Has there ever been a fun alliance war showcase?

Honestly seems like every time kabam make one it’s less and less fun. This one just kinda sucks, fights are stupidly hard and the AI is simply ridiculous in some fights (Dust I’m looking at you). I mean your options for some fights are so limited and then giving us only 4 slots? Come on guys it’s just ridiculous. I mean in a real alliance war for each battlegroup you can bring essentially 30 attackers, so how does it make sense to compile the harfest fights of each season and give us only 4? Do they even understand how alliance war is played, cause based on these showcases you wouldn’t believe that some of these guys even play the game mode? This one is particularly bad cause the saga champions for the glorious games were for the most part not great, I mean there’s a few good options but really the pools are limited and a lot of really key/commonly used champions are completely missing.
It was said a while ago that the point of AW showcase was to give players chance to experience the challenge of high tier AW without having to commit to it. And every time all we learn is pain, thank god I don’t play AW is all I think whenever these showcases come around, they’d be better off scrapping the idea entirely if they wanted players to actually get into AW.
Oh and the science and tech “gauntlets” are a joke, putting in massive health pool opponents, then artificially dragging the fights out, having some genuinely tricky fights sprinkled in just for fun, and then giving 10 sig stones and a 6* rank up gem? What is all that about? Even if it was a 7* 1-2 it would be a ridiculous time investment to reward ratio, but SIX STAR RESOURCES!! You guys ADMITTED that 6* resources were “filler”, acknowledging very clearly that Valiants have no need for 6* only resources and that’s why everything in the SBC was 7* focused. In that case HOW is it acceptable to present new CONTENT (which is where we are meant to find the best rewards in game, whatever happened to the 2024 content is king mantra?) which gives us these “useless”, “filler”, 6* resources?
It was said a while ago that the point of AW showcase was to give players chance to experience the challenge of high tier AW without having to commit to it. And every time all we learn is pain, thank god I don’t play AW is all I think whenever these showcases come around, they’d be better off scrapping the idea entirely if they wanted players to actually get into AW.
Oh and the science and tech “gauntlets” are a joke, putting in massive health pool opponents, then artificially dragging the fights out, having some genuinely tricky fights sprinkled in just for fun, and then giving 10 sig stones and a 6* rank up gem? What is all that about? Even if it was a 7* 1-2 it would be a ridiculous time investment to reward ratio, but SIX STAR RESOURCES!! You guys ADMITTED that 6* resources were “filler”, acknowledging very clearly that Valiants have no need for 6* only resources and that’s why everything in the SBC was 7* focused. In that case HOW is it acceptable to present new CONTENT (which is where we are meant to find the best rewards in game, whatever happened to the 2024 content is king mantra?) which gives us these “useless”, “filler”, 6* resources?
4 is more then enough.
Just from #secutor you had like 40 champs to choose, most of them are great for the entire right path.
The Science and Tech quest are another story, they need to shorten the timer and health of the defenders. I don't mind 6* 4>5 gems but something is off when you give 6* gem and 7* sigs.
But, I truly don't understand this argument of yours. You seem to outline exactly what the reason for AW Showcase is ... and then complain that the reason isn't a different one? It's like getting the Netflix Basic plan with Ads, and then complaining about why don't they just let you watch without ads.
Remember when Boss gauntlets used to be a thing? A series of random difficult fights without any lore connection, that gave out decent rewards. You know what AW Showcase is? A series of random difficult fights without any lore connection that gives out decent rewards. The side benefit of AW Showcase is that it might make players more interested in playing high level AW, but that is not the main reason.
also the boss gauntlets you mentioned are tied to theme, a actors quest, womens day and the likes not meant to be lore but people choosing the boss and maybe a node or 2.
but aw showcase on the other hand, is a way for non tier 1 players to experience war and somehow get them interested and motivated in doing that multiple times per week
The only person that has thirty attacker slots at their disposal is the BG leader assigning paths, if your alliance does that sort of thing. But the AW showcases aren’t intended to give you a taste of being a BG officer assigning fights to other people.
I can’t directly compare AWS to tier 1 war, as someone who doesn’t do tier 1 war, but my suspicion is that it’s way easier than tier 1 war. Longer path but four attackers, and I don’t get kicked out of if I die a couple times on my path. I think most tier 1 players would be more than happy to have their war burden reduced to just whatever AWS is.
Like someone else stated , those science and tech quest are odd as can be. I’m not hurting enough to take up a 6* that I probably won’t use ever and the sig stones don’t justify the cost in resources it will take for me to get through those events.
Doable? Yes, with the right amount of skill/item use
Worth it? Nahhhh lol