
  • Dmagic12Dmagic12 Member Posts: 5
    Stellar said:

    Kabam should get rid of the realm event, it’s real hammer and sickle type stuff, and adds nothing to the experience of the game

    No !
    The realm event is quite nice and is not the problem here.

    The main problem is that those superior crystals rewards are not worth the 300 units we are spending.
    When someone buy and open a crystal he wants something worth the units spent.
    We all know it might take 5 or 10 or 20 crystals to get a global rewards worth our money.

    Kabam put the good rewards in the realm event but nobody cares that if you open crystals, everyone will benefits !
    What we care is how it will benefit us right now when we open those crystals we bought with our money. It’s ok if it benefit others with the realm event but we don’t buy crystals for other but for us 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe Kabam can correct this :

    - By sending compensation to those buying crystals (not sure it’s the best option though)
    - By creating a Christmas gift (a good one not just 1 revive ) to appease players
    - By modifying the current crystal drop rate if possible
    - a special Christmas calendar ?
    - Specials gifts attached to Odin ?
    - Specials rewards that can be bought in the in game store

    Or whatever solution that will make those damn crystal really worth buying !
    I do not think you are wrong but I did want to chime in. The issue at hand is there is no win, win, win here and that meaning no win for Kabaam, no win for the heavy spenders and no win for the non spenders. If they change percentages now then everyone who spent get nothing and feel cheated, them adding extra to the milestones is fine but it should have been lower on the list , the only type of Christmas gift worth anything is if they give out 10k units to everyone for free. The realm event is a nice addition but when the event gears more to spending money it shafts the non spenders/low spenders, I spent 2k units with around an 8k score, I cannot get any of the good realm milestones unless I spend $300 more which I don't have, when the realm event gears to just playing the game more like the bg one then those are awesome.

    The X amount of units as a giveaway makes it a little better, it helps some who spent that much and if you did not then you got a Happy Holidays gift. I also believe they should just give us the realm event as a Holiday/End of year gift.
  • BrothaJ07BrothaJ07 Member Posts: 65
    The Grand Banquet Heist should have been the event name. And those rumored XMAS “gifts” better be nerfed for players who would’ve received all Realm Event milestones.
  • SLipMCOCSLipMCOC Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2024
    MCOC Team said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.

    We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.

    Based on what I've seen in the feedback from the player base and your (Kabam) response of the intent , I think the easiest solution for everyone to meet some middle ground here is this:

    Since as is the bulk of the rewards are intentionally in the milestones, I think the simplest solution is make the milestones easier to hit for everyone.

    Simply reward more points per buy/open (double the points across the events) For example the Superior Crystal from 300 per and buy 100 per open to 600 per buy and 200 per open. This makes the milestones easier for everyone to achieve and then even those who can only open a small amount will still be able to hit some milestones. When they code it just double everyone existing points when it goes live.

    I hope this doesn't get lost in 27 pages of middle fingers, because i honestly think its a good solution.

    Personally I opened around 80 crystals so far, bought all 4 of the 49.99 USD deals, had some tickets and tokens saved up from other USD money deals a long the way. I can whole heartedly agree with the disappointment in the Banquet crystals but i do understand Kabam's perspective on them.

    I recorded my opening for a you tube video but unfortunately nothing really happened worth editing into a one. So, I'm not sure if that will make it out yet.

    I would love to have seen the Box champ randomizer, be a selector instead
    It was a miss you gave me sig stones that only be used on Box champs that i have to draw twice to use but you only gave me two keys. Could be more keys in the milestones.

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  • Christmas banquet.. A huge hoax, they put few interesting things in the crystals, with a really low percentage of exit from the casino, just to take onngiro... and if you want good things as always you have to spend... otherwise nothing... in addition the goals have been studied to make you spend and much more than in previous years... Otherwise you don't get a ****
  • LuigihulksmasherLuigihulksmasher Member Posts: 92 ★★
    Yeah tier 3 alpha and tier 3 basics should not have been in the rewards we can get that stuff free easily
  • Moneymike128Moneymike128 Member Posts: 74
    I've been thinking about something that might work in the future to make the crystals more valuable and exciting for everyone without enabling spenders to buy the whole farm.

    I'm sorry if this is a poor explanation, but what if there were"keys" in the banquet crystals (with a comparatively high drop rate) that could be exchanged for limited rewards in a banquet store... Instead of (or in addition to) having a .02% chance at a Titan crystal, you could have a 10% -15% chance of a banquet key, which could be exchanged in the store for high value rewards (titan/selector/rank-up or awakening gems) up to a a reasonable limit of each. Excess keys could go towards less valuable catalyst selectors/gold/etc available in higher quantities. Alternatively, it could go the way of a holiday quest with path gates.... (Deadpool holiday shopping? Symbiotes dressed as elves?)

    I think that this would maintain the value of the crystals to big spenders while creating a path for ftp/grind/dolphin players to feel satisfied that they got something valuable in direct relation to their investment in a way that the milestones seemed to miss. My intent is to minimize the risk of someone blowing 12k units /$400 on crystals with only 5-10k shards and some rank-up materials to show for it, which I think is what happened here, (in spite of the many, many, generous gifts.)

  • SpreadingAlohaSpreadingAloha Member Posts: 3
    Amms90 said:

    I always hated the banquet event. The terrible RNG of the crystals, the gamble to spend for the hope you or your alliance ranks high enough, the unit spend. Banquet crystals always had bad rewards for the 300 unit cost, so I don't understand the sudden shock to how bad they are this year.
    But after I added up all the rewards across the solo, alliance, and realm milestones, what you get for less than 15k units are way better than anything offered before. If the realm event hits milestone 28 (the minimum 20088 points) and you achieve 20088 points, the rewards are incredible:
    -60,000 7 star shards
    -3 Glorious Guardians 7 stars
    -7 star Awakening gem crystal worth of shards
    -Enough Rank up material for 2 7* Rank 3
    -2 7* rank 2 to rank 3 gems
    -1 Ascension
    -5000 Titan shards

    Plus they even added 2 7 star crystals and a 7 Star Nexus, after all the complaints.
    These are just from the milestones, so anything I get from the SBCs are just a bonus.

    Tell me where else have you seen this much rewards. I came out of the last cyber week spending more units (20k) and got less rewards.
    I have always spent my money and units during cyber week. But the fact that these rewards are guaranteed for less than 15k units, makes this a great value.
    I'm in the minority of my opinion of this event, but damn Kabam did a great job. Yes the SGCs could have better odds, but banquet crystals always had bad odds. They even made the Crystal better, by adding Superior Banquet Crystals, with less trash and more high chase rewards. My main problem with past banquet events was the huge RNG and low guaranteed value. Kabam actually listened and improved drastically on the guarantee values.
    Last year a 300 unit greater banquet crystal would get me 2 tier 5 basics or 4k 6 star shards. Where was all this drop rate hate last year? They removed most of the trash drop items from the crystals.

    This is the best banquet/gifting event that Kabam did so far.

    dude you got your calculations all wrong and also where did you even look to find the rank 2-3 gems? Because there are none. Kabam keeps throwing at us rank 1-2 gems when this event will bring the first rank 4s in game lol
    Where did I say rank 2-3 gems? Lmao. Learn to read and how to do some math.

    I always hated the banquet event. The terrible RNG of the crystals, the gamble to spend for the hope you or your alliance ranks high enough, the unit spend. Banquet crystals always had bad rewards for the 300 unit cost, so I don't understand the sudden shock to how bad they are this year.
    But after I added up all the rewards across the solo, alliance, and realm milestones, what you get for less than 15k units are way better than anything offered before. If the realm event hits milestone 28 (the minimum 20088 points) and you achieve 20088 points, the rewards are incredible:
    -60,000 7 star shards
    -3 Glorious Guardians 7 stars
    -7 star Awakening gem crystal worth of shards
    -Enough Rank up material for 2 7* Rank 3
    -2 7* rank 2 to rank 3 gems
    -1 Ascension
    -5000 Titan shards

    Plus they even added 2 7 star crystals and a 7 Star Nexus, after all the complaints.
    These are just from the milestones, so anything I get from the SBCs are just a bonus.

    Tell me where else have you seen this much rewards. I came out of the last cyber week spending more units (20k) and got less rewards.
    I have always spent my money and units during cyber week. But the fact that these rewards are guaranteed for less than 15k units, makes this a great value.
    I'm in the minority of my opinion of this event, but damn Kabam did a great job. Yes the SGCs could have better odds, but banquet crystals always had bad odds. They even made the Crystal better, by adding Superior Banquet Crystals, with less trash and more high chase rewards. My main problem with past banquet events was the huge RNG and low guaranteed value. Kabam actually listened and improved drastically on the guarantee values.
    Last year a 300 unit greater banquet crystal would get me 2 tier 5 basics or 4k 6 star shards. Where was all this drop rate hate last year? They removed most of the trash drop items from the crystals.

    This is the best banquet/gifting event that Kabam did so far.

    Typo, was supposed to be 2 7* 1 to 2 gems.

    But still, the numbers don't lie.
    Do the math for the milestones.
    Just a reminder of last year's crystal:

    I remember the utter disgust of getting 6 star shards or Tier 2 alphas.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Pan_ said:

    I’ve already posted about my disappointment with the Grand Banquet Event, and after some thought, here’s what I’d do if I were Kabam:

    1. Improve the Crystals: Right now, the SBCs are filled with small insegnificant rank up materials, that feel horrible to pay 300 units for. I’d eliminate the small frags and shards, and only include fully formed catalysts and increase drop rate for the top-tier items like Titan shards and Trophy champs. We all know how great it feels to open a crystal that actually matters in som way.

    2. Reimburse the Players: I’d give everyone an anount equal to the SBCs they’ve already opened, allowing everyone a fair shot at the improved rewards.

    3. Unlock All Event Milestones: To really show appreciation for the community, I’d unlock every milestone in the realm event. This would ensure that everyone feels rewarded and valued, as there would be no mcoc without the players

    4. Send Out Special Packages: Considering how much everyone has invested, I’d send out grand compensation packages based on the number of SBCs opened and progression level, making sure not to separate valiant and paragon players(as there are alot of players who have shared theirs opinion on this)

    5. Balance the Economy: Given the upcoming introduction of Rank 4, any small disruptions caused by these changes would have less of an impact. This would be a minute price for maintaining the health and happiness of our community.

    The dumbest thing I’ve seen here. It’s insane to me how incredibly out of touch the concersation has gotten. If you participate in this yeae’s banquet and either buy all 4 bundles in the store or spend the necessary units to max out all the milestones on the realm event, the value is colossally higher than any of the previous years. This year, there is a much less rng dependent spread of rewards for EVERYONE who puts up the points. The glorious guardians are all AMAZING to INSANE champions. All of them have value. There are TWO whole 7 star awakening gems and a 7 star Isophene dupe in these milestones.
  • medeiros19951010medeiros19951010 Member Posts: 3
    MCOC Team said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.

    We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.

    Gostaria que tivesse sido dado catalisadores de grau 6 inteiros e não somente os fragmentos deles. Fragmentos podemos comprar nas lojas. Além disso, mais ouro também, 250mil por cristal é pouco. Vocês dizem ser o melhor evento do ano, mas não está sendo. Queremos mais heróis de 7** estrelas também como recompensas, e as quantidades de iso-8 também não foram suficientes.

    I wish they had given out whole grade 6 catalysts and not just their fragments. We can buy fragments in stores. Also, more gold too, 250k per crystal is not enough. You say it's the best event of the year, but it's not. We want more 7** star heroes as rewards too, and the amounts of iso-8 weren't enough either.
  • medeiros19951010medeiros19951010 Member Posts: 3
    MCOC Team said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.

    We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.

    This year, ever since I started playing again, my friends have been talking about how wonderful the banquet event was, so I started collecting units. Since January, I have been collecting every unit I have earned to the maximum for the best event of the year, according to my fellow players. When the banquet event started, everyone was disappointed, those who had collected all the units they could throughout the year and also those who were collecting them in a hurry. What Kabam has been doing with this event is completely disrespectful. Units are a very scarce resource in this game and the rewards that are being given in the banquet crystals that cost 300 units are a joke. Gold and that? And catalyst fragments instead of a whole catalyst? A big joke in bad taste against all players. I joined the MTC in 2015, and for a long time the game filled my afternoons with joy, playing with friends and collecting heroes. However, after a long time of effort not being recognized by Kabam, I stopped playing. And with this event, I'm likely to stop playing this game again, due to the disappointment. That's why people are dedicating less and less time to the game. It's no longer fun, and we're no longer rewarded as we should be.
    Este ano, desde quando voltei a jogar meus amigos ficaram comentando da maravilhas do evento do banquete, então comecei juntar unidade. Desde janeiro juntando cada unidade que ganhava ao máximo para o melhor evento do ano, segundo os amigos jogadores. Quando o evento do banquete abriu, todos decepcionados, os que juntaram todas as unidade que podiam o ano todo e também aqueles que estavam juntando as pressas. Muito sem respeito nenhum o que a Kabam vem fazendo nesse evento. Unidades é um recurso muito escasso nesse jogo e as recompensas que estão sendo dadas nos cristais do banquete que custam 300 unidades são uma piada. Ouro e Isso? E fragmentos de catalisador ao invés de catalisador inteiro? Uma grande piada de mal gosto contra todos os jogadores. Entrei no MTC em 2015, e por muito tempo o jogo encheu minhas tardes de alegria, jogando com os amigos e colecionando heróis. Contudo após muito tempo de esforço não ser reconhecido pela Kabam, parei de jogar. E com o ocorrido desse evento é provável que eu pare de jogar esse jogo de novo tamanha a decepção. Por isso as pessoas a cada dia se dedicam menos ao jogo. Não é mais divertido, não somos mais recompensados como deveríamos.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,012 ★★★★★

    BigBlueOx said:

    Some of us didn't even get the Salisbury steak...we got the "McRib", and the nuggets 😂😭
    McRib is back for a limited time btw...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,936 ★★★★★
    Pan_ said:

    I’ve already posted about my disappointment with the Grand Banquet Event, and after some thought, here’s what I’d do if I were Kabam:

    1. Improve the Crystals: Right now, the SBCs are filled with small insegnificant rank up materials, that feel horrible to pay 300 units for. I’d eliminate the small frags and shards, and only include fully formed catalysts and increase drop rate for the top-tier items like Titan shards and Trophy champs. We all know how great it feels to open a crystal that actually matters in som way.

    2. Reimburse the Players: I’d give everyone an anount equal to the SBCs they’ve already opened, allowing everyone a fair shot at the improved rewards.

    3. Unlock All Event Milestones: To really show appreciation for the community, I’d unlock every milestone in the realm event. This would ensure that everyone feels rewarded and valued, as there would be no mcoc without the players

    4. Send Out Special Packages: Considering how much everyone has invested, I’d send out grand compensation packages based on the number of SBCs opened and progression level, making sure not to separate valiant and paragon players(as there are alot of players who have shared theirs opinion on this)

    5. Balance the Economy: Given the upcoming introduction of Rank 4, any small disruptions caused by these changes would have less of an impact. This would be a minute price for maintaining the health and happiness of our community.

    That all?
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    Ok, I did a little looking into the drop rates, and the total number of outcomes that would be considered good vs filler. I believe they were correct on The stream that 50% of the outcomes are filler. But that 50% is weighted very heavily.

    The known quantity outcomes that I actually would consider not to be filler is about a 2.4% chance to occur. Adding the 7*/Titan shards in an amount that I wouldn't consider filler isn't specified, but probably only ups the total chance of an outcome that's decent would maybe hit 4%.

    That means that the "50% filler" portion of returns actually has well over a 90% chance of occuring, when everyone watching the stream interpreted "50% filler" to be getting filler 50% of the time.

    Ot I could be overthinking this, and Kabams idea of filler is waaaay differnet than mine, which is the most likely outcome.
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 236
    Wubbie075 said:

    Bendy said:

    @mcoc team, Bought an Odin expecting a Gifted Guardian Key just like it says in game. No key & no offer to make it right. When the game team says something is available they should make sure the product is actually for sale

    U should read it more carefully banquet all fathers odin whats in game atm is just an all fathers vault the bundle will drop on christmas deals
    Where does it say there that the particular Odin needed is not available currently? It's misleading to say the least. Every other event they have throughout the year, deals are released in conjunction with the event. This should've been no different.
    That's how it's always been. They open the event with the cash for crystals deal, then that goes away and we get the special unit bundles, then those go away and cash for crystals comes back. Every Year.

    For some people this is more than just a tiny part of their life

    If this is true for you, please step away from the game. Not because of the event, do it for your mental health.

    RemVD said:

    This whole event is a fraud and a scam. Pls just Refund my money or I'll file a lawsuit for going against european laws and I'll chargeback all the purchasing i made. Worst event ever.

    What fraud? The drop rates, crappy as they were, were published.
    And do what?I'm talking about time spent.why would you quit something just because you do it a lot.thats completely backwards
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