New to the game - help



  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 320 ★★

    I pick up my 7* Dazzler tomorrow. Does anyone have any advice on who would be best for me to R2 between her and NTW? I was ready to go for Dazzler but seeing MSD's recent video has now got me tempted by NTW! I feel like for the stage i'm at (8.2.2) Dazzler will still hit hard at R1 and NTW will maybe benefit more from the rank up? Both unduped.

    Dazzler... but who are ur other champs?
    Mutant wise my 7*s are only Dazzler (soon) NTW or Sauron. Mutant and cosmic are the only class I have the resources for at the moment. SIM is my only cosmic 7*, but honestly I think i'd rather r5 my 6* ascended CGR before taking SIM to r2.
    I was in the EXACT same situation, look at my thread, Slayer said cgr, went for sim, he needed the rank more than cgr, SIM at r2 COOOOOOOOOOOKS
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,430 ★★★★★

    Bahamet has fallen! Valiant is close! However, I'm assuming the story is the easy bit as I have no idea where to get tier 4 alpha from for my r3s!

    Keep pushing into Act 9. Exploration can get you one R3 and it isn't too bad.
    Completion of Epoch of Pain will also get you the materials for R3, but will likely cost more than 9.1. But it is quick.
    Since you're still a newer account, Crucible would probably be tough.
    Act 8 exploration should be "easy", but lengthy.
    Initial Necro run would depend on your roster.

    So you have a ton of options, but you've got a figure out what works for your roster, skill and stash.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★

    Bahamet has fallen! Valiant is close! However, I'm assuming the story is the easy bit as I have no idea where to get tier 4 alpha from for my r3s!

    Keep pushing into Act 9. Exploration can get you one R3 and it isn't too bad.
    Completion of Epoch of Pain will also get you the materials for R3, but will likely cost more than 9.1. But it is quick.
    Since you're still a newer account, Crucible would probably be tough.
    Act 8 exploration should be "easy", but lengthy.
    Initial Necro run would depend on your roster.

    So you have a ton of options, but you've got a figure out what works for your roster, skill and stash.
    Epoch/Necro scares the hell outta me :D I would quite like to take on Epoch though like you say it's the quickest option but could end up being very expensive!

    I've absolutely ran through 8.3 so far and I'm onto 8.3.6. I'm not too worried about Cerastes as apparently he's easier than Bahamet but I'm a little concerned about staying in routine to break all armours at once. I am more concerned about the path though. My only option for the path which doesn't make Cerastes harder is Rintrah. He's my only ranked up champ that nullifies. I see Juggs can do it but only if awakened which I don't have annoyingly.

  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 304 ★★★

    Ignore my last comment. CERASTES HAS FALLEN! Got 7* Kushala out of the rewards. Nice!

    That’s super hype! Kushala is one of my most wanted champs!
  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 320 ★★
    getting my next 7* in 5 minutes, after I finish SDE in the bus, inform u later, my last 7* was a rough BRB, hopefully I get someone good, preferable my 1st science champ, (I ignore Spidey until I get him sig 200 and have a 1-2 gem that I am forced to use on him, I like him, but he is not at all a need.)
  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 320 ★★

    getting my next 7* in 5 minutes, after I finish SDE in the bus, inform u later, my last 7* was a rough BRB, hopefully I get someone good, preferable my 1st science champ, (I ignore Spidey until I get him sig 200 and have a 1-2 gem that I am forced to use on him, I like him, but he is not at all a need.)


    A moment of silence fore the troll triple bullseye + the bullseye sandwhich

    The true KASCAM
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    Doesn't feel like long since my last update about Cerastes but now....Glykhan has fallen! Act 8 done. Got Attuma from the 7* crystal. I've heard he's only good with the dupe so slightly disappointing but I pulled Spider Gwen the other day so not as bad as that!

    Maxed out my 6* Abs man which is my first r5. He's also ascended and sig 200 so happy with that.

    Will get my first titan in around 10 days...Does anyone know who will be in the pool at that point?
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Okoye zola and gentle are being added if memory right
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Awesome @ViperOfChampion glad to know the r2 worked well
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Brb is really good btw
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    BRB is actually one of the champs i'm hoping to avoid...I've heard he's good but takes a lot of skill to get the best out of him. I'm really hoping for Scream, Okoye, Gentle or a Dazzler dupe
  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 320 ★★

    BRB is actually one of the champs i'm hoping to avoid...I've heard he's good but takes a lot of skill to get the best out of him. I'm really hoping for Scream, Okoye, Gentle or a Dazzler dupe

    same, he shines with high sig and in endgame content and I bought the previous double track so I was not happy
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 963 ★★★★
    edited March 3

    Doesn't feel like long since my last update about Cerastes but now....Glykhan has fallen! Act 8 done. Got Attuma from the 7* crystal. I've heard he's only good with the dupe so slightly disappointing but I pulled Spider Gwen the other day so not as bad as that!

    Maxed out my 6* Abs man which is my first r5. He's also ascended and sig 200 so happy with that.

    Will get my first titan in around 10 days...Does anyone know who will be in the pool at that point?

    Your next step to get Valiant would be to explore 9.1, and then explore act 8. Act 8 is easy and I explored it almost itemless, but it took me like 2 months. Epoch is the quickest way to Valiant, but I recommend being patient and doing 9.1 and act 8 exploration. If you feel like you have a strong enough roster and skill to do Epoch, then that would be fastest, but far from easiest. Don't worry about Orochi, she's pretty easy. I used Onslaught for her, but champs like Lady Deathstrike and Ironheart will work too. Basically any champions with a lot of stackable damage over time. You'll probably get Valiant by May. Good luck!
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Fair enough on the brb comments. @Darthbane3141 great call on completing act 9 first, many would state to explore first weirdly enough I see that on global a lot
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    For act 9 a miss counter/ falter will help a lot. Abs is invaluable for act 9 too from my memory
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 963 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Just think: five months ago this was a thread about a new player working their way through Act 4.

    And in August I was stuck on the first quest of act 6. Time goes by fast.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Just think: five months ago this was a thread about a new player working their way through Act 4.

    It might not be on the level of some of the speed runs I've seen on here, but this is a hell of a lot quicker than 95% of players!
    Extremely impressive!! Took me multiple years to get this far. 😂
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Just think: five months ago this was a thread about a new player working their way through Act 4.

    Honestly I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without the help from everyone on here. It’s been invaluable.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    In case anyone is interested in a recent roster update (and if not, just for me to look back on!)

  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 320 ★★

    In case anyone is interested in a recent roster update (and if not, just for me to look back on!)

    BRU what are ur masteries like broooooooooooooo, is that a r1, or r2 dazzler
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★

    In case anyone is interested in a recent roster update (and if not, just for me to look back on!)

    BRU what are ur masteries like broooooooooooooo, is that a r1, or r2 dazzler
    R2 Dazzler. Her and Juggs are my only R2's at the moment. I do have a 1-2 gem but I have another 7* to open in the next couple of days and also my first titan next week so saving the gem...At the moment it's going to Photon unless I pull an onslaught or something crazy from the titan.
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