Prior to 15.0 patch it was only doing it on a 5 hit combo and RARELY a 4 hit combo but since the patch, it happens 2 out of 3 fights (and multiple times in a given fight) even on a 4 hit combo in BP arena today.
Once again in AQ my Wolverine and WW2 just stopped responding to absolutely anything while I'm clearly tapping, sliding, or holding against YJ! Losing them both due to them just randomly deciding to not respond to any form of touch on the phone! This is getting beyond ridiculous!!!... -_-
After updating 15.0 I have been affected by this bug. Very clearly when fighting with Vision (aou) and Ghost Rider. I am an Android user. No matter which game mode.
I really wish Kabam would make an effort to fix their bugs. Just wasted several hundred units trying to get through 5.2.4 because blocking and evading both just stopped working with 3 fights left to go. Tried to power through but had to give up. It's one thing to buy units to continue if I'm playing poorly- but I can't justify it when I'm just getting flat out cheated. No Uncollected for me , at least for long time.
Just happened again to me in AQ. Fighting BW 2nd tier with my R5 wolverine. I take her out with wolvie no problem whenever we run Map 3. I roll a four combo MLLL and try to dash back 2 friggin times and wolvie just stands there and eats a 5 hit combo. We have video proof and tons of ppl saying it happens to them so please acknowledge and give us some kind of update!
Completely dropping the block while holding down! Or just not bringing it up at all! Stops attacking completely while sitting there tapping! Attacking when u swipe back! It's random af to what's going to even **** happen when I touch the phone anymore especially in AW!!! -_-
Well, I guess I can't say for sure whether it's worse in one part of the game or another. It's just all around terrible right now. But I just had a round against CWBP with GP in AW and it was by far one of the most unresponsive matches I've EVER had! Doing all I stated above in this match alone! Let alone every other match we fight in AQ and quests...
Well. I tried. Not the best but can see my fingers moving and them not... I guess I'll try more to get more if needed?? But kinda already ruined my AQ..
Fighting with Wolverine against a simple Symbiot!!! And u can see my finger clearly moving and tapping when Wolvelrine just randomly starts just standing there. And then after that while I'm clearly holding down to block he just drops it and I have to re-tap to block again! Is this enough proof?! Do i need more?! Please! @Kabam Miike@Administrator@whomever y'all out there can think of to tag in this!?? This is beyond crazy the lack of response I'm getting in the game and on here!!!
There. Is that enough?? like I said. Not great. But can clearly see my fingers tapping for an attack and them just standing there and me holding to block its attack and it just dropping! Twice! Once during normal attacks and another during the 2nd part of its special.
@KabamWolf@Kabam Pertinax@Kabam Iko@Kabam Commish idk who to put or who to reach out to anymore at this point! But just look how unresponsive it is!! I go for nothing but 4 or 5 hit combo's! Period. Btw.
Now my champs are freezing after blocking an parry. This is ridiculous now an beyond a joke when it's costing us
. And eating a heavy or worse a special... ya happened to most of us in my alliance in AQ today. Beyond frustrating.
I've just finished my first run through of 5.3 an when your champ freezes it's instant death, we should have to be using items or paying for kabams bugs, and they wonder why people think they leave bugs in on purpose or take their sweet time fixing it all to make money. I just want a working game but since 12.0 they have broken so many things an can't seem to fix them
Anyone who has had any problem like this needs to comment and force them to recognize this as a problem or else they're just gonna sit back and bank up!!! Please and thank you!
I have had this issue going on for awhile and it is the same thing over and over. I do believe they don't care as long as you spent. I save my loyalty or glory to keep me in the fight. But if it was something that benefited us they would be on it like a chicken with it's head cut off. Taking the game down for emergency maintence. Banning members of the mcoc community for their(Kabam) stupid mistakes. If your employees screw up, Kabam management, maybe you should start firing some employees. Maybe that will get their **** together and quit screwing the rest of us for something we didn't commit by cheating. I kind of went off subject but screw it had to get it off my chest.
A lot of my alliance has had really bad problems of champs freezing after blocking or parry, it's happening across different devices an both android an iOS.. we need an answer to this
Game is still randomly unresponsive to:
- Block
- Evade
- Dash
This morning I had a string of issues which also included the hero continuing to attack no matter how much I tried to get him to dash back.
Anyway.... still no Admins to even admit that this issue exists....
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Iko @Kabam Pertinax
We really need you guys to talk to us about this
Well. I tried. Not the best but can see my fingers moving and them not... I guess I'll try more to get more if needed?? But kinda already ruined my AQ..
Fighting with Wolverine against a simple Symbiot!!! And u can see my finger clearly moving and tapping when Wolvelrine just randomly starts just standing there. And then after that while I'm clearly holding down to block he just drops it and I have to re-tap to block again! Is this enough proof?! Do i need more?! Please! @Kabam Miike @Administrator @whomever y'all out there can think of to tag in this!?? This is beyond crazy the lack of response I'm getting in the game and on here!!!
There. Is that enough??
I've just finished my first run through of 5.3 an when your champ freezes it's instant death, we should have to be using items or paying for kabams bugs, and they wonder why people think they leave bugs in on purpose or take their sweet time fixing it all to make money. I just want a working game but since 12.0 they have broken so many things an can't seem to fix them