Fixed an issue that caused the Next Series button to disappear from Arenas after achieving the last milestone
Fixed an issue where Nightcrawler could not perform a dash back or block as quickly as the rest of the Champions.
Fixed an issue where Nebula was not always gaining Shock Charges while Blocking
Fixed an issue where Karnak was not able to chain into special attacks from a combo
Fixed an issue where Spider-Man’s Signature Evade percentage was incorrect in German
Corrected Doctor Octopus’ Synergies to specify that they are Unique and do not stack with each other
So more petty character fixes and nothing to address lag, broken fight mechanics, dropped inputs, nothing.
Fixed an issue that caused the Next Series button to disappear from Arenas after achieving the last milestone
Fixed an issue where Nightcrawler could not perform a dash back or block as quickly as the rest of the Champions.
Fixed an issue where Nebula was not always gaining Shock Charges while Blocking
Fixed an issue where Karnak was not able to chain into special attacks from a combo
Fixed an issue where Spider-Man’s Signature Evade percentage was incorrect in German
Corrected Doctor Octopus’ Synergies to specify that they are Unique and do not stack with each other
So more petty character fixes and nothing to address lag, broken fight mechanics, dropped inputs, nothing.
Maybe it's just too embarrassing to list in the patch notes " Fixed issue where characters would randomly stop moving and/or blocking"
I just discovered something that shines a new light on this issue. I don't think it's about us just standing there not responding, I think, and this video I captured seems to prove it out, that the AI is just recovering SO FAST after a combo that there isn't ANY time to do anything before they combo you into oblivion. Let me know what you all think. I'm going to open a separate thread on this too.
I just discovered something that shines a new light on this issue. I don't think it's about us just standing there not responding, I think, and this video I captured seems to prove it out, that the AI is just recovering SO FAST after a combo that there isn't ANY time to do anything before they combo you into oblivion. Let me know what you all think. I'm going to open a separate thread on this too.
Yes some ppl have said it happens a lot after you do a 5 hit combo. Others say it happens most often if there is lag at the beginning of a match.
There are triggers I believe, but my champs as I've posted earlier in this thread, will release a block mid combo after the first few hits. That's not a timing/AI issue it just seems like a glitch. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to entirely block Green Goblins special 1 every single time.
iPhone 7+
Quest, War, AQ
Kamala Khan against vision is Act 5.
Crossbones vs pretty much anyone and mod combo he would have a big opening for the person I'm fighting to combo him into oblivion.
Same thing with Rogue, Rocket(sometimes), Gwenpool, captain marvel, AOU vision, Karnak.
Yeah this issue is not so new Mike.
I experience these too.
Device: iPad Air 2
OS: iOS (always the latest, it was there a few system before) 10.3.3
It happens with any champ, anywhere...
You should start fixing the bugs you cause with every single update.
Device and OS - - iPad Pro and iPhone 7S
A specific fight where you've seen this
- Champ you used - any hero I use
- Enemy Champ - any enemy
- Game mode - 100% of my aw fights and 60% of my AQ fights (could not detect a particular node that us causing this)
Can Admins admit this is a problem and start investigation? This issue has been reported consitatntly in these forums and it seems we cant get any recognition that this is an issue. People get frustrated because it feels like we are being ignored. You guys work hard but we need to know you see us and you will bring this up as bug. Thanks
This has been happening to me a lot in AQ this past month and much more this current AQ week. I play on an iPad. Today, fighting the second Mordo on day 5 map 5, my players kept becoming unresponsive after a dash back at least 10 times over 3 different champs. Sometimes after evading a special, after evading a regular attack, or a heavy, didn't matter. It's extremely frustrating and makes me want to quit. Took 3 champs to down him even though I didn't mess up once on my own. The game is definitely still broken and has serious issues.
Hey @Kabam Miike just try out Quake. She's kind of a good example of characters not working properly. Whenever u dash back and go to hold for a heavy and put on some charges. I find myself having to tap 2 or even 3 times for her to even start responding to holding down for a heavy. It absolutely terrible and happens every time you try so should be easy to replicate and feel for yourselves.
Trying to 100% ACT 5.1 last chapter. I bring in OG vision vs. Nightcrawler (NC's timer is still broke btw!). I did a 4 hit combo on him and hit backswipe to do a 4 hit intercept like I've done a million times and already did 5-6 times in this particular fight and Vision just stands there! 5 hit combo and I'm DEAD. Funny how this **** only seems to happen when you are winning the fight??? Are we ever going to get an acknowledgement on this???
THIS IS NOT A NEW ISSUE! @Kabam Miike or whatever mod wants to come in asking ummm which fight what champs? It's is across ALL mobile devices, with ALL champs. I made a post earlier about this. I contacted support 4 MONTHS AGO and they told me the game team KNOWS about it. 4 MONTHS!!! Don't come in here acting like this is a new issue kabam doesn't know about. It simply hasn't been fixed because it is making the company money. You should be sending a HUGE compensation package to everyone. I can't even count how many war and AQ fights this bug has caused me to lose. Do you think a player like myself who has beaten every challenge you've put out should be losing to THOR?! Literally can lose a fight against the easiest champ because of this nonsense. I will go back in my emails for the proof that you shady characters have known of this for months
So, the problem arose for me in May, mid July is when I contacted support because I was fed up. I quit the game after our discussion and came back after the octopus/ goblin update hoping it was fixed. The image attached is proof they have known about this for at least 2 months.
I've had multiple champs charge the enemy during blocks or I've had my specials fail to activate leaving my champ open and easy to KO. Doesn't help when you're facing a 2k attack opponent and i end up getting knocked out.
You really shouldn't post that since it's against their terms and will likely delete your post maybe and or close thread which is a little stupid but whatever.
Anyway I to have a had a similar issue with my alt account, a few times my Superior Iron Man wasn't responding to any of my inputs and he was just sitting there and blocking when I swiped forward and backward and got annihilated because of it. Pausing it didn't help, turning auto play on and off didn't help either.
I've had blocks just stop working( dropping, getting blown through), I've had my champs just randomly charge forward, I've had them randomly fire off attacks and power attacks and specials, I've had them fight by themselves in aq with me trying to wrestle for control over them.
I've had specials either miss fire or do no damage to the opponent, I've had problems with evades not working properly and getting hit, had problems with combo into specials especially when the ai just blocks them, power hits pause for to long.
I've had the ai shrug off power attacks and specials way to quickly for me to react and just pummel me because my champs won't respond to my inputs, I've had many champions miss hits, I've also seen the ai do the same, or have their signature abilities fail, I've also seen both black bolt and iron Patriot take damage when I blocked their 2nd move etc.
It's all kinds of champions, across all kinds of devices ( I've had multiple phones over the last year plus), across many different operating systems, across many versions ( I've had 3+ different versions of Android 5-7.1)
So it is not a problem with devices , operating systems, or whatever it's a problem with you kabam not us. Instead if blaming our devices, instead of blaming our skill level, or whatever else you try to blame instead of yourselves, you should fix your game and stablize your servers especially since they're unstable having 7+ outages in a day isn't acceptable and riddicoules.
Can we get confirmation this is fixed in the new patch coming out?
Fixed an issue that caused the Next Series button to disappear from Arenas after achieving the last milestone
Fixed an issue where Nightcrawler could not perform a dash back or block as quickly as the rest of the Champions.
Fixed an issue where Nebula was not always gaining Shock Charges while Blocking
Fixed an issue where Karnak was not able to chain into special attacks from a combo
Fixed an issue where Spider-Man’s Signature Evade percentage was incorrect in German
Corrected Doctor Octopus’ Synergies to specify that they are Unique and do not stack with each other
So more petty character fixes and nothing to address lag, broken fight mechanics, dropped inputs, nothing.
Maybe it's just too embarrassing to list in the patch notes " Fixed issue where characters would randomly stop moving and/or blocking"
Yes some ppl have said it happens a lot after you do a 5 hit combo. Others say it happens most often if there is lag at the beginning of a match.
There are triggers I believe, but my champs as I've posted earlier in this thread, will release a block mid combo after the first few hits. That's not a timing/AI issue it just seems like a glitch. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to entirely block Green Goblins special 1 every single time.
Quest, War, AQ
Kamala Khan against vision is Act 5.
Crossbones vs pretty much anyone and mod combo he would have a big opening for the person I'm fighting to combo him into oblivion.
Same thing with Rogue, Rocket(sometimes), Gwenpool, captain marvel, AOU vision, Karnak.
I experience these too.
Device: iPad Air 2
OS: iOS (always the latest, it was there a few system before) 10.3.3
It happens with any champ, anywhere...
You should start fixing the bugs you cause with every single update.
Device and OS - - iPad Pro and iPhone 7S
A specific fight where you've seen this
- Champ you used - any hero I use
- Enemy Champ - any enemy
- Game mode - 100% of my aw fights and 60% of my AQ fights (could not detect a particular node that us causing this)
@Kabam Miike
They are giving us halls of healing to earn a couple revives. Should cover it.
I'm on iPhone 6s. Every enemy. Not every time but often enough to recognize.
Anyway I to have a had a similar issue with my alt account, a few times my Superior Iron Man wasn't responding to any of my inputs and he was just sitting there and blocking when I swiped forward and backward and got annihilated because of it. Pausing it didn't help, turning auto play on and off didn't help either.
I've had blocks just stop working( dropping, getting blown through), I've had my champs just randomly charge forward, I've had them randomly fire off attacks and power attacks and specials, I've had them fight by themselves in aq with me trying to wrestle for control over them.
I've had specials either miss fire or do no damage to the opponent, I've had problems with evades not working properly and getting hit, had problems with combo into specials especially when the ai just blocks them, power hits pause for to long.
I've had the ai shrug off power attacks and specials way to quickly for me to react and just pummel me because my champs won't respond to my inputs, I've had many champions miss hits, I've also seen the ai do the same, or have their signature abilities fail, I've also seen both black bolt and iron Patriot take damage when I blocked their 2nd move etc.
It's all kinds of champions, across all kinds of devices ( I've had multiple phones over the last year plus), across many different operating systems, across many versions ( I've had 3+ different versions of Android 5-7.1)
So it is not a problem with devices , operating systems, or whatever it's a problem with you kabam not us. Instead if blaming our devices, instead of blaming our skill level, or whatever else you try to blame instead of yourselves, you should fix your game and stablize your servers especially since they're unstable having 7+ outages in a day isn't acceptable and riddicoules.