AW Exploit / 4th war

BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
Many alliances abused the 4th war, that didn't count. So some of the Tier 1 alliances played in Platinum 1 or 2 and farmed weaker alliances. For example: At the moment Chaos alliance is on rank 14 in Platinum 1 but without 4th war they are at #2 world wide. So they have chances to get podium without playing against master Alliances because the 4th war doesn't count but also wasn't cancelled. This is not acceptable. You should punish the alliances that didn't play 4th war to drop into low Platinum to farm lower alliances. Otherwise you could cancel the season. This kabam moment will destroy AW forever.


  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★

  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @MrSakuragi you are talking about a whole season where people invested time and money. About a season where many alliances have wrong rankings and cheated their way into top ranks. It destroys AW because they will receive extremely rare titles and they will be placed higher than alliances that put more effort and ressources into the season. It is no joke. The officers in the top alliances are planning 10 hours/day. We are talking about thousands of Units.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,438 ★★★★★
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★

    @MrSakuragi you are talking about a whole season where people invested time and money. About a season where many alliances have wrong rankings and cheated their way into top ranks. It destroys AW because they will receive extremely rare titles and they will be placed higher than alliances that put more effort and ressources into the season. It is no joke. The officers in the top alliances are planning 10 hours/day. We are talking about thousands of Units.

    Once kabam announced that the war wasn’t going to count, what should those alliances have done?
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @danielmath They didn't play the war to drop into platin and farm alliances. Kabam was not able to cancel the war. This is their mistake. This season is not fair. You wont understand it because you never played that high. There is an alliance that can get #1 worldwide by playing against low platinum alliances. They never played against a Top alliance this season and have a chance to be #1-3 lol.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Herbal_Taxman War Champion and Master Titles
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★

    @danielmath They didn't play the war to drop into platin and farm alliances. Kabam was not able to cancel the war. This is their mistake. This season is not fair. You wont understand it because you never played that high. There is an alliance that can get #1 worldwide by playing against low platinum alliances. They never played against a Top alliance this season and have a chance to be #1-3 lol.

    What makes you think i haven’t played that high? I’ve never been war champ but i’ve finished top 3 like 5-6 times. I know why people didn’t play the war, I’m asking what they SHOULD have done once kabam announced the war was canceled?
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    No because those titles are very rare
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    If they have “dropped” to Platinum-1 rank-14 because of loosing (so, they dropped a very large amount ?), wouldn’t they have also sacrificed MULTIPLIER # from dropping so low now ?

    As in, you say they got an easier match for the next war, but wouldn’t that be with a lower Multiplier, thus negating the effect of earning Win Points for the next war.
    And after winning that next war, doesn’t that just put them back to where you said they should have been anyways ? How does losing 1 war ensure they don’t get any top alliance matchups the whole rest of the season, even though they win all the matches from here on out ?

    Also, if you were to just look at the 2 columns of your table, I think you are convoluting the meaning of “Current Score (with War 4)” left column.
    You are looking at them with such a huge amount of difference in where you think they should be.

    You can see that not only did they not win that cancelled war, but that they did so without really having many champs evidently join and do any fighting.
    A loss by a huge amount does not drop them any further down the WR tables as if they just barely lose a war.

    But because they had so little points in that war, you are jumping to a conclusion that their overall points for rest of the season should also be much lower than where they are (right column).

    Saying “see, from left column, they would otherwise be ranking much further down, that what they are in right column”.
    But you can’t take a (for example) 70,000 point loss any more meaningful than a 500 point loss.

    and, in case other top Teams/Players (who evidently coordinate with everyone else, and share all information with each other, to know one another's business, and be able to know exactly how many points they need to get to stay on top, etc), don’t already know.. MIIKE left Kabam over 5 months ago.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    …but this “equivalent” discussion, in another thread, has already been going on for a while now.
    Could have just contributed there instead of new one.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @SummonerNR I think you dont understand. Many master alliances didn't play 4th war at all. So you drop waaay more than you would with just a normal loss because you dont get the points for the bosses. Some of them almost dropped into P2. And no you wont damage your multiplier. Masters multiplier is the same as in Platinum 1 and the multiplier is also based on your rating. The alliance I was talking about was just an example. Every masters alliance knows each others deaths ABs and opponents. The alliance I mentioned dropped deep into P1 and farmes P1 alliances who can not compete with a master alliance obviously. At the end of the season the points of 4th war will be deleted. So some alliances will be in top masters without playing against masters. You can see it in the screenshots lol why do you try to argue against it haha.

    They were playing against P1 alliances the whole season. I dont understand this community it is obviously not fair😂. Imagine they can get the #1 AW alliance in the world without even playing against masters alliances😂🤡
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Still trying to figure out how just 1 war's change downward of WR would be more impactful from that war, versus any other war during season. (As far as matching for the whole rest of season)

    (and side observation, whether other alliances were trying or not trying, there would still be an equal 50/50 split of Winners and Losers for that War #4 among all the upper xx amount of alliances. How does an alliance that was not trying end up benefitting more than any other alliance that happened to also lose even though they may have been trying)

    After their next war (#5) that they won, after having lost #4. Doesn’t that basically end up putting them right back on track with every other team from then on out as far as WR and who they match with going forward ?

    Wouldn’t a team who actually tried (and won) #4, but then happen to lose #5, be in the same situation as a team who Win/Lost in reverse. Both of those teams would have the same +/- WR change over those 2 wars as the other one had.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @SummonerNR Again: With a normal loss YES. But if you dont explore at all you will also lose the Bosses and the exploration wtf😂😂😂

  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @willrun4adonut @SummonerNR So I play in one of those top alliances so of course I care about it lol. I have to spend thousands of Units to fight for our rank lol. Maybe just go to the leaderboard. There you can see all the masters alliances like GT40 TCN SGA CHAOS...chilling in P1 since war 4. They farmed P1 and P2 alliances the last 4 wars and got the same points because it is the same multiplier. So when the war gets deleted they will jump back into top ranks

    Also I dont care about Mike. Kabams announcement bot was still linked to his discord account
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian

    @SummonerNR Again: With a normal loss YES. But if you dont explore at all you will also lose the Bosses and the exploration wtf😂😂😂

    Yes, but how does that affect WR Rating ?

    So does Matching up there not act like matching anywhere else down the line ?

    Up there, is Matching only based on your running Current Season Point Total so far ?

    I assume at beginning of Season, it would have to be based on War Rating (like everywhere else), because you don’t start with any Season Points.
    So at what War # does Matching switch over to be based on everyone's Season to-date Points ?
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★

    @willrun4adonut @SummonerNR So I play in one of those top alliances so of course I care about it lol. I have to spend thousands of Units to fight for our rank lol. Maybe just go to the leaderboard. There you can see all the masters alliances like GT40 TCN SGA CHAOS...chilling in P1 since war 4. They farmed P1 and P2 alliances the last 4 wars and got the same points because it is the same multiplier. So when the war gets deleted they will jump back into top ranks

    Also I dont care about Mike. Kabams announcement bot was still linked to his discord account

    You still never answered the question though. Once kabam announced the war was canceled, what should those alliances have done?
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @SummonerNR Since everybody plays with a Tier 1 multiplier it is all about points. War rating is not relevant because everyone is on Tier 1. And yes you match because of points and not because of WR. So if you decide to not play a war at all you will drop deep into P1 and almost P2 because you wont gain any points from that war. Then you can just farm P1 alliances because they are weak in comparison. At the end of the season you will jump back to the top because the war gets deleted.

    That is the reason why many P1 alliances are in masters [Because they won 4th war] and many masters alliances are in platinum 1 [because they didn't play at all]

    So for example Chaos alliance can win the season without playing against a top alliance
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @danielmath Thats the problem. Kabam should have deleted this war immediately but they feared technical issues. Most alliances played normal and lost or won. But then of course there were alliances that didn't play at all to abuse it and drop in ranks to destroy and farm weaker alliances. Iam just saying that it is not fair.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★

    @danielmath Thats the problem. Kabam should have deleted this war immediately but they feared technical issues. Most alliances played normal and lost or won. But then of course there were alliances that didn't play at all to abuse it and drop in ranks to destroy and farm weaker alliances. Iam just saying that it is not fair.

    The problem is you want people to waste items on a war that doesn’t count. That is an absolute nonstarter. I agree it’s not fair, but calling it cheating is beyond absurd. The logical/smart/responsible thing to do once kabam announced the war is canceled is to completely ignore that war. No wasting time, no wasting items.
  • TheshadowTheshadow Member Posts: 352 ★★
    i think i understand op. so all the alliances that played that 4th war would get the points for exploration or defeating the boss for now. so those who didnt play that war would obviously lose their place in the league cause everyone would be 50k or something points ahead of them.

    so the ally that didnt play that war like chaos for example can not go back in the masters during the season, why? because everyone would be 50k points ahead of them. so they are destined to be in the plat until the season ends where they can beat everyone cause they are not strong enough to match with a master ally.

    so chaos will stack up their points and in the season that war will get cancelled. which means that difference in points which is 50k or whatever the number is will get deducted from the other ally which are ahead of them. which will place them back in master league for the season ranking. so they may or may not place first or second without ever fighting the top ally for half of the season.

    this is what i am understanding and i also dont know about matchmaking rules so i can be wrong.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Theshadow this is right
    @danielmath I didn't say something about items. There is a difference between playing a war and losing it and not playing the war at all
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,091 ★★★★
    Exploiting in this game is allowed by top players. It’s like farming in GC. Your fault for being one of the hoi polloi.
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★

    @SummonerNR Again: With a normal loss YES. But if you dont explore at all you will also lose the Bosses and the exploration wtf😂😂😂

    Yes, but how does that affect WR Rating ?

    So does Matching up there not act like matching anywhere else down the line ?

    Up there, is Matching only based on your running Current Season Point Total so far ?

    I assume at beginning of Season, it would have to be based on War Rating (like everywhere else), because you don’t start with any Season Points.
    So at what War # does Matching switch over to be based on everyone's Season to-date Points ?
    A normal loss, you lose about 250-300K points on the table or 500K at worst, a loss without playing, you lose about 2 million points. Early in the season, 2 million points drops you significantly low. And matchmaking focuses more on who is around you in the leaderboard then WR is taken into account later. If you are in the middle of P2 on leaderboard, you’ll match other P2 alliances regardless of WR. That’s how it caused the weird rankings when alliances tanked the war completely
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