What does this table even mean? Re: summoner sigil subscription

It says something about compensation in units for banked days, blah, blah.
How is it possible to have 571+ days of sigil remaining? Or does this mean back pay for total days people have been buying the old sigil?
I'm not understanding it.
Buying it as soon as it becomes available means you could buy it almost sixteen times in a single year, gaining over a hundred days of extra time in that year.
Either someone at Kabam did the same calculation as I just did and decided there was no reason to extend the table beyond 600 days (the next bracket would have been 601-630) or they datamined the sigil clock for everyone and cut the table off where the highest player showed up, which would imply someone might actually have that much time banked.
Basically, on January 27, the game is going to look at this:
Whatever that says, that table determines the compensation you're going to get.