was a very good move to switch to necropolis cause now I know what I’m working with.

    Then I moved to quickly finish path 1 of crucible (6 days after starting it 😅). There was only 3.5 fights left so here we go:

    Half of void - quite a few revives cause of the doc oc moment, but was taking 10-15% chunks which I was happy with

    Platpool - easy solo with silk

    Dragon man - 1 revive with leader, he seems fun but a bit mid on the damage side

    Gwenmaster - 1 revive with crossbones cause I messed up, should have soloed tbh

    Grabbed my 5 revives and got out of there, happy that path is finally over! From the reunion Crystal I got Venompool, another nice champ for path 2 so happy with that.

    Now it’s onto path 2, I’m going to plan it out today, and then tonight to celebrate the end of the challenge I’m gonna do a mega stream of the entire second path! Hopefully nothing goes wrong, and I can finish this challenge in 16 days and get that second 2-3 gem (it’s gonna be silk btw, I had science iso so started putting it into her)

    Video upload from today, grandmaster takedown and the rewards opening after it.


    See you all tonight for the final push!

    Wow man congrats
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    Gotta love horrible internet connection 😢.

    Due to the stream keep crashing and not being able to come back stable, I’m going to record the remaining fights and upload it to YouTube.

    Sorry everyone 😢
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    Great job mate! These are always so fun to read through!
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