Battle Grounds is ridiculous

I've been fighting my way to to achieve enough points to be eligible for the top tier community event rewards. I have found several issues with this. First, there are people purposely losing just not to advance and stay at the lower tiers for points. Not realizing this at first, I grinded for days to get points. Next, I have had several fights where it's over and neither my defender nor their attacker lost anything, granting a guaranteed 15,000. They pause the game in order to average points. So, now that I made it to a higher tier, it's absolutely stupid. My highest champions are the ones I invested in, 23,000 or so. The rest are like 15k and lower. I am consistently being matched up against Legend or others with awakened 7 star rank 3 champs. When the lowest champion I'm fighting is 33,000, it gets to a point that I'm just done with it. Why isn't their any matchmaking ability that keeps the playing field fair? Why not a way to match players by their highest ranked player in the roster or limit what the opponent can select. With the sheer unfairness of the event, I don't even want to play anymore. I think the only way to get points is to cheat. Purposely lose, stay way low so you stay in the lower brackets and just pause every game so you average 15000. Unless I'm extremely lucky, I'll never win against people dropping a buffed up 78,000 Serpent against my 14,300 Havoc. Maybe I'm wrong, but my latest discussions seems like most are in agreement with me. I should not be matched up against the whales.
Outside of that, the rest of your post is fair observation and feedback. Kabam created a bit of a mess with this one.
You can gain more points per match in the GC, but there's no real penalty for losing in VT. So you've got a bunch of "players" pausing there way through or purposely losing matches with energy so they can stay in VT and match up against easier opponents when they use their elders marks. These are tactics that won't help in GC, and for only 50 points less per win it doesn't not make sense to point farm.
Kabam has called out and promised action against point farming before, but hasn't been doing anything about it, so why would anyone stop?
The way they created the event incentivized, to some extent, point farming. It is less stressful to play in the VT because you can match up against easier opponents, and the point difference in GC isn't high enough to incentivize players to go play against harder opponents consistently. Had they added extra incentive to push for GC by a certain time, maybe that could've helped a bit, but the content created a need in some players' minds to manipulate the system for their benefit.
If they only pinned players against accounts their size, then smaller accounts would have an easier road than larger accounts - that would not be fair
I agree, but if someone at my tier is able to make it to Diamond 2, I think the first option should be others that were able to grind their way to that tier.
Are you expecting to get to celestial just playing against small accounts with similar ratings? Doesn’t make sense.
When you queue for a match, you queue with the available players in your tier who also queue at the same time or with 10-15 seconds (the typical time it takes to find a match in VT). You're matched with the first available player in your tier (or closest tier if there aren't many on). Unless you coordinate with those similar accounts in same tier somehow, there's no way to guarantee any of them are even online at the same time. So your options are to take the first match you get, wait significantly longer for a match, or get no match at all.
And before you think about finding accounts to coordinate matchmaking with, let's all remember how poorly that went for the now permabanned accounts that worked their way up the GC with that tactic.
So you would prefer that the stronger accounts kick your &$@ and keep you stuck in the same low tier? You realize that the majority of the worthwhile BG rewards come from processing into higher and higher tiers?
The whole obsession about people intentionally losing just doesn’t make sense to me. In VT, you get two medals for a win and you lose one medal when you are defeated. So for a big account to tread water and avoid moving up, they are losing a lot more often than winning. In aggregate, that seems like a benefit to weaker players rather than something that hurts them.
today it's 3m Hero rating with 4 rank 3's seven star champs and around 15 ascended champs.
I knew that the first 3-4 months I won't be able to pass above Gold in BG so I rushed content.
around June early summer I started reaching finally by end of the season to Vibranium only.
Today is the second season in row I reach on my alt to GC around mid season. no shields.
What I suggest to everyone new or progressing:
DONT Explore ACT 7, rush to 8 and 9 and do them 100%.
Skip on Carina.
Skip on Variants.
Save units for Mastery.
Ummm ok scooter.
sure, then it would just be "skill" based, disregarding the rng in drafts, but then people would be losing out on a core part of why they even play the game. if I cant use my 7r3 massacre in bgs, why did i even bother doing a bunch of hard challenges and using rare rank up materials, on a champ i cant even make use of.
if u have a solution that takes that into consideration, im sure kabam is all ears
The compromise F2P games make is most people can play for free, so long as they consider it fair that the people who actually support the game get something reasonable for their support.
You don’t have to care about fairness for the spending players. That’s a luxury afforded to you by the very players you don’t care about.
Let me know when you want that math lesson.
. It’s not that hard . The issue thing is stupid and a waste of time . You should only use it with Nick Fury to end up at 100% after your decoy gets destroyed