
  • ifi163ifi163 Member Posts: 3
    We want better compensation, not just some 7 stars adding in milestone is worth it, it's even worst, we have to use more units to get those silly seven stars. Do better next time. Give us good compensation or give us back our units.
  • FuzzycatFuzzycat Member Posts: 94
    I’m grateful for the 10 free 7-star champions that were given by Kabam. It’s an incredibly generous gesture, and I appreciate the effort to give back to the community. However, I don’t feel that this can adequately compensate for the disappointment surrounding the Grand Banquet event.

    While I now have 10 new 7-star champions, the reality is that most of them will likely never even be ranked up due to the extreme resource requirements for 7-stars. This leaves the value of these champions somewhat limited in the grand scheme of things.

    Furthermore, I personally spent $200 and 6,000 units on getting 60 Superior Banquet Crystals, and the rewards I received left me feeling underwhelmed.

    I ended up with mostly Tier 6 Class Catalyst fragments, a small amount of Tier 7 Basic Catalyst fragments, less than 5000 7-star shards, a Titan Crystal, and the 7-star Champion Trophy Selector. While these rewards might look good on paper, they fall far short of what I was expecting from an event marketed as a “Grand Banquet.” I thought my investment would yield more meaningful rewards, and it’s disheartening that it didn’t.

    If I feel this let down after what I received, I can only imagine how others feel who spent less or pulled worse rewards. This doesn’t feel like a Grand Banquet—it feels like a Grand Letdown. I hope future events will provide better rewards and truly live up to the hype.

    Another thing to note is that Kabam claimed the banquet crystals would contain minimal fillers. Yet, with a 31.26% T6 Class Catalyst drop rate in the Superior Banquet crystals, it’s hard to see anything more filler than that. On the other hand, if it had been replaced with T4 Alpha Catalyst instead, the community’s reaction would have likely been the complete opposite. Food for thought.
  • WingsOfChaos_1WingsOfChaos_1 Member Posts: 59
    As far as I understand, there was no community task before. Correct me if I'm wrong. Then the whole problem is community task. Then open all community awards to everyone. The community awards are full of stolen banquet crystals from our content...
  • EcheonEcheon Member Posts: 7
    What if the question mark prize next to the ispohyne unlocks realm rewards for all players without points requirement?
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Echeon said:

    What if the question mark prize next to the ispohyne unlocks realm rewards for all players without points requirement?

    It's just there so when you tap it to see what it is it tells you that it is the last real milestone and everything after is stretch goals.
  • Scratchmaster23Scratchmaster23 Member Posts: 184 ★★
    MCOC Team said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.

    We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.

    Reference the banquet crystals I think it's more the drop rates that we are all unhappy about, we were promised 83% good stuff, increased from the usual 50 odd% and 17% filler yet from all that I have pulled and probably most others it seems to have been the other way round 🙁 I have used about 22k units so far and all I seem to have got was mainly t5cc shards or full and t6cc shards and the occasional good pull, that is the main thing I am unhappy about anyways and possibly the same for others I see in chats and forum posts.
    Really thought that being the 10yr anniversary we would have seen way better drop rates and more potential for the good stuff as promised, also reiterating the disappointment with no Christmas calendar 😢
  • naikavonnaikavon Member Posts: 308 ★★★

    naikavon said:

    I see tons of feedback focusing on the negative aspects and I agree with many of them. However, I don't want one positive to get lost in the deluge of rightful criticism. Hence this post.

    One positive that I do like, was moving (some) rewards to milestones. I like the guarantee value that shift offers vs solely relying on rng. It provides a nice baseline that helps people like me better evaluate how much $$$ or time to devote to a event.

    I feel like a majority, or at least, a very vocal section of the community, has been asking for less rng and more guarantee rewards and that is met by milestone rewards. So good on ya!

    Unfortunately, many of the better rewards were moved to the realm event. Not once has this community managed (on their own) to reach all the milestones. And I don't see it happening here either. Rewards that will not be achieved may just as well not exist.

    Perhaps moving some of the better rewards to alliance (easily the weakest set of rewards imo for this event) or even solo reward milestones is something that should be explored in the future or...drastically reducing the ask for realm event milestones.

    Finally, I think there exists a large part of the player base, that has at their disposal of units, somewhere in the 4-7k range. It is purely a guess on my part, but I think the majority fall somewhere in that range. (Maybe even less, more on that later).

    There will be a difference in perspectives between someone who has enough units to reach the highest milestones without spend and folks who fall into the 4-7k range. It's a big ask to expect all those people to spend gobs of money to make up the difference especially after a huge event like cyber weekend where a large chunk of units were also exchanged for goodies.

    None of that is to say that players should be able to participate in both events. But, draining resources, in this case units, right before an event that moves much of the "good stuff" to a realm event might not be the best received especially by those falling into the aforementioned range of units.

    All of that is a long-winded way of saying, players just want to feel like their money/ time is valued. Not everything awesome has to be locked away behind $600. Sometimes it's ok to give something the player values for the lower level of spend too. Value the $10 spender and they'll likely spend that and more.

    Again, I think that rewards based on whole community participation that involve people spending units on crystals with subpar drop rates while advertising "less filler" in those crystals is a way to make those who did participate fully disappointed and jaded about future events. These rewards should have been somewhere else.
    You could of just said you agree with me lol.

    naikavon said:

    I see tons of feedback focusing on the negative aspects and I agree with many of them. However, I don't want one positive to get lost in the deluge of rightful criticism. Hence this post.

    One positive that I do like, was moving (some) rewards to milestones. I like the guarantee value that shift offers vs solely relying on rng. It provides a nice baseline that helps people like me better evaluate how much $$$ or time to devote to a event.

    I feel like a majority, or at least, a very vocal section of the community, has been asking for less rng and more guarantee rewards and that is met by milestone rewards. So good on ya!

    Unfortunately, many of the better rewards were moved to the realm event. Not once has this community managed (on their own) to reach all the milestones. And I don't see it happening here either. Rewards that will not be achieved may just as well not exist.

    Perhaps moving some of the better rewards to alliance (easily the weakest set of rewards imo for this event) or even solo reward milestones is something that should be explored in the future or...drastically reducing the ask for realm event milestones.

    Finally, I think there exists a large part of the player base, that has at their disposal of units, somewhere in the 4-7k range. It is purely a guess on my part, but I think the majority fall somewhere in that range. (Maybe even less, more on that later).

    There will be a difference in perspectives between someone who has enough units to reach the highest milestones without spend and folks who fall into the 4-7k range. It's a big ask to expect all those people to spend gobs of money to make up the difference especially after a huge event like cyber weekend where a large chunk of units were also exchanged for goodies.

    None of that is to say that players should be able to participate in both events. But, draining resources, in this case units, right before an event that moves much of the "good stuff" to a realm event might not be the best received especially by those falling into the aforementioned range of units.

    All of that is a long-winded way of saying, players just want to feel like their money/ time is valued. Not everything awesome has to be locked away behind $600. Sometimes it's ok to give something the player values for the lower level of spend too. Value the $10 spender and they'll likely spend that and more.

    Again, I think that rewards based on whole community participation that involve people spending units on crystals with subpar drop rates while advertising "less filler" in those crystals is a way to make those who did participate fully disappointed and jaded about future events. These rewards should have been somewhere else.
    So, we agree? They should have put the milestones rewards in solo and alliance.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    Old timers... Remember previous banquets when you kept on grinding arenas while the event was running just to top off that magic 300 number, when you waited for a calendar to hit to give you a few more units. When you hunched with your phone during X-mas dinner in some dark corner of the house while buying 1 more GBC chanting "My precious GBC" in a Gollum like voice?...
    Those days are gone...

    Yes, but also better for family relations and truer to the meaning of the season by far to only be popping in 1-2 times a day to see whether the Realm has picked up the slack or not. 😉

    Dr. Zola
  • McocMattMcocMatt Member Posts: 15
    Disappointed, Crystal feel like you’re just getting filler the exact opposite of what you said the Crystal was about. In a time when spenders have 20+ r3 and about to get r4’s the one event the ftp and lesser spenders have to increase their roster to compete you need 13k units to get 1 r3 7*. Actually think the 7* shard amount in milestones is about right. Iso is a major issue in the game right now too I know you say you can’t touch crystals so maybe add these to every mile stone too. T4a should be 1 for every 3k spent too
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,706 ★★★★★

    Do you want kabam to listen? Some of you may not have been here, but quite a few of us have been here that long. There are 2 things to speak with. Your wallet and your review in the App Store. The only time kabam has been FORCED to somewhat fix something was way back with 12.0 when the COMMUNITY STOOD TOGETHER. Whales all the way down to ftp and STOPPED SPENDING AND LEFT 1 STAR REVIEWS. That accomplishes 2 goals no money and no new players to get hooked. So if you want a change that is not behind a paywall then be a COMMUNITY and band together and embrace BOYCOTT 2.0. Don’t just let the spending in the realm event plateau. Make it stop. Watch how quick a real solution happens.

  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,787 ★★★★★
    It be good if they discussed potential options on the fix with us so we could actually discuss the best option
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 965 ★★★
    Hello Stark Foundation, I want to speak to Tony Stark
    Oh he's busy with Avengers Doomsday right now? He is now called Doctor Doom?
    Ok doctor I need painkillers right now for the entire realm
    Make it fast, some whales are already in shock and convulsing in pain
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 242
    In case you are wondering
    'This content has been removed'
    Doesn't necessarily mean someone used bad language,or were disrespectful.
    I know this because 5 of those comments were mine.
    I didn't swear,I wasn't disrespectful.
    It's obvious what I said was too close to the truth.
    I hope some people read it because I am sick of being scammed more each event
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 448 ★★★
    Everything about this event would have been bad on a normal year. But to have this drop on the 10th anniversary makes it feel that much worse.

    After 10 years of watching and learning(?) this is what KABAM give us? Such a deflating and underwhelming experience.......
  • Covus_Corax2020Covus_Corax2020 Member Posts: 15
    It enabled me to get to thronebreaker, but otherwise it feels a bit meh. TBH not sure what I was expecting, but I remember feeling hyped getting weapon x last year. Ive saved 6k units as FTP. Wont be spending final 1k. As catalyst dont excite me
  • Cerberus1905Cerberus1905 Member Posts: 10
    Bendy said:

    @mcoc team, Bought an Odin expecting a Gifted Guardian Key just like it says in game. No key & no offer to make it right. When the game team says something is available they should make sure the product is actually for sale

    U should read it more carefully banquet all fathers odin whats in game atm is just an all fathers vault the bundle will drop on christmas deals
    Where does it say there that the particular Odin needed is not available currently? It's misleading to say the least. Every other event they have throughout the year, deals are released in conjunction with the event. This should've been no different.
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 242
    I was a massive fan of mcoc,I have been here 10 years in may(so no veteran title,it went to people who just happened to have noticed the game in December 14.
    For some people this is more than just a tiny part of their life,playing an hour or less a day,but for some people this has put a big downer on xmas,but kabam just sift through the comments deleting any written with too much truth by people that they actually upset and disappointed.
    They just do whatever the hell they want,and another thing,they never replace anything in game that gets lost because of emergency maintenance, sudden malfunctions etc.
    I don't know if the people who open our emails are paid to give any excuse to not have to get a dev to do any work,but those guys don't read the emails,they just pick out a few buzzwords and usually miss the point and send back an irrelevant template email.then if you don't like the answer they set the issue to solved and ignore any further emails on the issue.
    They just do whatever the hell they want,we are just paypackets to them.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,787 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    @mcoc team, Bought an Odin expecting a Gifted Guardian Key just like it says in game. No key & no offer to make it right. When the game team says something is available they should make sure the product is actually for sale

    U should read it more carefully banquet all fathers odin whats in game atm is just an all fathers vault the bundle will drop on christmas deals
    Where does it say there that the particular Odin needed is not available currently? It's misleading to say the least. Every other event they have throughout the year, deals are released in conjunction with the event. This should've been no different.

    This says banquet all fathers whats in game is just a non deal one the banquet odin be the deals that drop sometime soon
  • NW2NW2 Member Posts: 19
    The good: T4a was the biggest limiting factor for me getting to Valiant, this event guarantees 6 T4a through milestones so all TB and Paragon accounts have a path to valiant which is a huge win. (Consider I used 100+ revives with Aegon at R5 sig 200 ascended for initial clear of necropolis to get my first R3)

    The bad: The SBC crystals are so bad that I found no excitement opening them so there is no point in spending units after you reach the required points for the peak milestone in the realm event. I don’t consider the rank rewards worth pushing further, especially as you have no idea how much will be enough

    The concern: Because of the lack of incentive for individuals to push past 23813 points, the community will not hit the Isophyne milestone

    Final thought, as a valiant account with 2 7* R3s going into this event, I don’t feel this event was fun first and foremost and while I got some rank up materials for a couple more R3s, my luck was so awful it felt like a loss
  • ShrodinbergShrodinberg Member Posts: 68
    So overhyped "superior" cristal that feel inferior,
    Getting rid of the 6* stuff seemed a good idea but not adding heros shards instead and having too much catalyst that have lost a ton of value over thé year is a big mistake.
    Overhyping a " Grand" banquet since september with nothing exceptional to bé Seen except 7r4 gem for the biggest whales is a mistake.
    The purpose of a realm event isn't for everyone to enjoy and celebrate ? Especially for 10 year anniversary , so putting a " not for you buddy, you didn't invest enough" wall is unbelievible.

    The ten free 7* were great but increased the anticipation even more for the Grand banquet who even if it wasn't thé only 10 year anniversary event was considered the " main event" and will be the one remembered.
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    the funniest thing in this absolute mess is kabam being satisfied with what they gave us... they say we'll be happy after the christmas gift. But if it turns out to be another damn rank 1-2 gem I think people will uninstall the game lol

    I seriously fail to understand the reasoning behind throwing rank 1-2 gems at us when this event is about the game shifting towards rank 4 7 stars. We've just discovered the first rank 4 in game (imagine the spending to get a rank 4 out of the little crumbs of t7b we get from sbc...), but kabam thinks they're amazing for gifting us rank 1-2 gem and a bunch of mid 7s champs. Ok.
  • RemVDRemVD Member Posts: 4
    This whole event is a fraud and a scam. Pls just Refund my money or I'll file a lawsuit for going against european laws and I'll chargeback all the purchasing i made. Worst event ever.
  • WhitakkerrWhitakkerr Member Posts: 4
    Okay, firstly let me say I as a returning player after a 5 year absence have been having a lot of fun with the game again however, I do have some concerns with how this banquet is both set up and described to us.

    Firstly, SBCs based on my talks with members of my alliances, reading forums, watching content creators and even the wild ride that is general chat all share a lot of similar thoughts with how these SBCs rewards are for the value of the crystal. There is a common thought that the rewards inside them from those who have spent a lot are not well rewarded and feeling lackluster with what they received for what they put in.

    I seen Kabam Crashed comment in regards to the pulls of the crystals and a reasoning why they do not offer increased rewards for the event and celebration of 10 years of MCOC. 'it would mean creating an enormous gap between the big spenders and everyone else' which I do agree to an extent but I don't necessarily agree that those who invest into the game should necessarily be nerfed.

    Secondly. the milestone rewards. I am a recent Paragon player so a lot of these rewards to land on me well and have helped my account grow a bit, however, there is only so much in which I can get out of these milestones because I am not a unit spender which means eventually I will get stuck on a certain milestone and that progression will be very slow in comparison to the big spenders. So in proxy, these milestones are actually 'creating an enormous gap between the big spenders and everyone else'.

    In my honest opinion, the milestones shouldn't have a prerequisite to unlock the stages because not every player can spend and open these GBCs/SBCs as reliably as the devoted investors that are the community whales, so the milestones that are released are in fact more so for the big spenders then the whole community as a whole. I believe personally that having the GBCs & SBCs having better rewards for them to invest in while removing the prerequisite of milestones for players would actually create an environment where us lesser spending players respect and appreciate the spenders more for what they actually bring to the game as a whole. Community is a big part of a games expansion and long term lifespan.

    Finally, in short as beneficial as this 10 year anniversary event is for me a Paragon player who intents to start his grind to Valiant in the new year I believe the event was not well thought out in regards to the community as a whole. There was a concern of safeguarding towards the less spending players which ironically makes them look into the game to spend more to receive milestones they otherwise would not reach, while the big investors of this game feel like their money/time/grinding/efforts are not worth what they have invested into the game over the past year. There is no way I will reach say 10k contributions so a lot of the rewards that my rank of players are desperately looking for are in fact going to the players you claim to be trying to stop creating a gap for. Which I would like to add, only really effects battlegrounds.

    Reward the investors, and find better ways for the community to appreciate them because at the moment it sounds like they are unhappy with how their efforts have been rewarded.

    (A 7* 1-2 gem as the 3rd highest solo banquet event reward does not benefit these players and the ones who really would appreciate them will not obtain them over this celebratory event, as one point of reference).

    Many thanks if you read this all, I'll take any feedback.

  • TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 652 ★★★

    I disagree with getting rid of realm rewards. I honestly don’t think it is the end of the world for there to be an element that is great for Thronebreaker players and can even the odds (even if just a little bit)…and I am a Valiant that enjoys whaling :)

    I think this issue was mostly in the communication prior to the event. The entire event (the free 10 7* characters, the milestones, etc.) are truly not terrible when all is combined. We were just expecting more from the banquet itself.

    When that was combined with the abysmal drop rates of the SBC’s; it makes the event “feel” very bad (even though it was one day of a larger event).

    Was I upset opening approximately 200 SBC crystals and seeing not a single “high end” hit? Yes.

    Was someone in chat excited to open 11 crystals and get 7* Jessica Jones? Absolutely!

    Did it make me feel even worse for saving up, buying daily’s (for the tickets) for months,, and spending 60,000 units “worth” of value (while watching someone who spent nothing get a reward better than all of mine combined)? Of course.

    But that’s part of the game. That person will remember their banquet JJ forever. A lot of Thronebreakers are having an incredible Banquet.

    When I think of all of the milestones, the free champs, etc combined…while it still was not worth my investment; it wasn’t a complete loss.

    That, and someone has to lose so others can win (thronebreakers, etc.).

    I don't care about the type of banquet TB's are having. Kabam needs to find a way to make the rewards progression based and fair to Valiant players. There's no way Valiant should be getting **** rewards, while lower tiers are getting great ones. Lower tiers have been able to take advantage of the Valiant progression and that's just not right.

    Honestly it wasn’t long ago that they catered Banquest/Gifting and events like these to the higher progression levels. If you wanted the best rewards, work on ranking yourself up! It’s easier than ever now. Why are Valiants getting their rewards diluted to lower tier levels?
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