Star lord buff concept

OnyxxOnyxx Member Posts: 70
Hey guys, I was a little bit bored so I make this nonsense

Star-lord buff

Signature Ability



As blows are exchanged, Star-Lord familiarizes with opponents' techniques, increasing Attack by X for each hit of the Combo Meter to a maximum of 500 hits.

Damage Over Time will also increase by X% for each of hit of the Combo Meter to a maximum of 500 hits.

Star-Lord gains X Block Proficiency for every hit of his opponent's Combo Meter.



Star-Lord can choose what damage over time he wants to apply to his enemy.

- Air: apply Shock

- Earth: apply Poison

- Fire: apply Incinerate

- Water: apply Coldsnap

Air will be chosen by default


Star-Lord will save 50% of his Combo Meter at the end of the fight at his persistence charge.
Star-Lord will add more persistence charge by every fight he wins.
Star-Lord will start the next fight with a total Combo Meter from his persistence charge.


Star-Lord is immune to ability accuracy reduction.


Star-Lord enters the fight with an indefinite Passive Combo Shield, preventing him from losing all hits from the Combo Meter, but losing three Combo from a single hit taken.


Star-Lord becomes unstoppable upon dashing towards his enemy.


Star-Lord pauses Damage Over Time effects on the enemy for 2 seconds.


When charging a heavy attack, Star-Lord gains a Fury Passive, increases his attack by X%. This Passive can't be stack but it will refresh the duration if Star-Lord use heavy attack again.


100 hits - Star-Lord gains an indefinite True Strike Passive, allowing him to ignore Armor, Resistance, Auto-Block and all Evade effects.

300 hits - Star-Lord has 50% chance to Auto-Block incoming basic attack. If he is about to get hit by basic attack after a special attack, heavy attack or ending an attack using medium or light attack, the chance is double. If this triggers, it goes on cooldown for 20 seconds.

500 hits - Increase Passive Damage Over Time effect by +100%.


Star-Lord's last hit from Special 2 and Special 3 power burn 50% of the opponent current power.


Each Quad-Blaster hits inflict instant Damage Over Time to the opponent, dealing X damage each.
Last hit inflict Stun Debuff for 2 seconds.


Last hit inflict Element Gun effect.
Last hit also inflict Element Damage, apply Damage Over Time Passive to his enemy for 6 seconds.


Inflict Element Gun effect with an increase potency and duration by +100%.
Inflict Element Damage, apply Damage Over Time Passive to his enemy for 10 seconds


Star-Lord can apply one element in a fight each time it is active. Star-Lord can roll Element Type by double tapping block.

- Air: Inflict Power Lock on the opponent, preventing them from gaining power for 5 seconds.

- Earth: Inflict Heal Block Debuff on the opponent, stopping all healing effects for 6 seconds.

- Fire: Inflict Armor Break Debuffs on the opponent, reduce Armor Rating by X for 8 seconds.

- Water: Inflict Slow Debuff on the opponent, reduce Unstoppable and Evade Ability Accuracy by a flat 100% for 7 seconds

Animation ideas:

- dash attack: uses jetpack
- 2nd medium: 2-hit combo
- 4th light attack: melee element gun
- heavy attack: 2-hit combo + he spinning around holding his quad blaster
- 1st special: barrage of Quad-Blaster shots(total of 8 shots) and ending with throwing gravity mines
- 2nd special: hit his enemy (as usual) and when he shot the element gun, he pushed backwards cause of the recoil effects (when he pushed backwards, he took a slight fly from his jetpack make him ascend slightly to the air)
- 3rd special: keep it it's GOATED
- he shuffling himself and then pointing his element gun to the camera

Feel free to hate, comment and give more suggestions


  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,319 ★★★★
    Yeah this is just ridiculously strong quite frankly. Being always unstoppable while dashing in for one thing is really op, but there's also just a lot of wording issues that make the abilities harder to read.

    You say he increases the potency of passive damage over time, but his damage over time effects are described as both debuffs and instant effects. If you're wanting then to refresh, which I think is too strong anyway, they can't be instant effects, and they're not passives so his increases to passive damage over time doesn't do anything.

    Realistically the issue is that he doesn't have much of a refined kit it feels like you just kept throwing abilities on to of one another
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,653 ★★★★★
    One thing I've always been bothered with surrounding StarLords kit is that half of his SIG is useless. If you take enough hits for the effect to be meaningful, your basically guaranteed knocked out.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,684 ★★★★★
    Star Lord has damage, he just needs the mantis synergy in his kit plus a combo shield plus the ability to carry over some of his combo
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 814 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    Dude try to make rework for Doc Strange
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,411 ★★★
    He dosnt need a buff…
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,319 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Star Lord has damage, he just needs the mantis synergy in his kit plus a combo shield plus the ability to carry over some of his combo

    He needs way more than that
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