it is called lag or android, get iphone if you want to play an apple based game
So from your comment you're saying "for Apple users there is no such lags and crashes" right. Are you really going through all of the forum discussions?
And this game is not only Apple based it's common for both that's why we're getting an Android version of the game.
Yes, this has been going on for months. Basicly had alot of players stop parry stunning and instead intercept or evade / counter. Blocks takes 12 months to register after a backdash, even if u backdash while opponent is using a special and it still have a loading time i still get intercepted by the AI once the animation is over. Even tho ive been spamming block for 11 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.
Yeah this isn't an device issue and doesn't seem to be a lag issue either. It's a widespread control issue that's effecting all kinds of devices, across all kinds of models across all kinds of versions.
Sometimes the controls are on point and other times it just doesn't work properly and makes our champions punch dummies that can't respond properly.
They don't want to block, they don't want to move backwards or forwards, use their specials, keep their blocks, delay after blocking specials etc.
Getting tired of their excuses and their false promises of it's being "fixed or was fixed" or its "being investigated" blah blah. This has been going on since the beginning of the year and they have two forums worth of evidence, posts, videos , screenshots and images to use and a ton of money that they got from us to fix all these issues.
And yet they continue to persist throughout all the updates and patches that we've had over the months and it seems like they just ignore most of the determental issues that affect us or our champions and masteries while they fix the ones that are deterimental to them quickly.
Sometimes it seems like they're just ignoring it, and hoping it goes away and it's not eventually it's just going to get worse and derail everything until you are forced to take the game down for an extended period of time and go why didn't we listen to our player base we're losing money and can't fix it anymore because we just didn't listen to them and don't know how quickly we can bring it back up.
Lots of other games have extended downtime including other netmarble games because those devolpers and companies fix the games and apologize for them it's nothing to be ashamed of and sometimes it's absolutely necessary for it to happen and it's apporaching that time even if you don't want to admit it or want it, it might be necessary for the future of the game and to appease us.
this started happening directly after 5.4 was out i play the game on a regular basics specially questes and that's imo is the only reason i can think of
I’ve been experiencing this really bad today especially. Been going through Road to the Labyrinth 4.3-4.5 and yes it’s supposed to be challenging, yes i am spending revives anyways from my own mistakes, but 5 times today i had to spend revives simply because of this bug. That’s not okay. When you’re 50% of the way through the fight and your character just decides not to block?! BS. When you’re on the final boss and looking like it’ll be a 1 shot so Autofight decides to kick in and stand still. BS. I started a match and autofight kicked in before i got the first parry off. Nobody in their right mind would actually want AI autofight in RttL! This is absurd! They absolutely need to fix this, and we should get real compensation for the units we have to spend for these BS bugs.
Some 1 work in kabam please take this stupid MD and Dex trsting out for me everytime i play and l lose this stupid game kick me out that is so stupid anoying please i dont want this stupid testing **** let me have my peace pls pls pls...
it is called lag or android, get iphone if you want to play an apple based game
So from your comment you're saying "for Apple users there is no such lags and crashes" right. Are you really going through all of the forum discussions?
And this game is not only Apple based it's common for both that's why we're getting an Android version of the game.
Sort it already will ya?
Sometimes the controls are on point and other times it just doesn't work properly and makes our champions punch dummies that can't respond properly.
They don't want to block, they don't want to move backwards or forwards, use their specials, keep their blocks, delay after blocking specials etc.
Getting tired of their excuses and their false promises of it's being "fixed or was fixed" or its "being investigated" blah blah. This has been going on since the beginning of the year and they have two forums worth of evidence, posts, videos , screenshots and images to use and a ton of money that they got from us to fix all these issues.
And yet they continue to persist throughout all the updates and patches that we've had over the months and it seems like they just ignore most of the determental issues that affect us or our champions and masteries while they fix the ones that are deterimental to them quickly.
Sometimes it seems like they're just ignoring it, and hoping it goes away and it's not eventually it's just going to get worse and derail everything until you are forced to take the game down for an extended period of time and go why didn't we listen to our player base we're losing money and can't fix it anymore because we just didn't listen to them and don't know how quickly we can bring it back up.
Lots of other games have extended downtime including other netmarble games because those devolpers and companies fix the games and apologize for them it's nothing to be ashamed of and sometimes it's absolutely necessary for it to happen and it's apporaching that time even if you don't want to admit it or want it, it might be necessary for the future of the game and to appease us.