Release 5.4 today

Can 5.4 be released today? Servers seem fine to me, unless of course the servers not being stable is due to content 5.4 has. If for some reason it’s not released today I’m betting it’s because the 5.4 content isn’t stable enough yet
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We know you're all waiting for 5.4 to be released, but as we have said in our announcement on the delay, we can't release it until we are 100% confident in our Server Stability. We can't offer more information on this until we have it, but rest assured that as soon as we know more, we'll be updating you guys.
How much more stable do you need them? They’ve been fine all day. So if it’s a case of you wanting to ensure they are stable for 48 hours/72 hours before releasing it, then yes you can just share that with us if that’s the plan
Thank you for your reply. Are we going to get an annoucment today about it at least? Like it’ll be released today/tomorrow, or next week.
Considering that many players (not all) will end up spending a bit on fighting through 5.4 (not to mention those going for legends) I understand Kabam being careful. Otherwise, they could potentially be looking at a compensation issue far more complex than what they currently face if it all came crashing down. I also believe if they had a date/time in mind where it would be safe to release 5.4, they would have already announced it....just so people would stop asking about it.
Many that are demanding 5.4's release would be the same ones rage-posting if it opened up and then crashed at some point.
Personally, I want them to be stable for at least 2 full years before releasing Act 5.4.
You again? Do u just go around trolling people?
No, no. Server stability is just something I take VERY seriously.
Energy is being wasted. Completed monthly event by buying energy refills in prep for 5.4.
Then you should apply for a job at kabam
That’s because it will take you that long to be able to do it
Lol...sick burn!
This one was actually funny (and true).
Exactly, these same people would be the same to complain if they released it today and started crashing again them go on about it "ruining their legends run".
Act 5.4 tomorrow 11 am