Can anyone please give a logical explanation for why NC and Silk can dodge Photon, but not S99?

That's it pretty much.. in the title:)
He's Buff Immune - so no Dexterity to fail
And "he cannot be struck while dashing back..."
What am I missing here?
He's Buff Immune - so no Dexterity to fail
And "he cannot be struck while dashing back..."
What am I missing here?
If there was no dex to fail, how would SP99 get the debuff pause effect?
As for s99 debuff pause, he will get it even if he doesn't have Dex. He has it in his base kit
It's also baked into S99's kit.. that's the whole reason I'm questioning it.. not be because he's Buff Immune
But the question still remains why NC and not him? Let's take Silk out of the equation altogether
Why would S99 mastery fail, but NC not?
"is not struck" vs "cannot be struck"? 🙃
Like essentially.. it's an unspoken difference in the kits.. the newer kits having the better version of the ability
I guess I just don't like that "is not struck by attacks" proves false here
Description to say buff immune
But in fights, "dex failed" 😃😃
This is because to be immune to something the ability needs to trigger in the first place so the code can detect that and immunity can kick in to stop it from activating. And because it first needs to recognise a buff has been activated, neutralise detects the buff and along side immunity removes it triggering the incinerate.
Although he have to trigger Dex to do his pausing debuff thing. The interaction with neutralize will still take effect in this case.
BUT, if he can't be struck while dashing backwards. He shouldn't.
Let photon fail his Dex and let him dodge back without getting hit.
It says that in S99 kit as well.. that's basically my whole confusion here
It says "when he dodges an attack this way" referring to dodging back and not being struck lol
It's actually super similar to NC kit in language.. they both get a beneficial effect from "dodging an attack this way"
So, I've focused the discussion on him.. there is nothing written in his description that separates him from S99 regarding this ability to not be struck while dashing back - thats the main question I'm asking the community and/or Kabam to explain
It's a silent/mysterious difference in their kits that is completely unlisted as far as I can tell and I don't think that makes sense
Because it's completely misleading and/or confusing if someone compares his kit to NC, for example, and then attempts to use the same ability that NC against Photon, but it doesn't work
Therefore, I say it's a bug that needs to be fixed (and yes, same for QS or anyone else with this ability)
It's simple: it's an erroneous interaction or coding error and needs to be corrected (as does Wiccans interactions with Buff Immunity imo as well - since it was mentioned here)
As for the other, I think for s99, his ability is replaced by dex. And so when dex fails he gets hit. For silk she does not have the dex mastery. It's removed .
And why nightcrawler functions the other way, idk. I guess for him too dex is removed? But he gets the dex buff. But in pure light he doesn't get the dex buff
Or I suppose the ultimate question here is: Which kit is working as intended against a Dexterity Fail? S99 or NC?.. because is it stands according to written description one of them is incorrect
But if course, I'd prefer the former because I still believe both of their "cannot/is not hit while dashing back" needs to be honored
I've brought this up with Kabam several times and it just seems like they don't care about that specifically. Pretty annoying.
I don't wanna derail the thread, though. But yeah. This whole thing is very convoluted in more ways than one.