Losing control of champs [Under Investigation]



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  • Willjackson16Willjackson16 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    iPhone 8+ Newest IOS Archangel vs Spider-Man miles morales War my archangel wasn’t moving and died on the first fight
  • GrimmGrimm Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2017
    I thought they kept the old thread alive with a link to the new thread so people can find the new one.

    I’ll join this new one but it seems it’s still “under investigation” so the 7000 videos posted are not enough.
  • MrMojoMrMojo Member Posts: 97
    Those split second lags are killer, literally.
  • JaeRodd2016JaeRodd2016 Member Posts: 13
    I’ve noticed that dexterity will pop instead of parry, but then I get parry locked. After that, especially playing on uncollected it’s over.

    So what did this maintenance fix anyway?

    How’s that compensation coming? I’m
    Sure Kabam is going to do more than 30 minute timers.
  • JaeRodd2016JaeRodd2016 Member Posts: 13
    Anyone else notice not being able to dash in after dodging a SP1?
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    MrMojo wrote: »
    Those split second lags are killer, literally.

    Thanks for noticing. They're terrible. Split second lag and it's all over and more units and cash down the drain all for nothing! It's turned into a cash grab and we're being told that it's a performance issue. No, it's ignorance issue. Pre 12.0 it was rarely if ever like this. This lag has been a daily occurance since 12.0 now with it getting progressively worse each month. I have an S7 Edge. Hardly "old" by any stretch of the imagination. Suddenly goes from smooth frame rates to junk after 4-5 months and progressively worse after. Even all the newest phones do this. New and old, between all platforms this game is making playing unbearable.

    And lag is just a tiny issue. The game's basic core mechanics and controls (evade/dexterity, parry, recovery, timing), are being completely changed to our detriment and to Kabam's benefit. Give us a fair game for god's sakes! The AI is doing things can't even do. Parry and AI behavior is ridiculous but the worst in my opinion out of all of this is what they've done to dexterity and evade. It's 13.0 all over again and it's intentional. Our evade length has progressively shrunk ever month and noticeably got worse after maintenance 2 months ago and it's the lifeblood of gameplay. If you suddenly go from a skilled player to a crummy one overnight and the same with your other alliance mates there's something seriously wrong here.

    Stop sabotaging our gameplay to earn a few extra bucks. Enough with the highway robbery!
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    @Kabam wolf This is still a huge problem, I was just playing Alliance Quest fighting mini boss Cable with Hulk. I put 3 health potions in before (12k health) and while I'm holding block the game decided it would be better for me to dash forward into every special attack that he activated. Stuff like this has been happening for over a week. I'm playing on a Samsung Galaxy S7 edge fully updated and so is the Game
  • PorkChopExpressPorkChopExpress Member Posts: 47
    @Kabam Wolf

    My question is... why are the youtubers in the development program not experiencing the same issues we are? Do they have a different version then the rest of the community so the game issues are not being spread across the world on how bad the current state of the game is?
  • FoosnaggleFoosnaggle Member Posts: 20
    This game is ****. Bugs just keep getting worse and Kabam ignores us while lining their pockets. Well they just lost another long term player. I’m done with this glitchfest they call a game. They may fix this, but like every other fix it will break 10 more things. As long as they keep raking in the millions, they won’t care. They can’t even admit that this “recode” they call 12.0 was a massive mistake. The game hasn’t even went a full 24 hour period since where it worked as intended and they think a couple potions is adequate compensation for the HOURS UPON HOURS of frustration and resources it’s caused us. Not to mention the money people spend to get around these bugs. Honestly it’s insulting. I never saw the high levels of glitches and bugs like this before the massive change made in 12.0. Anyway, enough of my rant. Time to delete and find something else to play.
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  • the6ththe6th Member Posts: 153
    Parry and dex are not working properly sometimes when you dash back dex will appear but still the opponent landed a hit,sometimes a shallow evade which means dex is not activated. Missed parry, you can clearly see whrn your champ is attempting to block as it is moving it's arms upwards but nope they're just standing took a full combo then stops and wait for another one! Parry instead of dex when we dash back is an indication that dex doesnt work.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    edited December 2017
    @Grimm for real. I'm pissed. It's like they're trying to hide the problem. Went from over 13k almost 14k views and 330+ comments. To whatever this is new post is. Getting rid of all the views from MY POST ON AUGUST 19TH. And maybe it's just me, but if i get on the forum and i see a post with over THIRTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE HAVE LOOKED AT IT. Then I think I'm going to take a peek myself and see if its similar to what ive experienced!!!!! Now. Its still on this page. But now it's not my post anymore?? Just to get rid of the stats on the post to hide the problem more??? But still waiting for a message from them to tell us what they really need us to do to do to prove this is a problem! Or have y'all FINALLY experienced any of these issues yourselves yet?? Still. All this is just super shady. Over 2 year, 3 I believe in February or so. Down the drain. For me atm. Least active I've ever been and there's the most rewards there's ever been. Really says something Kabam. Cause something is really really wrong.
  • mcofnycmcofnyc Member Posts: 28
    This has been happening a lot more for me again after all their other game issues last week. Maybe they will blame it on their partners like they did with the connection issues. For me it used to mainly happen after dashing back, but this AQ it even happened in the middle of blocking. I'm blocking, thumb doesn't move at all yet my champ stops blocking. I try to tap tap tap thinking maybe somehow my thumb slightly budged but nope, nothing works and I realize it's the same old unresponsive champ standing like an idiot showing up yet again to make sure I die or take massive damage. Getting so tired of this.
  • edited December 2017
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  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    This is the problem right now with dexterity:

    Very short evades, which feels like 13.0 all over again. Very noticeable change 2 months ago immediately after maintenance.

    We have a much longer recovery time:

    between multiple evades
    between blocking and evading
    between punching and evading

    This is making us get hit by the easiest specials and heavy attacks on a regular basis now.

    It's obvious you've changed something to dexterity and our overall movement. We can tell. Our champs feel sluggish, almost glued to the floor or to the AI. It's as if there's a force that's holding us in place preventing us from doing things at a normal pace, while the same isn't being done to the AI.

    Not only are our movements much slower, but the AI has much faster recovery time from their heavies and immediately launch into their specials.

    Like this:

    This is outrageous because there's no way it's suddenly difficult to evade Antman's heavy attack and countering, unless you're doing something that's to our detriment.

    Or this:


    It's as if our movements are intentionally metered out. It's so painfully obvious what's happened here. You've nerfed our core controls while buffing the AIs. This isn't even fair, it's straight up sabotage.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    1. Because of evade length being reduced so much, the AI now chase us down with multiple attacks even AFTER WE EVADE. It's no longer safe to evade just once from the AI's basic attacks. They just follow up with more.

    2. And since the parry mechanic been nerfed and you need a much larger distance between you and the AI to setup a parry or the mechanic itself just doesn't work even if you do it right, trying to set up parries in close quarters are much more difficult these days, which means we either get hit or take block damage.

    3. And since block proficiency has been nerfed to the ground, the damage that we do take is much much more.

    Everything you've done since 12.0 has been to sabotage us.

    Challenger Rating
    Diminishing Returns
    Nerfed parry
    Nerfed dexterity/evade
    Nerfed block proficiency

    Losing fairly is one thing, being shaked down for units should be fraud. I hate this game now, it's nothing but frustration and resentment.

    Nothing ever works, regular lag kills us on a daily basis for no god damn reason (which never existed pre 12.0), and now our basic ability to fight is being compromised on purpose for money. This game used to be good when it wasn't a cash grab.
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  • ViciousJViciousJ Member Posts: 256
    Cheap servers that save them money
  • mcofnycmcofnyc Member Posts: 28
    Still happening a lot in AQ and aw, and unfortunately since the threads were merged/adjusted and views reset everyone is starting new threads about the same issue instead of adding to this one. So many people are obviously having problems, please fix this soon, it's been going on for way too long.
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  • GillidafGillidaf Member Posts: 85
    Also messed up I can't block after attack or special right away but the computer can and happens in aq ,aw too I've notified them but gout a warning about negative post. Should start boycott not play and maybe they'll listen to us
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  • SgtSlaughter78SgtSlaughter78 Member Posts: 464 ★★★
    The releasing block after a few hits is infuriating.
  • ViciousJViciousJ Member Posts: 256
    I just played MODOK LAB and is unplayable with so much lags , parry not working and dexterity issue.. game is dying slowly and slowly ..can’t play harder content.

    If this also going to be a part of everyday game , then I won’t be.

    Million dollar company and can’t fix everyday issues occurring for so long.

    A good marvel game in the hands of people don’t deserve.

    Since 12.0 the gameplay issues are getting ridiculous.

  • Foehammer1990Foehammer1990 Member Posts: 73
    This changed into a **** chat. Sorry I just wanted an answer didn’t want to start this.
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