I recently purchased multiple webstore offers
I spent 2 minutes clicking the claim button AND ONLY THE CLAIM BUTTON
The screen flashed in a weird way during this process. I thought nothing of it.
After i was done
I spent 5 more minutes claiming dozens of platinum track items.
After which
I realized i had thousands less units and immediately sent a ticket
Without ever seeing a pop up OR CLICKING ONE
I was now the not proud owner of a garbage champ for 9500 units
I sent an additional ticket after 24 hours and then another day later i get the response
Kabam now refuses to refund these units and take back trash champ.. the amount of change to my account is just too much for the big brains at Kabam to sort out…
I hope this happens to no one else but be mindful of your units while accepting offers because Kabam WILL NOT take the time to separate your purchases when you make too many for them to bother sorting
Time for negative units as i will not be forced/scammed into paying for something i did not see, want or have a choice about “purchasing”
Don’t get ripped off
I spent 2 minutes clicking the claim button AND ONLY THE CLAIM BUTTON
The screen flashed in a weird way during this process. I thought nothing of it.
After i was done
I spent 5 more minutes claiming dozens of platinum track items.
After which
I realized i had thousands less units and immediately sent a ticket
Without ever seeing a pop up OR CLICKING ONE
I was now the not proud owner of a garbage champ for 9500 units
I sent an additional ticket after 24 hours and then another day later i get the response
Kabam now refuses to refund these units and take back trash champ.. the amount of change to my account is just too much for the big brains at Kabam to sort out…
I hope this happens to no one else but be mindful of your units while accepting offers because Kabam WILL NOT take the time to separate your purchases when you make too many for them to bother sorting
Time for negative units as i will not be forced/scammed into paying for something i did not see, want or have a choice about “purchasing”
Don’t get ripped off
When you click on one screen in this game you can actually be clicking on a background screen behind what you’re looking at..
Ever play battlegrounds? You can start a match without seeing the button!
You know why? Because its active in the background while the foreground is blocking it from your view.
I clicked nothing but claim purchase and never even saw the stupid champ offer. Glitchy screen had for neon green statues like the ones in the Crystal vault and the screen flashed pink while trying to claim my purchase. The purchase did not claim so i did it a second time.
They overlay the webstore claim over the garbage “offer” it has everything to do with claiming in the foreground and receiving what’s hidden in the background
Have a nice day trolling your fellow players
The guy is saying it tapped on background while tapping to claim the westore items.
If we access the situation, then moleman would be at left which you tapped?
That's gotta be a new complaint in the story of 9500 unit trap.
Either way pop offers shouldn’t be up in the background and the customer shouldn’t get blamed for bad construction
Do you even play the game? How do you not understand how web purchases work
My problem isn’t with the web store purchase
The problem is when you go in the game to claim what you have purchased. It is blocking a 9.5 K unit offer in the background. And if you’ve ever played the game, you would know that sometimes while you click on something in the foreground, you’re actually hitting something in the background.
The boxes to claim only come from the Web store. That’s the only way they pop up on your screen. So it has everything to do with the store purchases. But only on the side where you claim them not while making the purchases online.
I’m sorry that you don’t understand this. This was meant as a warning to other people that may actually purchase things online and understand how it works.
Mr “two different iusse”
A. How the GAME processes and handles pop ups
B. You spamming.
It just so happened that the first pop-up you got was the webstore claim and not something else
Your title eludes to there being something you need to be careful with for the Webstore and there isn't any. The problem is that you were rapidly clicking through the items you bought and somehow the champ offer popped up in between.
You're being extremely dramatic about what happened. All you can do and all anyone can do is submit a ticket. Your post should have been along the lines of...
Title: Be careful when claiming mass purchases in-game
I purchased all the levels for the pass and as I was claiming them, the champ offer popped up and I accidently purchased a champ for 9500 units.
Ether find a new way to present these offers or add a "confirm" button to high priced purchases.
That's all it had to be.
I think they will do something because obviously there's too many people who aren't paying attention. I just wonder why it's these offers and not the ones from before. These types of offers aren't new.
But I think the easiest would be to move the offers to the store.
They need a confirmation button, considering the ammount of people that posted on the forums since this sales came out