Feedback on Premium Crystals Parade test



  • edited February 7
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  • EluxElux Member Posts: 76
    Another crystal purchase not gathered in game play ill pass on this
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  • Abspain101Abspain101 Member Posts: 324 ★★

    SQ gives cav crystals, not paragon or certainly not valiant. Who would buy dozens or hundreds of cav crystals?

    Whales will buy them in droves
  • Gambit3125Gambit3125 Member Posts: 25
    There is an issue with selectors in the daily event and incursions solo rewards they are not claimable what’s going on
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    Due to the cost and the fact I have all three champions as six star champions Be interested to see the data after this initial test is done.
  • Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    These crystals should’ve been for the newly released heroes only.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★

    Hey there Summoners, you saw it on the livestream, we want to get your initial feedback as well as your thoughts on the Premium Crystals Parade when it rolls out. Let us know!

    Who came up with 200?

    I think less than 100 should be fair.

    More around 60,75 range

    Because any champions over $500 spent or in units is insane to not get.

    Some dude open 40 Arnim and didn’t get him lol

    Another person did 62 and didn’t get them either.

  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,144 ★★★★★
    Yall know gull well why they did with with an older rerun crystal and not a new champ. New champs make more money than older ones. Well probably never see this system with a brand new champ and only older reruns.
  • jimmykammaljimmykammal Member Posts: 51
    Would this methodology not make the randomness of rarity in the crystal concept questionable?

    If there is a way to make the crystal roll over to 6* or 7 * to accommodate the pity system, then the vice versa is also very much possible isn't it?

    I agree that the champ i may receive would be random, but the rarity can be manipulated. This seems to be quite ambiguous!!

    @KabamPinwheel @KabamDORK @KabamCrashed
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,789 Guardian

    Would this methodology not make the randomness of rarity in the crystal concept questionable?

    If there is a way to make the crystal roll over to 6* or 7 * to accommodate the pity system, then the vice versa is also very much possible isn't it?

    I agree that the champ i may receive would be random, but the rarity can be manipulated. This seems to be quite ambiguous!!

    Is this a copy of a comment somewhere else too (thought I’ve already heard this conspiracy) ?

    They could theoretically make you get Rocket in every single drop (but they don't, because that's not how the algorithm is. at least, not unless it was the random outcome whereby you just unluckily happened to roll your dice onto Rocket each time).

    Same for Star Rarity. It is still Random, unless the Pity override system kicks in to bump *UP* what you got.
    Each successive pull still follows the stated odds for Rarity, no matter what you got previously, and no matter whether the Pity system kicked in on an earlier pull or not.

    Just because they are tracking your previous rolls for determining if the Pity bump-up should happen, doesn’t mean that they are now guaranteeing that the odds for say 1000 pulls is now gonna guarantee xx amount of 4*, yy amount of 5*, and zz amount of 6*, etc over some set amount of openings.
  • jimmykammaljimmykammal Member Posts: 51

    Is this a copy of a comment somewhere else too (thought I’ve already heard this conspiracy) ?

    Yes I have posted the same comment on one of DNA's post related to pity system and LOL, conspiracy is much bigger term to be used in context of just a crystal roll in a mobile game.

    My point is just that, when there is a guaranteed pull(Bump up) out of a random algorithm, the particular crystal roll is no longer random. It has a pre-determined result.

    Also, they are guaranteeing a higher rarity pull if I haven't received 1 from my previous xx pulls.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★

    Would this methodology not make the randomness of rarity in the crystal concept questionable?

    If there is a way to make the crystal roll over to 6* or 7 * to accommodate the pity system, then the vice versa is also very much possible isn't it?

    I agree that the champ i may receive would be random, but the rarity can be manipulated. This seems to be quite ambiguous!!

    @KabamPinwheel @KabamDORK @KabamCrashed

    What are you saying here? That there's value for Kabam in making a pull "roll over" to a lower rarity? There's no point when the stated odds for good stuff are as low as Kabam can reasonably make them/get away with*. It wouldn't make sense.

    *If they could be lower and still meet Kabam goals, they would be.
  • Master_mischief69Master_mischief69 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    edited February 9
    I think it needs a lot of changes, I just share my thoughts here

    1. Pity system is ok but buying it with Units BIG L there kabam, it's literally useless for half of community.
    2. I think we need seperate shreds for these crystals with limitations ofcourse like this shreds should only available for cavalier or thronebreaker above players, If the guarenteed champ is 200th pull them Valiant should get like 90-100 crystal worth of shreds every month and Paragon should be around 70 and thronebreaker should be at 50.
    3. The crystals should be available for units and shreds, spenders can buy them if they want the champion.
    4. If we once crosse the 100th pity (50%) I think you should increase the chance of getting the same champion as a 6 star by a lot.
    5. There should be more then one champion should be available for pull at the same time because we have like 300 champions.
    6. If you can't make a separate shreds then you should put something extra on these crystals I mean spending like 30000 units for same dups and materials insane, so put something extra like 500k gold on every 10 pulls but that's also underwhelming I say.
    That's all I say, hope you guys make one of these changes...
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,333 ★★★★★
    costs too much
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Typhoon said:

    Take it off the front page of crystals. I do not want to see this every time I want to open something.


    Whatever garbage offer they want to push out , get it off our crystal tab or at minimum , do not make it the default view in the crystal tab.
  • xPolloLocoxPolloLoco Member Posts: 53
    gazbea said:

    Already done an accidental purchase of 10 crystals. It’s way too easy to accidentally purchase them.

    Ticket logged with Kabam Support… really hope they can refund those hard grinded 3000 units as the crystals are still sat in my account and unopened!

    You will get your units back. Just don't open any of them.
  • Abspain101Abspain101 Member Posts: 324 ★★

    Hey there Summoners, you saw it on the livestream, we want to get your initial feedback as well as your thoughts on the Premium Crystals Parade when it rolls out. Let us know!

    Who came up with 200?

    I think less than 100 should be fair.

    More around 60,75 range

    Because any champions over $500 spent or in units is insane to not get.

    Some dude open 40 Arnim and didn’t get him lol

    Another person did 62 and didn’t get them either.

    The featureds are not part of this test only the ones for the luke cage nova and hood will have this pity system working so those armin zola crystals are not going to work no matter how many are opened
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