Server Outage Information - Discussion Thread



  • SvainSvain Member Posts: 453 ★★
    I received last msg but no MODOK lab rewards....

    Yep! Those are rolling out a little slower because they are dependent on the difficulty that you have completed, while the last message went to most of our players!

    Thanks for the update
  • SvainSvain Member Posts: 453 ★★
    Tlmajr wrote: »
    I as well as of this post, have not received the lab compensation. Thought it's been about 40 minutes since I received the rest of the compensations.

    Miike posted in the main thread that modoks lab are rolling out slower
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  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    It took you a week to come up with this?
  • TigersharksoulTigersharksoul Member Posts: 7
    Yes, the potions and gifts are always welcome, but the aggravation of having to deal with it time and again, totally ruin the fun of the game. There are so many events to play and time locks and limits for them, that with all the holiday run around, it becomes terribly difficult to play, and use it positively. Have you guys put any thought to extending or actually keeping Halls of healing and gold realm more consistent until you guys can actually run this the way it’s supposed to be run?
  • GorkemSahinGorkemSahin Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2017
    Is this OK, will I get it soon or did a problem occur? I want the MODOK's Lab compensation rewards as well. Should I send a ticket or just wait a bit more? It seemed odd that I got the final compensation message before MODOK's lab so I thought there might be a problem.

    Edit: I got it. Sorry for this post.
  • GorkemSahinGorkemSahin Member Posts: 7
    My in game name is GorkemSahin.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    iR0NLuNG wrote: »
    You gotta be kidding me with this garbage excuse for compensation.

    What do you want for missing what was less than one day of gameplay? Lemme guess, some Rank down tickets !? Smh.
  • MattcoxMattcox Member Posts: 79
    All the shards that were sent out for compensation for modoks lab and game outages are missing.
    I had 25k shards before I claimed them and I still have 25k
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  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    received my MODOK lab compensation. :)
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Compensation is waaay less than what i've spent going through the bugged content.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Me and my wife are still waiting for Modok lab compensation. Waiting patiently jw if we got skipped cause I see others have received them
  • Darrellz2161Darrellz2161 Member Posts: 83
    I didnt get the rewards for modoks lab when the game was having those problems figures kabam
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    iR0NLuNG wrote: »
    Superman69 wrote: »
    iR0NLuNG wrote: »
    You gotta be kidding me with this garbage excuse for compensation.

    What do you want for missing what was less than one day of gameplay? Lemme guess, some Rank down tickets !? Smh.

    I have no use for rank down tickets but I expected more than what they're giving which is garbage

    2000 5* shards, 500+ units worth of revives, pots and refills, 4* shards, some sig stones, T2A frags.
    All that FOR FREE.
    If that's garbage for you, then don't claim it. Let it expire.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    iR0NLuNG wrote: »
    Superman69 wrote: »
    iR0NLuNG wrote: »
    You gotta be kidding me with this garbage excuse for compensation.

    What do you want for missing what was less than one day of gameplay? Lemme guess, some Rank down tickets !? Smh.

    I have no use for rank down tickets but I expected more than what they're giving which is garbage

    Yes, 5* shards are absolutely useless, they should have given a fully formed 6* crystal.
    No1 plays event/story quests, so those energy refills are completely wasted. Revives & health potions will collect dust or expire in your stash since no1 needs those.

    Yes the server outages were extremely annoying, but are they still happening. No, looks like they did something to fix it (I’m not talking about ingame bugs), and they gave some compensation for missed rewards and used items, which if my memory serves me right is a more fitting compensation than the 1 we got a long time ago when server outages were happening daily (for a pretty long time).

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  • Still havent got modals lab compensation and I completed the top two difficulties pretty much every time I could..
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    edited December 2017
    I have no read the whole thread since days ago. I don't know if someone else have already said it or everyone is happy because "everything" was fixed.

    For me, the problems are almost gone, but the game is still lagged, loading screen are longer than the usual in Android, and frequently crashes.

    Sadly I'm Android player and loading times are my day, but now it's beyond my patience, I'm almost x10 more time watching a loading screen that playing. Then, fights are "lagged" stuttering and are unnecessarily longer too, if I don't die frozen or crashing.

    I'm almost quitting playing because it's borning even hateable. I'm only doing the Modok lab in hard and maybe other thing forcing myself.
    I was waiting the Punisher basic arena, now I'm passing up it, grinding with fights lagged and crashing every two series is not funny, literally the opposite of funny.
    AQ, even Map3 is = "lag" and microfreezes. Every fight Im taking free-damage because the fight have freezes (but it's no a problem for the AI sadly). I'm dying in the road.

    I was so tired of this problem, that I didn't care more about it reading the forum for updates.
    Today you send the compensations (no bad, good gesture, thank you), so I'm thinking you're taking the problem "solved" but I atill have it.
    Please, check it.
  • Blackfriar63Blackfriar63 Member Posts: 95
    Haven't received any compensation at all, apart from a few potions for AQ "not working properly" - nothing for Arena, nothing for MODOK, yet aparently these went out already? Whats up with this? - Blackfriar63
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    Haven't received any compensation at all, apart from a few potions for AQ "not working properly" - nothing for Arena, nothing for MODOK, yet aparently these went out already? Whats up with this? - Blackfriar63

    Just to be clear I do not think there is an arena comp aside form them re-doing those arenas in January to give people another shot. The messages you are waiting on are the basic Compensation (maybe says AQ on it) and the LAB compensation (I am sure you know but just in case it is dependent on you playing that day or the day before the outages). So only 2 mails of free stuff... the arena comp is yet another arena.

    That being said if you qualify you should have gotten the regular one at the very least yesterday.

    Posting your username here does not usually work... but if you do not have the mails by the end of the day i would contact support here:

    Hope that helps!
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★
    Still waiting for legend run of wednesday outage.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    The thought was there with the rewards but how about fixing parry. The compensation doesn't cover the units you need to spend because one of the most useful mechanics in the game only works 1 out of 10 times
  • Levi_HDLevi_HD Member Posts: 6
    So the games out again?
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    Yes sir!
  • Levi_HDLevi_HD Member Posts: 6
    Right when we're all free for the holidays huh, talk about "expert" timing
  • HoneymonsterHoneymonster Member Posts: 69
    Game down again ffs.
  • knupdiputsknupdiputs Member Posts: 52
    Dang, I was about to beat up MODOK. Now another outage.
  • OzymandasOzymandas Member Posts: 80
    I seem to remember same thing happening last year. Jeez.
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