Countless posts about Parry and Blocking issues with no response

Why has this not been addressed? There are hundreds of people, probably more and countless others that have not posted, that have been experiencing this for months. We're creeping up on the 1 year anniversary of the 12.0 debacle and these issues have been around pretty much since then. Almost every day you see posts in the forums about this. And you say absolutely nothing. Today, the game has been particularly bad and it's like characters are moving in slow motion there's so much lag. And yes, I'm using the most current software and I'm connected to wifi on an apple phone.

What is going on with this?
What are you doing to correct it?
Are you even testing this?
Do you not believe us?

We waste countless resources on this and for you to say nothing is maddening.
This should be one of your featured posts that we can track and check in on that includes updates as to what is happening.


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  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
  • JstewJstew Member Posts: 46
    May as well shut the game down and fix it because there is no point playing when any champion can go unresponsive at any time. Geesh!
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  • Igu4n4Igu4n4 Member Posts: 31
    there are countless threads in here that are talking about blocking, evades, the whole iphone X dash forward bug... no responses. So no, it's not a placebo effect.
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    I’v made this argument multiple times, but a good portion of lag and related issues have nothing to do with the game, but the device itself. While there may be “hundreds” of people complaining about lag, there are tens of thousands of people not having any issue at all, myself included; game runs fine for me.

    An example of this is an alliance member ours was always constantly having issue with lag, and input issues. However he recently got a new (and more powerful) phone and now has no problems at all.

    Don’t even get me started on the announcement that Apple has been purposely slowing down their older model phone with each update.

    Kabam can try to optimize the game as much as they can, (if its not already), but its a very large and resource heavy game and only getting bigger. The only true way to fix the issues would be to up the minimal requirement needed for this game to run and cut off access to the older and weaker devices. The issue is how many people would that piss off and how many legal issue may come up with it...
  • Rednick69Rednick69 Member Posts: 325
    As long as people keep dropping the money for this game. there is nothing wrong with it.
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  • Shakti4allShakti4all Member Posts: 120
    I am also affected by this bug - dunno why devs are not looking at concrete solution especially for android users.
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  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Igu4n4 wrote: »
    This might be true... but if you want to dispute the fact that lots of people have just purchased Apples top of the line phone, and are suddenly having the dash forward bug, and the heavy turning into an evade. The minimal requirements issues has nothing to do with it. I can drop back to an iphone 6 and have none of these problems.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there aren’t bugs in the game, and minimal requirements are the solve all to everything, but it is a big portion of it.

    And with your comment above, you only proved my point even more. People with the new IPhone 8 are having problems (and if you drive deeper into the web about it, this game isn’t the only one), however you mention that you can go back to an IPhone 6 and have none of these problems. The problem here is wether you are on an IPhone 6 or and IPhone 8, there is no difference in the game. It’s the same .ipa (or .apk for Android) file for everyone. The Only difference is the device. Meaning logically, it is related to the device.

    Now before people start flipping their lid about this, I’m sure Kabam can try to code something into the game to work around these issues that came up with the iPhone 8 issues brought up, but these things take time and trying to make a fix-all for one device while not effecting everything else can be complicated.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    The fact of the matter is that Kabam does not seem capable of fixing it. I had no issues prior to 12.0. Whatever they did cause irreparable damage to the game, and they haven’t been able to reverse the problems.

    It cannot be dismissed as just a device issue for several reason. I was running on an iPhone 6. After 12.0, it became unplayable. But other people run on an iPhone 6 or even earlier with no issues. After 15.0, my iPad PRO improved, but then after the latest maintenance, it became bad again. I didn’t install anything new or make any changes to my iPad, so why the change? I have even tried resetting it, turning off blutooth and making sure nothing is running in the background. Nothing helps.

    They made changes in 12.0 to deliberately make the game harder. They messed with parry and other mechanics because players had figured out how to beat the game. Instead of making better content, they tried to alter our controls to create a cheap way to increase the challenge. It created a disaster that they still have not cleaned up.
  • edited December 2017
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  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    No one is doubting that 12.0 didn’t cause some issues for some people. It was a huge update to the to the game. But for the most part, it was probably all necessary in the way the game functions. That is obviously causing issues on the devices that are either running slow, or aren’t handling the code properly.
    But everyone is still avoiding the main question; Why is the game working fine for some, but not for others?
    You give me a logical explaination to the question, and maybe then you have you answer on why you are having issues.
  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    Lightvayne wrote: »
    No one is doubting that 12.0 didn’t cause some issues for some people. It was a huge update to the to the game. But for the most part, it was probably all necessary in the way the game functions. That is obviously causing issues on the devices that are either running slow, or aren’t handling the code properly.
    But everyone is still avoiding the main question; Why is the game working fine for some, but not for others?
    You give me a logical explaination to the question, and maybe then you have you answer on why you are having issues.

    First of all, this post is not directed at the people for which the game is working fine. Good for you! Now let Kabam respond.

    Second, most of us are not developers, coders, programmers, etc. Our expectation as a consumer is that we buy a product (in this case download it for free and pay as we want) and it works as intended. That is not the case for a large number (I have no idea how many) of users, as evidence by the posts we see every single day about it. It's Kabam's product, all they have to do is test it on any number of devices, which is MUCH easier for them to do to trouble shoot then for any of us to try and find a solution. To put it on us is ridiculous. With the money they're bringing in, springing for some old cell phones or iPads or whatever shouldn't be that difficult. Yeah, there are tons of variables, I'm sure, but the problems consistently reported in the forums is the same thing over and over and over again.

    And we still hear absolutely nothing.

    A few months ago, someone posted about fighting Nebula as a way to highlight how parry is not working properly and they marked it as "under investigation" and we've heard nothing since then. It's pretty incontrovertible evidence, and yet, still no resolution (

    I want to know why they continue to remain silent or feed us scraps as far as answers go. What are they doing about this? What research are they doing? How are they working to resolve these issues? Most of the time, they don't even acknowledge these things as issues, and that's upsetting to those of us that continue to experience game play bugs.
  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
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  • ViciousJViciousJ Member Posts: 256
    Very disappointing with no response from mods..
    The fundamentals of the game are now broken but nothing is done.
    Cannot believe how this could be acceptable in any organisation
  • JayCarJayCar Member Posts: 28
    I’m almost convinced it had to do with Kabam cuffing the user. I play a few different ways and haven’t had to deviate far from my norm the past 3 years.

    Now since this last update... I’m having a ton of issues.

    Multiple times champs have just: dropped a block, failed to block, failed to respond entirely, dash back mid combo?, heavy attack when dashing, dashing when trying to heavy attack, slow motion fighting, parryed but the enemy isn’t actually parryed, dex evaded but haven’t actually dex evaded, the list goes on.

    The AI speed is insane and way faster than any user registration regardless of the phone

    Just really annoys me how good this game was and how terrible it’s becoming. I miss the days when it took skill to play this game not deep pockets

    This is spot on here... EXACTLY what I've been experiencing as well.
  • Igu4n4Igu4n4 Member Posts: 31
    Lightvayne wrote: »
    Igu4n4 wrote: »
    This might be true... but if you want to dispute the fact that lots of people have just purchased Apples top of the line phone, and are suddenly having the dash forward bug, and the heavy turning into an evade. The minimal requirements issues has nothing to do with it. I can drop back to an iphone 6 and have none of these problems.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there aren’t bugs in the game, and minimal requirements are the solve all to everything, but it is a big portion of it.

    And with your comment above, you only proved my point even more. People with the new IPhone 8 are having problems (and if you drive deeper into the web about it, this game isn’t the only one), however you mention that you can go back to an IPhone 6 and have none of these problems. The problem here is wether you are on an IPhone 6 or and IPhone 8, there is no difference in the game. It’s the same .ipa (or .apk for Android) file for everyone. The Only difference is the device. Meaning logically, it is related to the device.

    Now before people start flipping their lid about this, I’m sure Kabam can try to code something into the game to work around these issues that came up with the iPhone 8 issues brought up, but these things take time and trying to make a fix-all for one device while not effecting everything else can be complicated.

    I would actually disagree. The version of the game that runs on the iphone x, is not necessarily the same version that is running on the iphone 6. Im sure a lot of the routines are the same, but not all. The game's aspect ratio is different, the button placement is different, the resolution is different,... so without intimiate knowledge of the ipa/apk you also don't know. We don't have any concrete evidence either way, as you nor I, nor anyone else has the code to examine, we have anecdotal evidence, and there are many people experiencing the problems. Just because you might not be, doesn't make your argument true. And even *if* it was purely hardware related, it is the developers issue to make sure that the software run consistently across all devices and platforms, just like PC software has different drivers, routines, and emulation layers for different hardware, and OS compatibility to make it a consistent experience.

    So if you want to approach it like a chicken egg, sure. The hardware in the iphone x is different. Different than the iphone 8, different than the iphone 7, the galaxy 8, the ZTE axiom, etc etc... that still means something is wrong with the game as it is performing on said platform. Code is tweaked... currently the sensitivity levels seem off on the iphoneX, as discussed by several people who actually have one and play the game with it. If you haven't experienced the issues first hand, then I don't think you have perspective over it.

    So if you want direct the logic towards the fault of the hardware, fine.

    At the end of the day the issue still stands. The game is not performing consistently across devices, and it needs to be addressed. And I already agreed that it is very possible that the game requirements have risen past what older hardware might be capable of running.

  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    How many of these types of post do you count today? I've counted at least three so far.
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious
    And now you're just closing threads with valid info? Or did you combine it with some other thread? (
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  • mcofnycmcofnyc Member Posts: 28
    Just fought a dormammu mini boss in AW on the left unblockable sp2 node. I was using magik. First my champ just stops mid combo and I end up getting hit, but that's another issue. Next, I parried him, the game says parry in green on the left, I go to attack based on that, but then realize too late he didn't get stunned at all and proceeds to kill me. No stun immunity, dormammu doesn't have any ability accuracy reduction, game says parry, but doesn't work. Awesome! It's happened a few times on this same mini boss node before, so I guess I'm the idiot for trusting the game instead of waiting a second to see him actually stunned to make sure the parry notification wasn't a lie.
  • ViciousJViciousJ Member Posts: 256
    Game is dead so are the morals of the people running this game.
    Since 12.0 something really went wrong in the management.
    EVERYTHING is broken.
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