A thought out solution to trading in MCOC that could be beneficial to kabam and players

Trading would go hard
Especially if you had to pay a fee like 300- 1k units per trade.
From 1* - 7*
1 trade per player per month
I think as long as they did it in a way, that wouldn't promote using multiple accounts to get better pulls then it would be fine
So obviously they would have to be some limit to it
Maybe the champions being traded would have to be within a certain pi of each other.
Like no bigger than a 5k pi difference
R3 for R3 type stuff
But once per month per player
So couldn't swap over a whole roster
Just 1 champ of similar PI
That way, you couldn't give your brand new account a rnk 3 7 star for a 3*
I know it doesn't exist
But would be a good idea for the players to get a better value for their units and to have a bigger percentage of players spending their units monthly on there one trade
Mabey 1.5k per 7* they could find something that was reasonable
You arent getting an extra seven star, you're just trading
And if trading once per month is too frequent mabey once every 3 months or once a year on banquet but again would be a good idea
And maybe only champs from previous years would be tradeable like 2025 champs would be locked until 2026 for trading and so on
Saying the idea is bad isn't any reason it wouldn't work.
maybe think out you're reply and point out where the flaw in my logic is
And once / twice a year it would be really useful for any progression.
The lower * would be cheaper to trade 7* would be the most expensive
Kabam could find a reasonable price
Unit wise
That's the answer you deserve for a stupid suggestion like this.
That's why (Abuse, etc) they did away with things like Holiday Gifting (of other stuff) years ago.
By limiting it, you're basically saying “it's OK to rob a bank, so long as it's only once a year”.
Of course a lot of people would be in favor of it if you ask Global (etc), but that doesn’t make it a good idea.
Trading between Alt.Accounts (even if just once a year, but initially you said maybe once a month, lol)
Abuse/Scams - even if fair, and you agree with someone, it's a matter of “who goes first”. OK, you gave me yours, but I change my mind, I’m not sending you mine in return.
Or, real world money changing hands as part of “Trades”, etc.
And Kabam is not gonna implement a whole lot of time/code/etc to making a trading platform whereby trades need to be done by both sides before the champs actually trade hands, etc. Yes, that could solve *some* problems, but still no incentive on Kabam's part to make it easier for people to get highly desirable champs and thus not purchase Feature Crystals etc anymore, because they can just trade with some “throwaway” account to get them.
I find it funny the people that are calling my post dumb use 0% of their brain to actually point out something wrong in my proposal
so still an incentive to buy the new champs ,they could even do in a way where it wasn't units you pay $15-$20 to trade
Also my idea would involve a system were both players enter a trading system and it would exchange both champions at the same time an only equal value champs could be traded so rnk 3 for rnk 3
Yeah that's gonna go so well...
And then people will buy champs using illegal money means (stolen credit cards or Play cards, etc).
And then trade will happen (in game), and since game will not actually be party to the Real World money aspect, when your bank takes your money away because it was illegal money that person offered to you, you will be the one out of luck.
And good luck trying to ask Game to reverse the trade at that point.
*which, was really happening back when Holiday Gifting was around.
People already get “bought” whole accounts banned after they buy them. But you're introducing a legal way to do that now.
And even if you say “equal Star/Rank”, well, if someone has the Rankup resources, they could just take any of their scrub champs up, to trade for an actual CHAMP that they don’t have yet.
(They have resources, just not the right champs).