Calling for a boycott !!!

LeslieChowLeslieChow Member Posts: 81 ★★
When hard working people ( delivery guys, doctors, policemen, soldiers, fast food employees, etc... ) find 20 minutes in between deliveries, saving lives, getting shoot at to log in and grind for units and all they get is 1% chance for a 6* Awakening gem in the greater banquet crystals is just baffling. Players are simply NOT rewarded for the time and dedication they invest. I play for 10 years. I found time for this game when i was on deployment in Kazahstan to farm units. From a bit over 5K all i got is enough 6 * shards for 2 6* crytals... The rest were fillers... The other crystals i got were from the milestones... Didnt pull anything from that either but thats not an issue... The issue is that after 365 days of farming players get 1% chance to pull a 6* Awakening gem for example...
I personally had enough and im not willing to spend more of my time and energy. Me and the grand majority of the players are being disrespected after we put food on Kabams table.
No more.


  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    Asher1_1 said:

    I think u are delusional , for a below TB that's highest reward so it's drop rate is low . That's totally makes sense

    I said u played for 10 years ?? & U are not even TB ?? 6* AG is no use for TB now a days
    Agreed. If below throne breakers put 12.6k units into the banquet. They can possibly do 2 7* r3 based on the direction realm event goes. Thats insane for their progression. They also get around 4-5 7* (a lot of 7* shards and three banquet keys can be found).

    Even if you only spend 4k units. If your in a alliance that hits all milestone you still get 2 7* (first two 7* is 10k each) and another 7* from the key. Plus 1 whole r3 still.

    Kinda crazy to think a year ago today, the only r3 was possible by spending 50+ revives in one necro run and a second by exploring the entirety.
  • LeslieChowLeslieChow Member Posts: 81 ★★
    Lokx said:

    Agreed. If below throne breakers put 12.6k units into the banquet. They can possibly do 2 7* r3 based on the direction realm event goes. Thats insane for their progression. They also get around 4-5 7* (a lot of 7* shards and three banquet keys can be found).

    Even if you only spend 4k units. If your in a alliance that hits all milestone you still get 2 7* (first two 7* is 10k each) and another 7* from the key. Plus 1 whole r3 still.

    Kinda crazy to think a year ago today, the only r3 was possible by spending 50+ revives in one necro run and a second by exploring the entirety.
    Again... You guys talking about things which are not the case... You talking about "what if"... I exactly wrote down in my post how much UNITS i had and WHAT I GOT FOR IT. Its not my fault that you cant understand what you reading !!! No offense really but its all there. Read it again. You not reacting to what i wrote... You arguing a posibility of what i could have if i had 12K Units. I DIDNT !!! I had a little over 5K and im in my own alliance with my other account. Why my own alliance ? Because i have a life outside of this game and i progress at my own space.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,419 ★★★★
  • LeslieChowLeslieChow Member Posts: 81 ★★
    Asher1_1 said:

    I think u are delusional , for a below TB that's highest reward so it's drop rate is low . That's totally makes sense

    I said u played for 10 years ?? & U are not even TB ?? 6* AG is no use for TB now a days
    Yep. Im not a TB. You know why ? Because i have a life and a family to feed. I progress at my own speed.
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★

    Again... You guys talking about things which are not the case... You talking about "what if"... I exactly wrote down in my post how much UNITS i had and WHAT I GOT FOR IT. Its not my fault that you cant understand what you reading !!! No offense really but its all there. Read it again. You not reacting to what i wrote... You arguing a posibility of what i could have if i had 12K Units. I DIDNT !!! I had a little over 5K and im in my own alliance with my other account. Why my own alliance ? Because i have a life outside of this game and i progress at my own space.
    That’s on you then. You could have joined a retired alliance where you don’t have to do much. Secondly the solo milestones are still great. Lastly the reward within the banquet crystal is still good for lower progression like yours. You’re still benefiting a lot from the event.

    You missed out on a big part of the reward because you chose not to be in a alliance. And spent only 5k units, which again, what you got for your progression is still amazing. What you got for your units is exactly what you would expect for a throne-breaker to get in cyber or something. So you got more then your worth since your lower progression.
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    edited December 2024

    If you joined a alliance this is what you would have gotten with all rewards accumulated, you can’t call it a bad event when you chose to leave out a good portion of the rewards because you chose not to join a proper alliance.
  • Defender_dawn2Defender_dawn2 Member Posts: 150 ★★
    Asher1_1 said:

    6* shards ?? Did u open the right one

    The drop rates of those fragments should have been given to 7* shards
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,618 ★★★★★
    I'm in for girlcott
  • Agent_TAgent_T Member Posts: 274 ★★
    JessieS said:

    Sorry but if you are not spending actual money they won’t care about you or if you quit . Their attitude will change only when people who actually spending money on the game decide to stop
    Brother? They barely care about you even if you are spending actual money!
  • LeslieChowLeslieChow Member Posts: 81 ★★
    edited December 2024
    Lokx said:

    If you joined a alliance this is what you would have gotten with all rewards accumulated, you can’t call it a bad event when you chose to leave out a good portion of the rewards because you chose not to join a proper alliance.

    As i wrote before. You are in that 1% of delusional Kabam knights who actually are happy with this event and think that this is ok. Not to mention that you still dont sem to undersand that im not talking about the SBC... I was talking about the GREATER BANQUET CRYSTALS !!! 🤦‍♂️ Nevermind. Have a great day. 😘
  • LeslieChowLeslieChow Member Posts: 81 ★★
    Asher1_1 said:

    People are becoming Valiant in 14 days 🤷🤷 u want better rewards become top progression
    Ok. 🤣🤣🤣
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    edited December 2024

    As i wrote before. You are in that 1% of delusional Kabam knights who actually are happy with this event and think that this is ok. Not to mention that you still dont sem to undersand that im not talking about the SBC... I was talking about the GREATER BANQUET CRYSTALS !!! 🤦‍♂️ Nevermind. Have a great day. 😘
    I am not happy with this event. I just think your delusional to think anyone below paragon was heavily affected. Everything within the greater banquet crystal is game changing for your progression level. And at your progression level, the amount of units you gave, you got back a great deal, You could have gotten more if you had chosen to join a actual alliance. Again, this event has been a let-down, just not for you. You're complaining because you wanted more then the rewards that are worthy for your progression.

    And as mentioned, You chose to ignore joining a alliance so it's your fault for getting less rewards then intended.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★

    When hard working people ( delivery guys, doctors, policemen, soldiers, fast food employees, etc... ) find 20 minutes in between deliveries, saving lives, getting shoot at to log in and grind for units and all they get is 1% chance for a 6* Awakening gem in the greater banquet crystals is just baffling. Players are simply NOT rewarded for the time and dedication they invest. I play for 10 years. I found time for this game when i was on deployment in Kazahstan to farm units. From a bit over 5K all i got is enough 6 * shards for 2 6* crytals... The rest were fillers... The other crystals i got were from the milestones... Didnt pull anything from that either but thats not an issue... The issue is that after 365 days of farming players get 1% chance to pull a 6* Awakening gem for example...
    I personally had enough and im not willing to spend more of my time and energy. Me and the grand majority of the players are being disrespected after we put food on Kabams table.
    No more.

    Have fun.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,707 ★★★★★
    After months without "Bycott" , we have this...

    But ...Its just kids crying over rng Crystals

    Thanks Kabam 🥳
  • LeslieChowLeslieChow Member Posts: 81 ★★

    I mean, another way to frame that would be, "I was able to enjoy this game during my deployment in Kazahkstan and am really grateful that it existed for me to play."
    Has the world gone insane with entitlement?
    Nope... The world gone crazy because we have to deal with spineless, delusional idiots like you. 🤣
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,185 ★★★★
    edited December 2024
    if you find these things make you stress, please and please either uninstall the game or don't play the banquet. there are many more player willing to play it. the game is for fun, not for stress. i'm not try to condemn you, but just to advice you. don't encourage people to boycott trivial things. it will never success
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I think there are legitimate frustrations to be had with this event, but from your description of things, it sounds as if you haven't taken the steps to ensure that you get the best possible rewards. I get wanting to be in your own alliance with just your own accounts - that's something I was thinking of doing a while back as well - but then you have to accept that it'll cut off a significant part of the rewards that are available to you. The alliance rewards were one third of what was available to players, alongside the solo event rewards and the Realm rewards (and the crystals themselves, of course).

    Likewise, after ten years of playing this game, you haven't progressed to Thronebreaker yet. I'm not judging - it took ages for me to get there as well and I'm generally a big proponent of just staying where you're comfortable and not stressing too much about hunting the latest progression tier - but you got to understand that it's on you to progress to a point where you can get the rewards you want. The difference between your situation and that of Thronebreaker+ players, is that there is no way for Thronebreaker+ players to increase their rewards. For you, there was. In several ways. However, you didn't take the necessary steps to get there, and it's not Kabam's fault that you didn't get there.

    I'm not trying to dunk on you, just explain that there are ways to improve the rewards you're getting (in general in the game; perhaps not now, for this specific event). If you'd like to get better rewards, there are steps to take that will ensure that you get them.
  • KRANꓘKRANꓘ Member Posts: 258 ★★
    I remember doing boycotts years ago for this game.
    Something really needs to change for the players.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★
    KRANꓘ said:

    I remember doing boycotts years ago for this game.
    Something really needs to change for the players.

    Go ahead, boycott. It's never worked. This might be your year though. Good luck.
  • LeslieChowLeslieChow Member Posts: 81 ★★
    Ercarret said:

    I think there are legitimate frustrations to be had with this event, but from your description of things, it sounds as if you haven't taken the steps to ensure that you get the best possible rewards. I get wanting to be in your own alliance with just your own accounts - that's something I was thinking of doing a while back as well - but then you have to accept that it'll cut off a significant part of the rewards that are available to you. The alliance rewards were one third of what was available to players, alongside the solo event rewards and the Realm rewards (and the crystals themselves, of course).

    Likewise, after ten years of playing this game, you haven't progressed to Thronebreaker yet. I'm not judging - it took ages for me to get there as well and I'm generally a big proponent of just staying where you're comfortable and not stressing too much about hunting the latest progression tier - but you got to understand that it's on you to progress to a point where you can get the rewards you want. The difference between your situation and that of Thronebreaker+ players, is that there is no way for Thronebreaker+ players to increase their rewards. For you, there was. In several ways. However, you didn't take the necessary steps to get there, and it's not Kabam's fault that you didn't get there.

    I'm not trying to dunk on you, just explain that there are ways to improve the rewards you're getting (in general in the game; perhaps not now, for this specific event). If you'd like to get better rewards, there are steps to take that will ensure that you get them.

    Luck and drop rates has nothing to do with preparation... Did you seen the infamous video on Youtube where the guy spends 70K Units and he does NOT get anything except fillers ??? Thats a problem. Kabam made millions of dollars in a matter of hours and there are people who are so delusional that they still blame players for Kabam being more predatory than EA ir Ubisoft...
  • Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 154

    Luck and drop rates has nothing to do with preparation... Did you seen the infamous video on Youtube where the guy spends 70K Units and he does NOT get anything except fillers ??? Thats a problem. Kabam made millions of dollars in a matter of hours and there are people who are so delusional that they still blame players for Kabam being more predatory than EA ir Ubisoft...
    If you have been playing over 10 years, you should know that the only events that guarantee good prizes are 4 jully and cyber.

    As always, banquet is pure rng and now all the people are crying and asking for a boycott like childs becouse the dont get what thet want. All the crystal of all banquets have been bad and only the big whales got the jackponts in hundreds of attempts. Also the % are public and you can see what are you trying to get for 300 units...

    People is so ungrateful with all the stuff thats has been given/released for the anniversary and with the upgrade of the milestones of banquet.

    As always, is you think that a event is bad, dont participate and move to the next. You cant demand and event to your liking becouse if that was like you want sure that the game was dead already.
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