Help me with my Next Rank 3 - Juggs, Chavez, Kindred, or Kushala?

All are Rank 2 and awakened at signature 40.
My focus is on BGs and endgame content.
My thoughts - I’ll take them all up eventually but am I crazy to consider ranking Kindred first? He’s got the most use being a mainstay defender and sneaky attacker in a pinch.
Pros - damage, stagger on heavy, nullify
Cons - easily countered, offensive only
Pros - damage, healing, dual use
Cons - I don’t typically use her too much
Pros - fun, damage, utility on unblockable
Cons - reliant on debuffs
Pros - probably my most used champion in BGs for defense, fun to play
Cons - lacking damage
My focus is on BGs and endgame content.
My thoughts - I’ll take them all up eventually but am I crazy to consider ranking Kindred first? He’s got the most use being a mainstay defender and sneaky attacker in a pinch.
Pros - damage, stagger on heavy, nullify
Cons - easily countered, offensive only
Pros - damage, healing, dual use
Cons - I don’t typically use her too much
Pros - fun, damage, utility on unblockable
Cons - reliant on debuffs
Pros - probably my most used champion in BGs for defense, fun to play
Cons - lacking damage
Help me with my Next Rank 3 - Juggs, Chavez, Kindred, or Kushala? 20 votes
I would also support you in a r3 kindred because he is fun