Do you agree with kabam selling new 7*s?

the omega days event was neat and giving champions through challenges (stark spidey, spidey 2099, masacre) was also cool, but they sold nefaria for cash and now jack. is selling new 7* for money going to be the new norm?
jack doesn't seem groundbreaking so i guess that's not the worst, but i hope it doesn't keep happening, the champ chase is important and this feels like it will fast-track 8*s.
i agree with simula here.
jack doesn't seem groundbreaking so i guess that's not the worst, but i hope it doesn't keep happening, the champ chase is important and this feels like it will fast-track 8*s.
i agree with simula here.
If it were to become an every month thing, and champions like Serpent or Onslaught hit the game like that… I probably wouldn’t love that. That’s getting too pay to win for my blood. But for champs that are just pretty good? I think it’s okay.
The people who benefit a lot more are the more casual spenders who just grab a single prerelease bundle normally. This would allow them an avenue to get a champion if they really wanted it which is honestly nice. I know a couple of champions who I would have dropped that money on to have immediately as a 7*, but I wouldn't drop money beyond 1 prerelease bundle normally due to how cruel rng can be and it isnt worth buying all those without guaranteed value.
I’m indifferent. I just don’t care. I’m ftp and was never touching these sort of deals, and I've never concerned myself with competing against the whales in any major capacity. I’m playing my game and doing what I want. Whales wanna dump 500$ on a new 7*? Go ahead. I was already going to be dealing with whales with high rank new 7* champs regardless of if they have this offer. Realistically I am opposed to it, I don’t like it, but I’m not angry enough at its existence to start a riot or whatever.
The people who will pay for this are the ones who would have already bought the bundle 4 times to try to get the champion, which is really the one who spends money.
I would think it would be unfair for someone to pay 500 dollars in crystals and not get the champion.
People may not like the idea of making it so easy to get specific champions, but we got 2 relatively good champions last month, completely free. In December we will get another good champion for free.
You should be happy that it is expensive, if it were affordable you would think about spending money on it, when I saw the price I was very happy, because I will never buy this.
I got screwed by new champ in aw ,early BG season like champ early access came 30min ago & I am facing him max 6* 🤷
"If the game company starts to sell guaranteed champions/heroes instead of gacha it means
the income starts to decline or the ratio of whales vs casual spenders starts to tilt."
Of course factors like in-game headquarters changes or new financial policies take part
Hehehe, you're wrong
Thank you big spenders, I salute you
There’s no way this is good for enjoyment, progression, or engagement if this becomes routine. It also creates pressure at the top end of the game to spend further, and may result in some summoners making very very unhealthy life choices (meta defender, or groceries, or rent). Addiction is a monster that way, and as a community we tend to ignore this element of the contest. While it’s not Kabam’s job to police others, they may want to start thinking about the environment they are encouraging with this movement to even more spending.
People crazy or desperate enough to spend this much… probably deserve the champ anyways… even if it scorched earth on their personal lives. But outside of that the cascading impact on the game we’ve seen from guaranteed 6stars already demonstrates this won’t be good for the overall health of the game either. A lot of the overall negative responses about the 2024 defenders is how quickly these all became meta defenders that were impossible to avoid and typing this up I have to wonder if this easy access to meta champs has contributed to the subpar attacker pool too. Kabam being more resistant to making the next “Herc” or “Hulkling” or even “Kushala” that easy to get, so attackers are much weaker since this move to guaranteed high rarity champs. I now wonder if this isn’t a simple coincidence after giving it some thought.
This only really benefits Kabam’s quarterly revenues, because even the players who get the guaranteed champ will be on the short end of things if this exacerbates the next rarity levels or the end of the game even. So all said, I see way more negative potential in doing this, and I’d strongly recommend that this really doesn’t become the new normal.
I've noticed that while we now have the ability to just buy the 7*, it's not a "must-have!" champ at Hulkling dual-threat levels (at least yet). I just pulled Enchantress the other day, and she instantly went to the top of my R3 mystic list over the current choice I had between Kushala, WT, and Shathra. Why? Because meta relevant defender and almost a necessity to have at my level.
Even when this saga began and we had the webstore track to get Nefaria, which costs hundreds, look how quickly he was banned in higher AW tiers. Awesome. Someone spends all this money to get a usable Saga champ and they're instantly blacklisted. Time will tell shortly with Jack, but this is another negative side effect of purchasing these new, saga-relevant champs; the inability to actually use them in the content that matters/they were made for.
It's a marketing strategy 🤷
It guarantees income for the game which increases longevity but also it's not like everyone is going to pay the money so in reality impacts the top % which I am not part of. If it was £5 for a 7 star it would Encourage too many people and that would ruin the economy of the game so setting it at a high rate reduces this problem.
My preferred alternative would be for everyone to buy valiant crystals with money, let's say 10 for £50. Then everyone has a milestone based on variants bought with money. If you get the champ you want, great, if you've had to buy 100 crystals then you get it as a pity prize.