BGs Realm Event is great but...

MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49
I really do like the idea of these Realm Events, I think it's a clever way to get everyone involved in playing the game for the collective, makes us all feel like we're chipping in and going through the event as 1 massive alliance. I would like them to keep adding Realm Events as often as possible.

In saying that though, the last Realm Event and this Realm Event have missed the mark of what they thought player participation would be. I thought the first Realm Event (The Crystal Cleansing) failed because of the terrible rewards, there wasn't really an incentive to go out of your way to participate as opening vast amounts of crystals was time consuming and boring as you could only pop 10 at a time. They eventually had to add a "bail out" if you will, where Brian Grant opened his eggs to get us over the mark.

The current Jacks BG Realm Event is different, the rewards are a massive step up, far better which you would have thought would give the player base a reason to really push. But after 23 days of the 30 day event, we're only at 900mil of the total 1.5billion mark. We're also only at 900mil because the Stark Foundation has donated to help, I think we'd be at 700mil currently if not for the donations. So we'd be under 50% of the way after 3 and bit weeks.

I think this Realm Event is also not doing as well as predicted due to the meta and the points total being too high, when you make the points total 1.5billion it already puts a sizeable chunk of the player base off and they most likely saw it as too grindy. The second issue is most likely the meta of Crit Me With Your Best Shot, this is fun meta but when you have meta that has pretty no restrictions to who can be in your deck with of course the AI being awful, it made this meta agonising to play as once you got to the Gladiators Circuit because you 2 absolute nuke auto drafts in Scarlet Witch and Masacre, that could take pretty much any fight in this meta sub 20-30 seconds... CGR and Juggs weren't too far behind, which kinda meant if you didn't ban Masacre and Scarlet Witch you would lose 2 rounds automatically and had no space to ban defensive options like Electro, Serpent etc... so if your account/deck were bigger you kinda had a 95% chance of winning, which I think if you're asking people to grind out points in Battle Grounds isn't going to work with a meta that has no restrictions essentially, no chance for people to strategically stack a deck and play with skill around the meta in question.

Just my thoughts but I think the next event needs a bit of reduction in points.


  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49

    IMO they should scrap the idea and move on, make something different.
    in both realm events kabam had to intervene otherwise we would not achieve even 75% of the rewards.
    but sadly, my wish be false since I can 200% promise they will make realm event fo 10th Anniversary + Banquet.
    Which there they less likely to intervene to encourage people spend.

    I don't think they should scrap it, I think they should learn from these two past events and lower the points total. Since these were the first two, it's fair to assume they would be used as testers to see what numbers we could push. At the moment it seems 800mil is the current benchmark we could comfortably hit in 4 weeks. Maybe after a few years push it to 1.5 billion when you see the player base grow...

    But for now, it's very obvious that 1.5billion was an awful estimation.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49
    Terra said:

    To be fair, the Meta was player voted because it's skillfully applied.

    What a *shame* the AI is counter productive to that, huh.

    I do agree though. The mark is a bit higher number wise.
    Brian should not have to sacrificed his eggs.
    Stark should not have to have stepped in.
    Something is wrong with the Realm Event.

    I didn't mind the meta but I don't think it translates well if you want all the player base to grind, because smaller to mid accounts won't compete in this meta. Which I did see when I'd have a R3 variant of a character they only had a 6*A version of and they can't compete with the higher health pools and higher damage output.

    I fought someone and we both placed a 6*A Serpent and I had a R3 Chavez and he had 6*A Chavez and I beat him by 15 seconds. So even if your deck is like for like in terms of characters, the meta was heavily dependent on having 7* R3s if you were going to lose or win. Other metas when the rosters have to be more carefully selected it makes it less likely you're going to come up against someone with 10 - 20 R3s in their deck.
  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 148 ★★
    the goal was always 1 the 1 bil titan, and anything after was just extra. and we are on track for that.... even without the gifts. bg will pick up in the last week, as it always does. and so will our score.

    as for the meta and roster thing... if massy and switch are so good, why dont u use them yourself. and ban champs you dont have, or champs that counter one of ur higher ranked defenders. there are plenty of ways to play around roster in bgs.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49
    victor158 said:

    the goal was always 1 the 1 bil titan, and anything after was just extra. and we are on track for that.... even without the gifts. bg will pick up in the last week, as it always does. and so will our score.

    as for the meta and roster thing... if massy and switch are so good, why dont u use them yourself. and ban champs you dont have, or champs that counter one of ur higher ranked defenders. there are plenty of ways to play around roster in bgs.

    There is a select few people who own a 7* Massacre from doing the content creators challenges. you can't compete against that, you can't pull a 7* version of him and you will just automatically lose if you draft your 6*vs their 7*...

    There isn't ways to play around this BG meta, its pretty much open season for the entire roster of champions in this game for this meta. With the other metas there was a restriction so you wouldn't draft 11 of your annoying and impossible R3s, you would only draft 4 or 5 of them that worked in the meta. Making it free for all, please tell me how to play around that since you have all the answers lol. Because your theory of using my 3 bans to somehow counter a free for all roster of 30 annoying champions is dumb.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,824 ★★★★★

    I really do like the idea of these Realm Events, I think it's a clever way to get everyone involved in playing the game for the collective, makes us all feel like we're chipping in and going through the event as 1 massive alliance. I would like them to keep adding Realm Events as often as possible.

    In saying that though, the last Realm Event and this Realm Event have missed the mark of what they thought player participation would be. I thought the first Realm Event (The Crystal Cleansing) failed because of the terrible rewards, there wasn't really an incentive to go out of your way to participate as opening vast amounts of crystals was time consuming and boring as you could only pop 10 at a time. They eventually had to add a "bail out" if you will, where Brian Grant opened his eggs to get us over the mark.

    The current Jacks BG Realm Event is different, the rewards are a massive step up, far better which you would have thought would give the player base a reason to really push. But after 23 days of the 30 day event, we're only at 900mil of the total 1.5billion mark. We're also only at 900mil because the Stark Foundation has donated to help, I think we'd be at 700mil currently if not for the donations. So we'd be under 50% of the way after 3 and bit weeks.

    I think this Realm Event is also not doing as well as predicted due to the meta and the points total being too high, when you make the points total 1.5billion it already puts a sizeable chunk of the player base off and they most likely saw it as too grindy. The second issue is most likely the meta of Crit Me With Your Best Shot, this is fun meta but when you have meta that has pretty no restrictions to who can be in your deck with of course the AI being awful, it made this meta agonising to play as once you got to the Gladiators Circuit because you 2 absolute nuke auto drafts in Scarlet Witch and Masacre, that could take pretty much any fight in this meta sub 20-30 seconds... CGR and Juggs weren't too far behind, which kinda meant if you didn't ban Masacre and Scarlet Witch you would lose 2 rounds automatically and had no space to ban defensive options like Electro, Serpent etc... so if your account/deck were bigger you kinda had a 95% chance of winning, which I think if you're asking people to grind out points in Battle Grounds isn't going to work with a meta that has no restrictions essentially, no chance for people to strategically stack a deck and play with skill around the meta in question.

    Just my thoughts but I think the next event needs a bit of reduction in points.

    We weren’t even talking about the 1.5b it was just if we passed the 1b so we stil gotten a bit more just like how the nerco was after 5m dead ect.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49
    Gamer said:

    I really do like the idea of these Realm Events, I think it's a clever way to get everyone involved in playing the game for the collective, makes us all feel like we're chipping in and going through the event as 1 massive alliance. I would like them to keep adding Realm Events as often as possible.

    In saying that though, the last Realm Event and this Realm Event have missed the mark of what they thought player participation would be. I thought the first Realm Event (The Crystal Cleansing) failed because of the terrible rewards, there wasn't really an incentive to go out of your way to participate as opening vast amounts of crystals was time consuming and boring as you could only pop 10 at a time. They eventually had to add a "bail out" if you will, where Brian Grant opened his eggs to get us over the mark.

    The current Jacks BG Realm Event is different, the rewards are a massive step up, far better which you would have thought would give the player base a reason to really push. But after 23 days of the 30 day event, we're only at 900mil of the total 1.5billion mark. We're also only at 900mil because the Stark Foundation has donated to help, I think we'd be at 700mil currently if not for the donations. So we'd be under 50% of the way after 3 and bit weeks.

    I think this Realm Event is also not doing as well as predicted due to the meta and the points total being too high, when you make the points total 1.5billion it already puts a sizeable chunk of the player base off and they most likely saw it as too grindy. The second issue is most likely the meta of Crit Me With Your Best Shot, this is fun meta but when you have meta that has pretty no restrictions to who can be in your deck with of course the AI being awful, it made this meta agonising to play as once you got to the Gladiators Circuit because you 2 absolute nuke auto drafts in Scarlet Witch and Masacre, that could take pretty much any fight in this meta sub 20-30 seconds... CGR and Juggs weren't too far behind, which kinda meant if you didn't ban Masacre and Scarlet Witch you would lose 2 rounds automatically and had no space to ban defensive options like Electro, Serpent etc... so if your account/deck were bigger you kinda had a 95% chance of winning, which I think if you're asking people to grind out points in Battle Grounds isn't going to work with a meta that has no restrictions essentially, no chance for people to strategically stack a deck and play with skill around the meta in question.

    Just my thoughts but I think the next event needs a bit of reduction in points.

    We weren’t even talking about the 1.5b it was just if we passed the 1b so we stil gotten a bit more just like how the nerco was after 5m dead ect.
    Very different situations. The death toll was only brought to the players attention a while after the content was put into the game. It was a nice additive on top of already completing Necro, it was a cool touch from them that I thought was cool, BUT, the AI was not as badly and terribly broken as it is now when Necro was out. You only needed to do one run of Necro to get the rewards, which was far less time consuming then having to bash out BGs every day with a **** AI that made playing the game depressing.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,966 ★★★★★
    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,802 ★★★★★
    Realm events shouldn't require absolutely everyone regardless of play time etc to grind like mad men. It should be put a little bit of effort in and get rewards provided everyone gives a little bit of time. Not everyone giving massive amounts. The points thresholds have been too high for both singular people and whole realm. Lower them both a bit while keeping the same rewards and they'll be a win.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49
    Buttehrs said:

    Realm events shouldn't require absolutely everyone regardless of play time etc to grind like mad men. It should be put a little bit of effort in and get rewards provided everyone gives a little bit of time. Not everyone giving massive amounts. The points thresholds have been too high for both singular people and whole realm. Lower them both a bit while keeping the same rewards and they'll be a win.

    That's exactly what majority of the player base are thinking. We already have many game modes we need to play and adding more on top of that isn't helping players, you're burning them out. The game is meant to be fun it's not your day job that puts food on the table.
  • Brad366Brad366 Member Posts: 118
    DNA3000 said:

    IMO they should scrap the idea and move on, make something different.
    in both realm events kabam had to intervene otherwise we would not achieve even 75% of the rewards.
    but sadly, my wish be false since I can 200% promise they will make realm event fo 10th Anniversary + Banquet.
    Which there they less likely to intervene to encourage people spend.

    I don't think they should scrap it, I think they should learn from these two past events and lower the points total. Since these were the first two, it's fair to assume they would be used as testers to see what numbers we could push. At the moment it seems 800mil is the current benchmark we could comfortably hit in 4 weeks. Maybe after a few years push it to 1.5 billion when you see the player base grow...

    But for now, it's very obvious that 1.5billion was an awful estimation.
    There’s a lot wrong here, but let’s start with the fact that the players have already hit over 700 million in three weeks and on track to hit over 950 million in four. One billion without any of the Stark donations is still within the margin of error for the current scoring trends. We’ll blast past 800 million by Friday.

    I don’t know why people think the devs thought we were likely to hit 1.5 billion, or that they predicted we would, just because that is the highest milestone. In my Game Design Handbook they recommend making the highest milestone unlikely to be reached, so the players don’t exhaust them all early. But when they wrote that chapter, entitled player bases that assume they are always supposed to get everything probably didn’t exist in such copious numbers.

    I wonder what people would be saying if the game engine allowed the event designers to simply state that “every 50 million points above 1 billion award an additional 1k Titan shards.” I suppose people would be accusing the devs of being stupid enough to think the players were capable of scoring infinite points.
    Glad to see this is being said. I have always thought the milestones above 1 billion were the stretch goals, which just preemptively did what they did for road to the crypt (while not officially a realm event, it was the start of that approach). If we pass the 1 billion and those weren’t already there, people would be clamoring for more. Better to have the stretch stuff in place than back fitting it later in my opinion.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,966 ★★★★★

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,338 ★★★★★
    So you would like us to stop at 1 billion and have no rewards after that? Is that correct? Because then the rewards are attainable (like you want).

    Or have it stop at one billion, but then have extra goal added on like in the road to the Crypt Rewards after the event has already started?
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,959 ★★★★★

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
    Even the grace points are BS, the whole so called Realm Event is designed in a non collective way.
    No lower progression player will try to score more than the needed 5K (which I applaud if they do cause Kabam did a very dirty thing by making them score less in VT) so this son called collective system is put on the backs of 30k ish GC players that score at 2x the rate...
    I would have loved to get the Titan shards from 1B+ milestones instead of the 11 first useless milestones.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 49

    So you would like us to stop at 1 billion and have no rewards after that? Is that correct? Because then the rewards are attainable (like you want).

    Or have it stop at one billion, but then have extra goal added on like in the road to the Crypt Rewards after the event has already started?

    Or just add the rewards from 1 billion onwards into the rewards up until 1 billion...
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,338 ★★★★★

    So you would like us to stop at 1 billion and have no rewards after that? Is that correct? Because then the rewards are attainable (like you want).

    Or have it stop at one billion, but then have extra goal added on like in the road to the Crypt Rewards after the event has already started?

    Or just add the rewards from 1 billion onwards into the rewards up until 1 billion...
    That's what what they're there for. It's either extra, or not at all.
  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 121
    the events feel like they hoped to get momentum from the new things coming out to push participation but people quickly give up or just don't care enough to consistently farm or open crystals to justify the large milestone required
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,959 ★★★★★
    Let's not forget that they probably designed the event months or weeks in advance and as soon as the description was announced lots of players noticed the flaws. They took the feedback and "patched" it with some points in 48hr objectives and redesigned the alliance event.
    Tons of time to review it internally and it started with a quick fix from day 1.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,603 Guardian

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
    Even the grace points are BS, the whole so called Realm Event is designed in a non collective way.
    No lower progression player will try to score more than the needed 5K (which I applaud if they do cause Kabam did a very dirty thing by making them score less in VT) so this son called collective system is put on the backs of 30k ish GC players that score at 2x the rate...
    I would have loved to get the Titan shards from 1B+ milestones instead of the 11 first useless milestones.
    If the lower progression players all scored 5k, we’d blast past one billion and probably 1.5 billion as well.

    I don’t know why people think the event was designed on the assumption that all the players would grind massive amounts of points, or that the top milestones would depend on the GC players doing superhuman work. There’s probably 300k players in BG now, and if the *average* player scored 3500 that would be enough to reach 1 billion, and if the average player scored 5000 that would be enough to reach 1.5 billion and top out the milestones.

    That’s not going to happen, but it was never expected to happen.

    The event milestones contained 6000 marks, all of which we unlocked. If the average player burned those and won at a 50% win rate in VT (and across all players, they do win at a 50% win rate) that would be over 3000 points. If they also did the every other day objective that would be an additional 700 points. Even that might be more than some casual players could do, but if just the average player managed that, that would be about one billion points.

    And in fact, that seems to be approximately the trajectory the players are on.

    Scoring is about 60% higher in GC, but there are probably less than 25% of all players in GC right now. They disproportionately score more points per person, but they do not account for the majority of all points scored in the event. In no way is the event “on the backs” of GC players. In fact the scoring assumptions for the realm event are that GC players will do what they always do: most climb until they reach equilibrium and then stop. Thinking that GC players must grind beyond that if they are not normally inclined to do so is having a martyr complex.

    At the moment, with almost a week to go, there are 48,697 players in GC. I have never seen that many players in GC ever, much less three weeks into the season. That’s thousands of players who ordinarily don’t make it to GC now at least getting there, which implies a lot more scoring and activity in VT. And even that many players in GC are probably still only about 15% of all players participating.

    Everyone’s scoring matters, but GC players are not pulling the rest of the player base behind them. They might be scoring more per match, but that’s more of a personal benefit to them than an event-wide burden. If we assume that across the entire event they’ve been about 7% of the participating players (from zero to 15% now) and they’ll end up being maybe 10% of the total averaged across the entire season, then assuming they are just as active as VT players they would collectively account for about 15% of all the points scored. Even if they were twice as active per capita, they’d still represent only about a quarter of all points scored.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,959 ★★★★★
    edited October 25
    DNA3000 said:

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
    Even the grace points are BS, the whole so called Realm Event is designed in a non collective way.
    No lower progression player will try to score more than the needed 5K (which I applaud if they do cause Kabam did a very dirty thing by making them score less in VT) so this son called collective system is put on the backs of 30k ish GC players that score at 2x the rate...
    I would have loved to get the Titan shards from 1B+ milestones instead of the 11 first useless milestones.
    If the lower progression players all scored 5k, we’d blast past one billion and probably 1.5 billion as well.

    I don’t know why people think the event was designed on the assumption that all the players would grind massive amounts of points, or that the top milestones would depend on the GC players doing superhuman work. There’s probably 300k players in BG now, and if the *average* player scored 3500 that would be enough to reach 1 billion, and if the average player scored 5000 that would be enough to reach 1.5 billion and top out the milestones.

    That’s not going to happen, but it was never expected to happen.

    The event milestones contained 6000 marks, all of which we unlocked. If the average player burned those and won at a 50% win rate in VT (and across all players, they do win at a 50% win rate) that would be over 3000 points. If they also did the every other day objective that would be an additional 700 points. Even that might be more than some casual players could do, but if just the average player managed that, that would be about one billion points.

    And in fact, that seems to be approximately the trajectory the players are on.

    Scoring is about 60% higher in GC, but there are probably less than 25% of all players in GC right now. They disproportionately score more points per person, but they do not account for the majority of all points scored in the event. In no way is the event “on the backs” of GC players. In fact the scoring assumptions for the realm event are that GC players will do what they always do: most climb until they reach equilibrium and then stop. Thinking that GC players must grind beyond that if they are not normally inclined to do so is having a martyr complex.

    At the moment, with almost a week to go, there are 48,697 players in GC. I have never seen that many players in GC ever, much less three weeks into the season. That’s thousands of players who ordinarily don’t make it to GC now at least getting there, which implies a lot more scoring and activity in VT. And even that many players in GC are probably still only about 15% of all players participating.

    Everyone’s scoring matters, but GC players are not pulling the rest of the player base behind them. They might be scoring more per match, but that’s more of a personal benefit to them than an event-wide burden. If we assume that across the entire event they’ve been about 7% of the participating players (from zero to 15% now) and they’ll end up being maybe 10% of the total averaged across the entire season, then assuming they are just as active as VT players they would collectively account for about 15% of all the points scored. Even if they were twice as active per capita, they’d still represent only about a quarter of all points scored.
    I asked you the question many times, why is scoring not the same for all players?
    My 7* crystals weren't worth 2 points, my titan crystals weren't worth 3 points in the crystal event.
    So why are people scoring less in VT using resources that cost the same for everyone?
    Why is a Titan crystal the best all progression players can hope for as a collective?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,603 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
    Even the grace points are BS, the whole so called Realm Event is designed in a non collective way.
    No lower progression player will try to score more than the needed 5K (which I applaud if they do cause Kabam did a very dirty thing by making them score less in VT) so this son called collective system is put on the backs of 30k ish GC players that score at 2x the rate...
    I would have loved to get the Titan shards from 1B+ milestones instead of the 11 first useless milestones.
    If the lower progression players all scored 5k, we’d blast past one billion and probably 1.5 billion as well.

    I don’t know why people think the event was designed on the assumption that all the players would grind massive amounts of points, or that the top milestones would depend on the GC players doing superhuman work. There’s probably 300k players in BG now, and if the *average* player scored 3500 that would be enough to reach 1 billion, and if the average player scored 5000 that would be enough to reach 1.5 billion and top out the milestones.

    That’s not going to happen, but it was never expected to happen.

    The event milestones contained 6000 marks, all of which we unlocked. If the average player burned those and won at a 50% win rate in VT (and across all players, they do win at a 50% win rate) that would be over 3000 points. If they also did the every other day objective that would be an additional 700 points. Even that might be more than some casual players could do, but if just the average player managed that, that would be about one billion points.

    And in fact, that seems to be approximately the trajectory the players are on.

    Scoring is about 60% higher in GC, but there are probably less than 25% of all players in GC right now. They disproportionately score more points per person, but they do not account for the majority of all points scored in the event. In no way is the event “on the backs” of GC players. In fact the scoring assumptions for the realm event are that GC players will do what they always do: most climb until they reach equilibrium and then stop. Thinking that GC players must grind beyond that if they are not normally inclined to do so is having a martyr complex.

    At the moment, with almost a week to go, there are 48,697 players in GC. I have never seen that many players in GC ever, much less three weeks into the season. That’s thousands of players who ordinarily don’t make it to GC now at least getting there, which implies a lot more scoring and activity in VT. And even that many players in GC are probably still only about 15% of all players participating.

    Everyone’s scoring matters, but GC players are not pulling the rest of the player base behind them. They might be scoring more per match, but that’s more of a personal benefit to them than an event-wide burden. If we assume that across the entire event they’ve been about 7% of the participating players (from zero to 15% now) and they’ll end up being maybe 10% of the total averaged across the entire season, then assuming they are just as active as VT players they would collectively account for about 15% of all the points scored. Even if they were twice as active per capita, they’d still represent only about a quarter of all points scored.
    I asked you the question many times, why is scoring not the same for all players?
    My 7* crystals weren't worth 2 points, my titan crystals weren't worth 3 points in the crystal event.
    So why are people scoring less in VT using resources that cost the same for everyone?
    Why is a Titan crystal the best all progression players can hope for as a collective?
    That’s two separate questions, in the sense that I believe there are two independent answers.

    Why does GC score more than VT? I believe there are at least two motivations for making GC score more points. First, it’s harder to do matches in GC if for no other reason than match times are typically far longer. If GC scored identically to VT that would actually place players who promoted to GC at a disadvantage, which would be an implicit disincentive to push hard in VT. Second, while the Realm event is a cooperative event it does have a solo component because it has solo rank rewards. Those rank rewards provide a design imperative to ensure that the stronger players tend to have a competitive advantage in that part of the event.

    But the main rewards are not progression scaled because the Realm event is not intended to provide personalized rewards for personal effort. They are group rewards, like AQ and AW rewards and thus they tend to follow the general rule of cooperative rewards being shared collectively in one group without regard to proportional effort. That’s why there are no rewards for AW MVP even though people keep asking for them. It runs counter to the idea that content is cooperative. We don’t want alliance members competing against each other for such rewards. The Realm events are not about the highest scorers demanding “fairness.” They are more about the strong helping the weak, everyone pulling the group forward, and the main reward structure reflects that.

    As with all things there are always compromises. The rank rewards compete in the design space with the event rewards. You could argue they are contradictory, but most game design decisions are compromises between different opposing requirements.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,959 ★★★★★
    edited October 25
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
    Even the grace points are BS, the whole so called Realm Event is designed in a non collective way.
    No lower progression player will try to score more than the needed 5K (which I applaud if they do cause Kabam did a very dirty thing by making them score less in VT) so this son called collective system is put on the backs of 30k ish GC players that score at 2x the rate...
    I would have loved to get the Titan shards from 1B+ milestones instead of the 11 first useless milestones.
    If the lower progression players all scored 5k, we’d blast past one billion and probably 1.5 billion as well.

    I don’t know why people think the event was designed on the assumption that all the players would grind massive amounts of points, or that the top milestones would depend on the GC players doing superhuman work. There’s probably 300k players in BG now, and if the *average* player scored 3500 that would be enough to reach 1 billion, and if the average player scored 5000 that would be enough to reach 1.5 billion and top out the milestones.

    That’s not going to happen, but it was never expected to happen.

    The event milestones contained 6000 marks, all of which we unlocked. If the average player burned those and won at a 50% win rate in VT (and across all players, they do win at a 50% win rate) that would be over 3000 points. If they also did the every other day objective that would be an additional 700 points. Even that might be more than some casual players could do, but if just the average player managed that, that would be about one billion points.

    And in fact, that seems to be approximately the trajectory the players are on.

    Scoring is about 60% higher in GC, but there are probably less than 25% of all players in GC right now. They disproportionately score more points per person, but they do not account for the majority of all points scored in the event. In no way is the event “on the backs” of GC players. In fact the scoring assumptions for the realm event are that GC players will do what they always do: most climb until they reach equilibrium and then stop. Thinking that GC players must grind beyond that if they are not normally inclined to do so is having a martyr complex.

    At the moment, with almost a week to go, there are 48,697 players in GC. I have never seen that many players in GC ever, much less three weeks into the season. That’s thousands of players who ordinarily don’t make it to GC now at least getting there, which implies a lot more scoring and activity in VT. And even that many players in GC are probably still only about 15% of all players participating.

    Everyone’s scoring matters, but GC players are not pulling the rest of the player base behind them. They might be scoring more per match, but that’s more of a personal benefit to them than an event-wide burden. If we assume that across the entire event they’ve been about 7% of the participating players (from zero to 15% now) and they’ll end up being maybe 10% of the total averaged across the entire season, then assuming they are just as active as VT players they would collectively account for about 15% of all the points scored. Even if they were twice as active per capita, they’d still represent only about a quarter of all points scored.
    I asked you the question many times, why is scoring not the same for all players?
    My 7* crystals weren't worth 2 points, my titan crystals weren't worth 3 points in the crystal event.
    So why are people scoring less in VT using resources that cost the same for everyone?
    Why is a Titan crystal the best all progression players can hope for as a collective?
    That’s two separate questions, in the sense that I believe there are two independent answers.

    Why does GC score more than VT? I believe there are at least two motivations for making GC score more points. First, it’s harder to do matches in GC if for no other reason than match times are typically far longer. If GC scored identically to VT that would actually place players who promoted to GC at a disadvantage, which would be an implicit disincentive to push hard in VT. Second, while the Realm event is a cooperative event it does have a solo component because it has solo rank rewards. Those rank rewards provide a design imperative to ensure that the stronger players tend to have a competitive advantage in that part of the event.

    But the main rewards are not progression scaled because the Realm event is not intended to provide personalized rewards for personal effort. They are group rewards, like AQ and AW rewards and thus they tend to follow the general rule of cooperative rewards being shared collectively in one group without regard to proportional effort. That’s why there are no rewards for AW MVP even though people keep asking for them. It runs counter to the idea that content is cooperative. We don’t want alliance members competing against each other for such rewards. The Realm events are not about the highest scorers demanding “fairness.” They are more about the strong helping the weak, everyone pulling the group forward, and the main reward structure reflects that.

    As with all things there are always compromises. The rank rewards compete in the design space with the event rewards. You could argue they are contradictory, but most game design decisions are compromises between different opposing requirements.
    If VT scored the same way those milestones would be realistic. If the event was truly collective it would have the same pattern as the crystal one, same ppont system for everyone.
    All I keep on reading in the forums is lower progression people conplaining or telling people how close they are from 5k points or how hard it is.
    The designe is terrible, as. Valiant my aspiration should be the 1.5B rewards and not just the Titan crystal, as for lower progressions like UC, Cav,, TB a Titan crystal could be huge or just big.
    I don't really care that other lower progressions are getting a Titan, don't get me wrong, the problem is thet have absolute no incentive to try to help higher progressions reach their titan shards. For a collective event it seems very slanted.

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,603 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
    Even the grace points are BS, the whole so called Realm Event is designed in a non collective way.
    No lower progression player will try to score more than the needed 5K (which I applaud if they do cause Kabam did a very dirty thing by making them score less in VT) so this son called collective system is put on the backs of 30k ish GC players that score at 2x the rate...
    I would have loved to get the Titan shards from 1B+ milestones instead of the 11 first useless milestones.
    If the lower progression players all scored 5k, we’d blast past one billion and probably 1.5 billion as well.

    I don’t know why people think the event was designed on the assumption that all the players would grind massive amounts of points, or that the top milestones would depend on the GC players doing superhuman work. There’s probably 300k players in BG now, and if the *average* player scored 3500 that would be enough to reach 1 billion, and if the average player scored 5000 that would be enough to reach 1.5 billion and top out the milestones.

    That’s not going to happen, but it was never expected to happen.

    The event milestones contained 6000 marks, all of which we unlocked. If the average player burned those and won at a 50% win rate in VT (and across all players, they do win at a 50% win rate) that would be over 3000 points. If they also did the every other day objective that would be an additional 700 points. Even that might be more than some casual players could do, but if just the average player managed that, that would be about one billion points.

    And in fact, that seems to be approximately the trajectory the players are on.

    Scoring is about 60% higher in GC, but there are probably less than 25% of all players in GC right now. They disproportionately score more points per person, but they do not account for the majority of all points scored in the event. In no way is the event “on the backs” of GC players. In fact the scoring assumptions for the realm event are that GC players will do what they always do: most climb until they reach equilibrium and then stop. Thinking that GC players must grind beyond that if they are not normally inclined to do so is having a martyr complex.

    At the moment, with almost a week to go, there are 48,697 players in GC. I have never seen that many players in GC ever, much less three weeks into the season. That’s thousands of players who ordinarily don’t make it to GC now at least getting there, which implies a lot more scoring and activity in VT. And even that many players in GC are probably still only about 15% of all players participating.

    Everyone’s scoring matters, but GC players are not pulling the rest of the player base behind them. They might be scoring more per match, but that’s more of a personal benefit to them than an event-wide burden. If we assume that across the entire event they’ve been about 7% of the participating players (from zero to 15% now) and they’ll end up being maybe 10% of the total averaged across the entire season, then assuming they are just as active as VT players they would collectively account for about 15% of all the points scored. Even if they were twice as active per capita, they’d still represent only about a quarter of all points scored.
    I asked you the question many times, why is scoring not the same for all players?
    My 7* crystals weren't worth 2 points, my titan crystals weren't worth 3 points in the crystal event.
    So why are people scoring less in VT using resources that cost the same for everyone?
    Why is a Titan crystal the best all progression players can hope for as a collective?
    That’s two separate questions, in the sense that I believe there are two independent answers.

    Why does GC score more than VT? I believe there are at least two motivations for making GC score more points. First, it’s harder to do matches in GC if for no other reason than match times are typically far longer. If GC scored identically to VT that would actually place players who promoted to GC at a disadvantage, which would be an implicit disincentive to push hard in VT. Second, while the Realm event is a cooperative event it does have a solo component because it has solo rank rewards. Those rank rewards provide a design imperative to ensure that the stronger players tend to have a competitive advantage in that part of the event.

    But the main rewards are not progression scaled because the Realm event is not intended to provide personalized rewards for personal effort. They are group rewards, like AQ and AW rewards and thus they tend to follow the general rule of cooperative rewards being shared collectively in one group without regard to proportional effort. That’s why there are no rewards for AW MVP even though people keep asking for them. It runs counter to the idea that content is cooperative. We don’t want alliance members competing against each other for such rewards. The Realm events are not about the highest scorers demanding “fairness.” They are more about the strong helping the weak, everyone pulling the group forward, and the main reward structure reflects that.

    As with all things there are always compromises. The rank rewards compete in the design space with the event rewards. You could argue they are contradictory, but most game design decisions are compromises between different opposing requirements.
    If VT scored the same way those milestones would be realistic. If the event was truly collective it would have the same pattern as the crystal one, same ppont system for everyone.
    All I keep on reading in the forums is lower progression people conplaining or telling people how close they are from 5k points or how hard it is.
    The designe is terrible, as. Valiant my aspiration should be the 1.5B rewards and not just the Titan crystal, as for lower progressions like UC, Cav,, TB a Titan crystal could be huge or just big.
    I don't really care that other lower progressions are getting a Titan, don't get me wrong, the problem is thet have absolute no incentive to try to help higher progressions reach their titan shards. For a collective event it seems very slanted.

    That’s your personal perspective, but they don’t alter the rationale behind the design decisions. Rather, it says the design decisions were aimed at people other than you. For example it’s your opinion that the lower progression players have no incentive to help the player base as a whole, but what matters is what they think, and the data suggests they disagree. It’s your opinion that Valiant players should aspire to the 1.5 billion milestone, but there will always be players that want more: the designers never aim for the expectations of those players, not in this event, not anywhere else. And more rewards has downsides to it that making you happy would ultimately make lots of other people eventually unhappy, so judging that as a bad design decision is a question of timing.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,959 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
    Even the grace points are BS, the whole so called Realm Event is designed in a non collective way.
    No lower progression player will try to score more than the needed 5K (which I applaud if they do cause Kabam did a very dirty thing by making them score less in VT) so this son called collective system is put on the backs of 30k ish GC players that score at 2x the rate...
    I would have loved to get the Titan shards from 1B+ milestones instead of the 11 first useless milestones.
    If the lower progression players all scored 5k, we’d blast past one billion and probably 1.5 billion as well.

    I don’t know why people think the event was designed on the assumption that all the players would grind massive amounts of points, or that the top milestones would depend on the GC players doing superhuman work. There’s probably 300k players in BG now, and if the *average* player scored 3500 that would be enough to reach 1 billion, and if the average player scored 5000 that would be enough to reach 1.5 billion and top out the milestones.

    That’s not going to happen, but it was never expected to happen.

    The event milestones contained 6000 marks, all of which we unlocked. If the average player burned those and won at a 50% win rate in VT (and across all players, they do win at a 50% win rate) that would be over 3000 points. If they also did the every other day objective that would be an additional 700 points. Even that might be more than some casual players could do, but if just the average player managed that, that would be about one billion points.

    And in fact, that seems to be approximately the trajectory the players are on.

    Scoring is about 60% higher in GC, but there are probably less than 25% of all players in GC right now. They disproportionately score more points per person, but they do not account for the majority of all points scored in the event. In no way is the event “on the backs” of GC players. In fact the scoring assumptions for the realm event are that GC players will do what they always do: most climb until they reach equilibrium and then stop. Thinking that GC players must grind beyond that if they are not normally inclined to do so is having a martyr complex.

    At the moment, with almost a week to go, there are 48,697 players in GC. I have never seen that many players in GC ever, much less three weeks into the season. That’s thousands of players who ordinarily don’t make it to GC now at least getting there, which implies a lot more scoring and activity in VT. And even that many players in GC are probably still only about 15% of all players participating.

    Everyone’s scoring matters, but GC players are not pulling the rest of the player base behind them. They might be scoring more per match, but that’s more of a personal benefit to them than an event-wide burden. If we assume that across the entire event they’ve been about 7% of the participating players (from zero to 15% now) and they’ll end up being maybe 10% of the total averaged across the entire season, then assuming they are just as active as VT players they would collectively account for about 15% of all the points scored. Even if they were twice as active per capita, they’d still represent only about a quarter of all points scored.
    I asked you the question many times, why is scoring not the same for all players?
    My 7* crystals weren't worth 2 points, my titan crystals weren't worth 3 points in the crystal event.
    So why are people scoring less in VT using resources that cost the same for everyone?
    Why is a Titan crystal the best all progression players can hope for as a collective?
    That’s two separate questions, in the sense that I believe there are two independent answers.

    Why does GC score more than VT? I believe there are at least two motivations for making GC score more points. First, it’s harder to do matches in GC if for no other reason than match times are typically far longer. If GC scored identically to VT that would actually place players who promoted to GC at a disadvantage, which would be an implicit disincentive to push hard in VT. Second, while the Realm event is a cooperative event it does have a solo component because it has solo rank rewards. Those rank rewards provide a design imperative to ensure that the stronger players tend to have a competitive advantage in that part of the event.

    But the main rewards are not progression scaled because the Realm event is not intended to provide personalized rewards for personal effort. They are group rewards, like AQ and AW rewards and thus they tend to follow the general rule of cooperative rewards being shared collectively in one group without regard to proportional effort. That’s why there are no rewards for AW MVP even though people keep asking for them. It runs counter to the idea that content is cooperative. We don’t want alliance members competing against each other for such rewards. The Realm events are not about the highest scorers demanding “fairness.” They are more about the strong helping the weak, everyone pulling the group forward, and the main reward structure reflects that.

    As with all things there are always compromises. The rank rewards compete in the design space with the event rewards. You could argue they are contradictory, but most game design decisions are compromises between different opposing requirements.
    If VT scored the same way those milestones would be realistic. If the event was truly collective it would have the same pattern as the crystal one, same ppont system for everyone.
    All I keep on reading in the forums is lower progression people conplaining or telling people how close they are from 5k points or how hard it is.
    The designe is terrible, as. Valiant my aspiration should be the 1.5B rewards and not just the Titan crystal, as for lower progressions like UC, Cav,, TB a Titan crystal could be huge or just big.
    I don't really care that other lower progressions are getting a Titan, don't get me wrong, the problem is thet have absolute no incentive to try to help higher progressions reach their titan shards. For a collective event it seems very slanted.

    That’s your personal perspective, but they don’t alter the rationale behind the design decisions. Rather, it says the design decisions were aimed at people other than you. For example it’s your opinion that the lower progression players have no incentive to help the player base as a whole, but what matters is what they think, and the data suggests they disagree. It’s your opinion that Valiant players should aspire to the 1.5 billion milestone, but there will always be players that want more: the designers never aim for the expectations of those players, not in this event, not anywhere else. And more rewards has downsides to it that making you happy would ultimately make lots of other people eventually unhappy, so judging that as a bad design decision is a question of timing.
    Yeah sure it was designed so we needed donations....
  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 121
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    This is very new for kabam as well. Let's give em some time, there's always room for error and room for improvement.

    Imagine what if by next October we got perfect, enjoyable realm events every month which has realistic milestones and relevant rewards. We'll forget bout CCE and Jack's battlegrounds blitz. Like how we forgot the first few messy seasons of AW and BG. Like how we forgot the sh*tshow of dungeons.

    This what I said as well, I said these events are new and that they were most likely feeling out what the correct milestone points tally should be. Which I don't mind if that's the case since its very new content.
    You're right.They F'edup and managed to correcttheir mistakes by doing grace points. But this should not continue as a regular thing. But they'll learn and implement better strategies astime goes by. I have a good feeling the next one is going to have realistic milestones and reliable rewards. Actually this one had realistic milestones as well it's just the gc meta with horrible Ai ruined the fun for most of us
    Even the grace points are BS, the whole so called Realm Event is designed in a non collective way.
    No lower progression player will try to score more than the needed 5K (which I applaud if they do cause Kabam did a very dirty thing by making them score less in VT) so this son called collective system is put on the backs of 30k ish GC players that score at 2x the rate...
    I would have loved to get the Titan shards from 1B+ milestones instead of the 11 first useless milestones.
    If the lower progression players all scored 5k, we’d blast past one billion and probably 1.5 billion as well.

    I don’t know why people think the event was designed on the assumption that all the players would grind massive amounts of points, or that the top milestones would depend on the GC players doing superhuman work. There’s probably 300k players in BG now, and if the *average* player scored 3500 that would be enough to reach 1 billion, and if the average player scored 5000 that would be enough to reach 1.5 billion and top out the milestones.

    That’s not going to happen, but it was never expected to happen.

    The event milestones contained 6000 marks, all of which we unlocked. If the average player burned those and won at a 50% win rate in VT (and across all players, they do win at a 50% win rate) that would be over 3000 points. If they also did the every other day objective that would be an additional 700 points. Even that might be more than some casual players could do, but if just the average player managed that, that would be about one billion points.

    And in fact, that seems to be approximately the trajectory the players are on.

    Scoring is about 60% higher in GC, but there are probably less than 25% of all players in GC right now. They disproportionately score more points per person, but they do not account for the majority of all points scored in the event. In no way is the event “on the backs” of GC players. In fact the scoring assumptions for the realm event are that GC players will do what they always do: most climb until they reach equilibrium and then stop. Thinking that GC players must grind beyond that if they are not normally inclined to do so is having a martyr complex.

    At the moment, with almost a week to go, there are 48,697 players in GC. I have never seen that many players in GC ever, much less three weeks into the season. That’s thousands of players who ordinarily don’t make it to GC now at least getting there, which implies a lot more scoring and activity in VT. And even that many players in GC are probably still only about 15% of all players participating.

    Everyone’s scoring matters, but GC players are not pulling the rest of the player base behind them. They might be scoring more per match, but that’s more of a personal benefit to them than an event-wide burden. If we assume that across the entire event they’ve been about 7% of the participating players (from zero to 15% now) and they’ll end up being maybe 10% of the total averaged across the entire season, then assuming they are just as active as VT players they would collectively account for about 15% of all the points scored. Even if they were twice as active per capita, they’d still represent only about a quarter of all points scored.
    I asked you the question many times, why is scoring not the same for all players?
    My 7* crystals weren't worth 2 points, my titan crystals weren't worth 3 points in the crystal event.
    So why are people scoring less in VT using resources that cost the same for everyone?
    Why is a Titan crystal the best all progression players can hope for as a collective?
    That’s two separate questions, in the sense that I believe there are two independent answers.

    Why does GC score more than VT? I believe there are at least two motivations for making GC score more points. First, it’s harder to do matches in GC if for no other reason than match times are typically far longer. If GC scored identically to VT that would actually place players who promoted to GC at a disadvantage, which would be an implicit disincentive to push hard in VT. Second, while the Realm event is a cooperative event it does have a solo component because it has solo rank rewards. Those rank rewards provide a design imperative to ensure that the stronger players tend to have a competitive advantage in that part of the event.

    But the main rewards are not progression scaled because the Realm event is not intended to provide personalized rewards for personal effort. They are group rewards, like AQ and AW rewards and thus they tend to follow the general rule of cooperative rewards being shared collectively in one group without regard to proportional effort. That’s why there are no rewards for AW MVP even though people keep asking for them. It runs counter to the idea that content is cooperative. We don’t want alliance members competing against each other for such rewards. The Realm events are not about the highest scorers demanding “fairness.” They are more about the strong helping the weak, everyone pulling the group forward, and the main reward structure reflects that.

    As with all things there are always compromises. The rank rewards compete in the design space with the event rewards. You could argue they are contradictory, but most game design decisions are compromises between different opposing requirements.
    can there be rewards for top 3 mvp yes, we have title rewards for war and bg that upgrade so no reason to add it elsewhere.

    ranked rewards for the realm event being justified for the mega grinders and whale players while disregard for aw mvp are two sides to the same coin, no reason to not have any rank rewards since the rewards are for all, just my 2 cents
  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 148 ★★
    edited October 25

    victor158 said:

    the goal was always 1 the 1 bil titan, and anything after was just extra. and we are on track for that.... even without the gifts. bg will pick up in the last week, as it always does. and so will our score.

    as for the meta and roster thing... if massy and switch are so good, why dont u use them yourself. and ban champs you dont have, or champs that counter one of ur higher ranked defenders. there are plenty of ways to play around roster in bgs.

    There is a select few people who own a 7* Massacre from doing the content creators challenges. you can't compete against that, you can't pull a 7* version of him and you will just automatically lose if you draft your 6*vs their 7*...

    There isn't ways to play around this BG meta, its pretty much open season for the entire roster of champions in this game for this meta. With the other metas there was a restriction so you wouldn't draft 11 of your annoying and impossible R3s, you would only draft 4 or 5 of them that worked in the meta. Making it free for all, please tell me how to play around that since you have all the answers lol. Because your theory of using my 3 bans to somehow counter a free for all roster of 30 annoying champions is dumb.
    why dont you.... do the ccp challenges yourself then? im SHOCKED that doing difficult content can lead to an advantage in the game. truly shocked and disgusted, how dare someone do something difficult and get a meaningful reward from it. also a 6* massy is gonna do basically the exact same thing as a 7* and kill *almost* anything in a single sp2. i dont get ur 2nd point, bgs has literally always been a free for all, and almost any "impossible" r3 defender would work just as well in any meta, so that just doesnt make sense.

    You can also bring and use all these annoying champs, you can also bring more specific counters to these "impossible" champs. like warlock howard os redskull to counter mr sinister. or a bunch of science champs to counter manthing. or champs with energy resist to counter onslaught. or champs with high natural crit to counter nova. bring champs that are hard to cgr, defenders that interact with crit. Just because YOU are too lazy or bad or uninspired to utilise these champs doesnt mean they dont exist
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