AW Exploit / 4th war



  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @obsidiman thank you! I didn't know about Mike because his Discord Account is still linked in Kabams Announcement area
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @danielmath I understand your point but this doesn't change my point😂👍 How can it be okay if several alliances are placed in Top 10 masters or even in 1-3 without playing against master alliances. I dont know maybe Iam stupid but make it make sense🙂
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 863 ★★★★
    I understand what the point the Op is making the last 2 alliances that we faced in P1 had 5 and 7 total death indicating that they are clearly master level alliances. To answer the question of what those alliances should have done is what we did explored the map using the 1 loyalty revives only. We felt not playing at all was a little scummy but we also weren’t going to waste items
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★

    @danielmath I understand your point but this doesn't change my point😂👍 How can it be okay if several alliances are placed in Top 10 masters or even in 1-3 without playing against master alliances. I dont know maybe Iam stupid but make it make sense🙂

    I don’t even disagree with you, i just think the blame is 100% on kabam and 0% on the alliances, that’s all.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @danielmath I agree with you. But what would be a solution. If you can not punish alliances for not playing you have to cancel the season. But I think kabam wont take action
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Wakandas_Finest this is the right mindset yes
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★

    @danielmath I agree with you. But what would be a solution. If you can not punish alliances for not playing you have to cancel the season. But I think kabam wont take action

    Punishing alliances for not playing a war that doesn’t count would be the absolute stupidest thing kabam has ever done or ever could do
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Plat 2 getting rinsed this season by masters alliances. Nice.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,232 ★★★★★

    This season sucks
    @Kabam Zibiit
    @Kabam Porthos
    @Kabam Vydious
    @Kabam Lyra

    We are happy about alliances that will reach top 1-10 while playing against P1 alliances only. The Top alliances doesn't even have the chance to defend their titles because they won't match the abusers😂 Good job and thank you Kabam. Thank you for the thousands of units I spent on this season. This comes from a Nefti player. I will quit the game.

    I also thank you in the name of all P1 and P2 alliances that got completely destroyed by masters alliances this season.

    kabam can't punish players for not doing something.

    battlegrounds tanking is different because players intentionally cue up with the intent to lose. war is automatically cued up and players go in to win until kabam decided to call it off.

    it's a kabam-side issue, not a player one because how do you force players to use items for a war that won't even count?
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 907 ★★★
    edited November 2024
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @Asher1_1 thank you but this isn't helpful. The situation stays the same. Alliances that played against P1 can get #1-10 withoit playing against a masters alliance. It is crazy because it is not about War rating. Matchmaking is about Leaderboard
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★

    @Asher1_1 thank you but this isn't helpful. The situation stays the same. Alliances that played against P1 can get #1-10 withoit playing against a masters alliance. It is crazy because it is not about War rating. Matchmaking is about Leaderboard

    Ssx a few seasons ago finished number 2 by matching only low level alliances for TEN wars to start the season. Why didn’t you quit over that?
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @danielmath To be honest

    Reason number 1:
    I know that NEXT is getting piloted

    Reason number 2:
    I know some players in Chaos that I dont like. I dont want them to get War champ title while playing against p1 alliances. Also those players have a cheater mentality.

    Reason number 3:
    Iam a Nefti player. If we lose one war they will be #1 without even playing against us or another Top alliance. This is not acceptable. I spent thousands of units for this **** show
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,850 ★★★★★

    This season sucks
    @Kabam Zibiit
    @Kabam Porthos
    @Kabam Vydious
    @Kabam Lyra

    We are happy about alliances that will reach top 1-10 while playing against P1 alliances only. The Top alliances doesn't even have the chance to defend their titles because they won't match the abusers😂 Good job and thank you Kabam. Thank you for the thousands of units I spent on this season. This comes from a Nefti player. I will quit the game.

    I also thank you in the name of all P1 and P2 alliances that got completely destroyed by masters alliances this season.

    None of these guys work here, and if you really want a response it's better to contact support because the mods usually don't have insights on these topics. And they tend to ignore such threads anyways.

    And while intentionally skipping an AW match so you can farm low tier alliances for points, is an extremely unethical practice, It technically didn't violate the AW tos at all. It is a dirty strategy, but kabam can't punish them in this case. I don't think this comes under exploitation of a bug. But if you have proof that top alliance is piloting then sure report because it's definitely against tos.

    If you wanna tag someone tag these guys @Kabam Pinwheel @KabamDORK They are the community mods rn.
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Kabam is destroying every competitive mode. Ironically Crashed is in 4Loki who seem to have taken advantage of the bug.

    Now, Crashed isn’t an officer so I’m not putting the 4Loki one on him but I’d at least like a response on how he as a team member feels another this issue…

    Otherwise, it feels like every alliance should be taking advantage of this kind of opportunity and responsible ally’s are the fools.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    Yeah it is a joke😂😂😂 Imagine if we lose one war out of 12 [We played against every strong masters alliance in the first half] the CHAOS alliance will be #1 automatically although they had 10 Wars against P1 and we can't even match them because they are too deep in P1😂🤡💀 @HungaryHippo
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    SSX also took advantage of the big too lol. TCN, 4Loki, SSX all were in P2 😂
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★

    You can see who abused it when you look at the deaths. Absolutely undeserved😂😂😂😂
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    As if an alliance would be top 3 or even top 5 with 70 and 80 lost Attack bonusses😂🤡
  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 368 ★★★
    edited November 2024

    You can see who abused it when you look at the deaths. Absolutely undeserved😂😂😂😂

    Where did you get this screen? looks cool.

    I dont understand AW scoring that much. But you are ahead of 1 mil point than chaos. 50k per win right? if you lose all remaining and they win remaining, that will only reduce the gap around 300k, wont you be still 500k ahead?
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @arifin74 no the gap is like 35k. They are playing against Platinum 1 the whole season because they didn't play 4th war at all. So we can not match them because they are too far away in Platinum 1 but they can get #1 if we lose once. That is the whole joke.

    Also I don't understand people that smash the disagree button. Is it because you want to trigger me or are you just stupid?😂 I mean everything I texted was facts.

    You can all check the screenshots, the 2 leaderboards and the Attack bonusses. Maybe your brain is able to catch up lol.
  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 368 ★★★
    edited November 2024
    Ah, I see now. So the main issue is the tier multiplier, as war rating doesn’t change easily. Matchmaking, however, is determined by the season rank group, like platinum, master, etc.

    I would suggest that Kabam either base matchmaking on the tier, so tougher opponents yield more points, or tie the multiplier to season ranking, so easier opponents yield fewer points.

    This is a unique situation that came up this time, and it will probably be handled better in the future. I don’t think everyone who didn’t play was exploiting; some might have just taken a break, knowing it wouldn’t count.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 997 ★★★
    @BloodyCruelty allow me to simplify your endeavors to tag Kabam forum mods who are no longer with Kabam. You're presenting as someone who is either a forum newbie or isn't up to date.

    Make sure to everyone's last active dates.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,239 ★★★★★
    Oh no people exploiting loopholes in the game...
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,080 ★★★★★

    Oh no people exploiting loopholes in the game...

    But they’ll get titles lol
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★

    You can see who abused it when you look at the deaths. Absolutely undeserved😂😂😂😂

    Surprised to see you bring up deaths. Didn’t nefti get war champs last season dying way more than gt40? One of the most undeserved war champs in history no?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,796 Guardian
    I had long proposed that they make a TIER'd LEAGUE style of seasons (like English Football League system)

    Based on finish from prior season (either by War Rating, or by total Points from at end of prior season)

    TOP-13 Alliances.
    Each one faces each of the others in Top-13 (aka “Tier-1”) exactly once, total 12 wars.

    NEXT LOWER 13 Alliances (“Tier-2” 14-26)
    Multiplier = 9

    Keep going down by groups of 13, and keep lowering Multiplier, by less and less multiplier change each time as you go deeper down.

    Etc. but as you go lower, you can start to make much larger Tiers of teams (instead of 20,000 Tiers all of just 13 teams). Or just cut it off after top 4 Tiers (that would be 52 Alliances), and keep the rest of the groupings as currently structured in place as far as WR matching, etc

    Would have to Enlist for the upcoming Season (every Season), to make sure you are not planning on disbanding, etc.
    But if an Alliance does drop out, Kabam would pull up a high team from the next “Tier” below them to finish out the season in place of a team that is abandoned.

    The Difference of Multipliers as you go down in groups of 13 (especially from T-1 to T-2), should be set so that typically say 2 to 4 Teams (of the 13) each season would be able to earn higher points than bottom 2-4 teams in Tier above them. (*or just make it FIXED, like EPL, that exactly 3 teams move Up/Down each season across Tiers).

    This would be a solution to your problem.

    But not one single alliance from up in the upper ranks have ever replied that they think this is a good idea.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited November 2024
    @danielmath what are you yapping about. We won against GT40 and they also lost against salty lol. Everything was fair and deserved last season. We won against every big alliance. Your whataboutism stinks. I brought up the deaths because you can see that those alliances are clearly not good enough for podium.
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