Suggest me some mastery tips

I am a new player and this is my mastery setup for now I've played this game for 3 days and saved the 900 units and getting will be getting stoney cores from back issues and carbodium one for units pls suggest me some essential beginner setup which will be good for like most of the time like essential setup which will be helpful through most of the time

good for some time

good for some time
And, fyi, although Strategy/Tips is actually a correct category, most of the members seem to ignore anything other than “General” category. (*even though looking at the broader main “Recent Discussions” will get worthy posts from whatever category they happened to be created in, no enough people look at it from there, but them complain that they don’t get attention in those. Catch-22).
Might take some time before you earn enough Mastery Points to fully utilize those whole sets, but you’ll get an idea of how to proceed.
Link above then has additional link within for more.