Tip for Kabam to make Ares acceptable.

It's very quick to know which Special he's going to unleash. I suggest that when Ares unleashes Special 1, his eye doesn't glow and when Ares unleashes Special 2, his eye keeps glowing as it is. This alone will help players.
Simple singular flash = sp1
Kebem won't help you, so you have to do this.
Or you can also pause the game to see which weapon he pulls out
Watch videos of players getting solos. Start with a focus on the eyes, then broaden your focus to where the eyes are just in the peripherals. It helps tremendously.
5 paths of generic punching bag opponents like in CC beta. With an End game bosses at the end. One of which is Ares.
We get to use our new champs in a better ROL testing ground and practice Ares.