Even with the measures you've stated, there will always be counters and workarounds to it and even if the system is perfect, there is still the ultimate X factor: people.
There will always be the risk of manipulation and deception in trades, so why would we want to open people to that risk?
I HATE to agree with a position that @Demonzfyre takes, wholeheartedly, but this wouldn't work. If the 2 of us agree, it's probably true.
Not even just their point about players reluctance to be parted form their units, it would ABSOLUTELY create an issue of players selling champs for real money. This is not an issue that can really be addressed, and therefore kills the concept before it even hits the drawing board
There will always be the risk of manipulation and deception in trades, so why would we want to open people to that risk?
Not even just their point about players reluctance to be parted form their units, it would ABSOLUTELY create an issue of players selling champs for real money. This is not an issue that can really be addressed, and therefore kills the concept before it even hits the drawing board