Featured Blade OR Basic 5* | 90k+ Shards



  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    Umm what is your argument again? Don’t mind me. Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Twunt wrote: »
    Umm what is your argument again? Don’t mind me. Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn.
  • edited January 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »

    This pic clearly shows how OP sparky and GR are. NERF THEM!!!1!1!!

    You two and your sophistry, well maybe in this case it’s a failue in data interpretation; let me help you. If you analyse that pic all sparkys were likelybused for 3-4 fights and GR for one while blade and his lower health likely did all the rest of the work of 50% of the BG. You're welcome.
  • edited January 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    Blade is ridiculously op in the game. Players with Blade even with closed eyes do not even die in AW against 4/55 Dormammu, OG Ultron, Magik, Spiderman, Mordo, Juggernaut in AW.

    I don't know what Kabam smoked to create such an unbalanced champ that ruins all AW defence strategies.

    So you should go for him

    They said “forcing diversity is the most unpopular thing we’ve done since 12.0 and we know eventually that we’ll need to include an attack bonus of some kind to unbreak AW, but then everyone will revert to mystic wars which is why we forced diversity in the first place. What do we do?”

    Took a puff

    And then blade’s synergies appeared.

    And then void appeared.

    And then Luke cage was revamped to shut off MD.

    And then red hulk was revamped as a direct counter to mystics.

    I can’t wait to see who is next.

    Adapt to the game or keep losing in AW. The paradigm has changed. Mystic defense is trash.
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »

    This pic clearly shows how OP sparky and GR are. NERF THEM!!!1!1!!

    You two and your sophistry, well maybe in this case it’s a failue in data interpretation; let me help you. If you analyse that pic all sparkys were likelybused for 3-4 fights and GR for one while blade and his lower health likely did all the rest of the work of 50% of the BG. You're welcome.

    Yes of course. You pick a screenshot from reddit and post it here to show how Blade is OP because people decided to use their highest ranked offensive champ (who also happens to have one of the highest prestige) in war. I point out how Sparky and GR are also overused (which you ignore) since they are also present in those same teams but that is a failure in data interpretation while your biased analysis of the pic is correct.

    P.S. 3 (or maybe 4) blades in that pic were used in fights, same number as sparky. Can't comment about GR since he ends fights with full health most of the time. Don't know how you came to the conclusion that Blade did all the work
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »

    This pic clearly shows how OP sparky and GR are. NERF THEM!!!1!1!!

    You two and your sophistry, well maybe in this case it’s a failue in data interpretation; let me help you. If you analyse that pic all sparkys were likelybused for 3-4 fights and GR for one while blade and his lower health likely did all the rest of the work of 50% of the BG. You're welcome.

    Yes of course. You pick a screenshot from reddit and post it here to show how Blade is OP because people decided to use their highest ranked offensive champ (who also happens to have one of the highest prestige) in war. I point out how Sparky and GR are also overused (which you ignore) since they are also present in those same teams but that is a failure in data interpretation while your biased analysis of the pic is correct.

    P.S. 3 (or maybe 4) blades in that pic were used in fights, same number as sparky. Can't comment about GR since he ends fights with full health most of the time. Don't know how you came to the conclusion that Blade did all the work
    Talking out of both sides again, in one breath of course they used blade cause hes top offense, next breath they couldn't have used blade!

    Guys look Blade is so OP if you do not have him or are not using him you're playing the game wrong. There are a couple people around here who covet blade and know his overbuse will draw the nerf hammer so they try to minimize his impact. These people are doing you a disservice; if there is ever a question about x and y champ the answer is always blade.
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    Off topic: what combination of champs would make you spend 5k extra shards on featured crystals after blade?

    Edit: this question is for everyone. Don't want to create a separate thread
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Talking out of both sides again, in one breath of course they used blade cause hes top offense, next breath they couldn't have used blade!

    Wow man! When you have nothing to say, you simply make stuff up. Where did I say in my post that Blade was the "top" offence? Infact, I have never said that, in this thread or on others. That's a pretty big leap you made from "highest ranked offensive champ" to "top offence"
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    Acanthus wrote: »
    Rektor wrote: »
    nameplas wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    nameplas wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    Your choice because a whole ton of people will say blade but it depends on what you need

    It does not depend on what you need, the answer is blade. There's no scenario where blade is not the answer when it comes to opening crystals.

    Blade is not the answer for everything that is why I said "what you need"

    Nope, it does not matter what you need. Saving for blade is the correct answer regardless of anything else.

    so blade is the answer for everything because I disagree he is not everything people say and I'm kinda hating playing him as I find better characters then him.

    Yes he is, what is your reasoning as to why everything people say about him is wrong? I don't like playing with him either and this he's a **** character but his greatness in the game is undeniable.

    I don't believe he is **** but what my POINT is there are other champs out there that can out damage him and have better abilities

    You're wrong, blade stands above all champs, period. Nobody is as good as he is.

    Something is wrong with you OPEN YOUR EYES

    Give me an example of someone who's better

    Being better depends on the situation honestly, a spiderman for example. He's not a villain/dimensional being and his evade is annoying. While we can still take him out with blade, what if he's on a bleed/poison node? That's where we need an iceman/immune champs.
    A Hyperion for example, we can take him out with blade any day but better? Magik is better in this case. Period.
    LOL is another example, blade can do LOL no issues. But better? Starlord is better.
    While blade is among the top champs currently, a major reason to that is him being a counter to magik/dormammu, that's because we're fed up with the unavoidable damage.
    Take away danger sense and you'll see a lot of better options yourself and it's obvious that kabam is gonna add characters that won't trigger danger sense.
    Btw i do have a blade, just trying to say there can be situations that he can't handle or where other champs can be better.

    1. Blade turns off bleed/poison nodes. I use my 4* blade against 4/55 Magiks on bleed node in war and it's a joke.
    2. He's better then SL for labyrinth (will take longer but way less units).
    3. Sure, he's not good against spidey or hyperion, but who cares.

    True, he does that. I noticed that fighting dormammu in AQ and he turned off healblock.
    But is that working as intended? No confirmation on that to my knowledge. Also, he doesn't do that all the time, it's RNG too? If that's working as intended, then I'm happy as well.
    LOL, starlord can still be better and cheaper with a proper skill set. We all know that bud, not trying to defame blade here.
    I gave you an example and you didn't care, oh well.

    SL is clearly better at LoL. It’s kind of hilarious to see trolls say a champ that takes 900 hits to beat a labyrinth enemy is better than one that can do it in 300. Maybe they just like blade’s animations more or feel nostalgic about the movie. Personally, guardians of the galaxy 1 > all the blade movies combined.

    SL is faster, Blade is cheaper. It doesn't matter how many hits it takes when you can't die and don't need health potions

    Yea, r5 x-23 nerf coming soon I guess. She can’t die in the labyrinth either and can actually regen without having to stop fighting and hiding in the corner.

    Hela next. Or do you think kabam intended for her to do 3.3m damage in 150 hits?

    We can do this all day. Eventually mystic crybabies will get over it and realize he’s never getting nerfed. Maybe when they see that kabam turned Luke cage’s pillow hands into a mystic dispersion death sentence they’ll realize everything is working as intended.

    1. I have said and will continue to say that 5/65 x-23 is the single best option for labyrinth. I don't think that is a debate.

    2. Blade does shut off nodes, that's a fact.

    3. He's better then SL for labyrinth, i don't know how many paths you've done, i did 1 with a 5/50 SL, 5 paths with a 4/55 SL (couldn't finish cause wanted to use my rank down ticket on him), and 1 path with 4/55 Morningstar. You know who was the cheapest? Morningstar, she regens.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Blade is totally and radically overrated
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Blade is so OP that he can’t finish a fight will full health after getting hit once and takes 600 hits to beat OG vision in endgame content from 2 years ago.

    Meanwhile sparky is literally a crutch for those who can’t evade specials, while simultaneously providing the second fastest attack ramp up in the game (Hela is first), can ignore nodes like all or nothing by forcing champs to use specials regardless, but just in case you mess that up, he can power drain too. Bringing blade allows him to have the highest starting attack of anyone in the game against all champs, not just half of them. No one is immune to his damage over time. What else should we talk about?

    GR has the strongest lifesteal in the game. So strong you have to try on purpose not to finish with full health.

    But omg Blade is the best ever!!1!11!
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    What makes Hela so good? Just wondering because I have her 2* and really struggling to see how she's better than Sparky

    Note: a 2* Hela is not the best example but that's all I have
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    Blade is so OP that he can’t finish a fight will full health after getting hit once and takes 600 hits to beat OG vision in endgame content from 2 years ago.

    Meanwhile sparky is literally a crutch for those who can’t evade specials, while simultaneously providing the second fastest attack ramp up in the game (Hela is first), can ignore nodes like all or nothing by forcing champs to use specials regardless, but just in case you mess that up, he can power drain too. Bringing blade allows him to have the highest starting attack of anyone in the game against all champs, not just half of them. No one is immune to his damage over time. What else should we talk about?

    GR has the strongest lifesteal in the game. So strong you have to try on purpose not to finish with full health.

    But omg Blade is the best ever!!1!11!

    I don't like to be the guy who does this but what stage of the game are you in? Act 4? act 5? done any labyrinth? Tier 1 AW? Do you just think that EVERYBODY in the end game community is wrong about blade and are foolish for him being their top champ?
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Ok yes Blade is op in AW that's true

    But outside of AW, he really fails to make an impact Vs huge attack Champions
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Ok yes Blade is op in AW that's true

    But outside of AW, he really fails to make an impact Vs huge attack Champions

    He was the best champ in the game for act 5.4, where does he fail to make an impact?
  • edited January 2018
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  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    danielmath wrote: »
    Rektor wrote: »
    Blade is so OP that he can’t finish a fight will full health after getting hit once and takes 600 hits to beat OG vision in endgame content from 2 years ago.

    Meanwhile sparky is literally a crutch for those who can’t evade specials, while simultaneously providing the second fastest attack ramp up in the game (Hela is first), can ignore nodes like all or nothing by forcing champs to use specials regardless, but just in case you mess that up, he can power drain too. Bringing blade allows him to have the highest starting attack of anyone in the game against all champs, not just half of them. No one is immune to his damage over time. What else should we talk about?

    GR has the strongest lifesteal in the game. So strong you have to try on purpose not to finish with full health.

    But omg Blade is the best ever!!1!11!

    I don't like to be the guy who does this but what stage of the game are you in? Act 4? act 5? done any labyrinth? Tier 1 AW? Do you just think that EVERYBODY in the end game community is wrong about blade and are foolish for him being their top champ?

    The endgame community cares about prestige and he’s the best choice of the champs in the top 4 prestige. The 3 ahead of him are useless. So of course he’s going to be everyone’s icon. Just like rocket was 2 years ago.

    He is unstoppable against the mystic war nonsense that has plagued the end game community for years, so yea I think they’re willfully ignoring the fact that he is not all that amazing unless he’s fighting dimensional beings/villains, and are pretending he’s the best choice in every fight out of the excitement of having a kabam-approved cheat code against the most miserable fights we’ve endured the last couple years.

    Sparky is better than him at everything except fighting dimensional beings/whatever synergy you brought (mystic or villain). And sparky’s strengths apply to everyone.

    People are also overrating his regen. I guess that speaks more to how often people make mistakes. I prefer an offensive regen that doesn’t suck all my power away and make me dodge aggressive enemies out of fear that blocked hits while regenerating will negate the health I just got and I’ll still have no power left to regenerate more.

    Blade doesn’t stand alone as the best choice for 5.4. There’s actually another champ with the right combination of 2 synergies who will absolutely give him a run for his money. Especially considering that only 1 of the suicides affects them and especially considering that their advantage against that ultron, specifically, is stronger than danger sense.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Rektor wrote: »
    Blade is so OP that he can’t finish a fight will full health after getting hit once and takes 600 hits to beat OG vision in endgame content from 2 years ago.

    Meanwhile sparky is literally a crutch for those who can’t evade specials, while simultaneously providing the second fastest attack ramp up in the game (Hela is first), can ignore nodes like all or nothing by forcing champs to use specials regardless, but just in case you mess that up, he can power drain too. Bringing blade allows him to have the highest starting attack of anyone in the game against all champs, not just half of them. No one is immune to his damage over time. What else should we talk about?

    GR has the strongest lifesteal in the game. So strong you have to try on purpose not to finish with full health.

    But omg Blade is the best ever!!1!11!

    I don't like to be the guy who does this but what stage of the game are you in? Act 4? act 5? done any labyrinth? Tier 1 AW? Do you just think that EVERYBODY in the end game community is wrong about blade and are foolish for him being their top champ?

    The endgame community cares about prestige and he’s the best choice of the champs in the top 4 prestige. The 3 ahead of him are useless. So of course he’s going to be everyone’s icon. Just like rocket was 2 years ago.

    He is unstoppable against the mystic war nonsense that has plagued the end game community for years, so yea I think they’re willfully ignoring the fact that he is not all that amazing unless he’s fighting dimensional beings/villains, and are pretending he’s the best choice in every fight out of the excitement of having a kabam-approved cheat code against the most miserable fights we’ve endured the last couple years.

    Sparky is better than him at everything except fighting dimensional beings/whatever synergy you brought (mystic or villain). And sparky’s strengths apply to everyone.

    People are also overrating his regen. I guess that speaks more to how often people make mistakes. I prefer an offensive regen that doesn’t suck all my power away and make me dodge aggressive enemies out of fear that blocked hits while regenerating will negate the health I just got and I’ll still have no power left to regenerate more.

    Blade doesn’t stand alone as the best choice for 5.4. There’s actually another champ with the right combination of 2 synergies who will absolutely give him a run for his money. Especially considering that only 1 of the suicides affects them and especially considering that their advantage against that ultron, specifically, is stronger than danger sense.

    Really? "There is another champ" and you aren't going to name said champ? Lame Lame Lame
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    9 Basic would be my choice!
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Shuts off nodes and abilitie.
    Go-to champ for AW and Act 5

    No other champ can deal with the game's biggest BS than Blade.

    He's the best.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,603 ★★★★
    They will nerf blade after the crystal drop you know
  • CloserByTomorrowCloserByTomorrow Member Posts: 145
    danielmath wrote: »
    nameplas wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    Your choice because a whole ton of people will say blade but it depends on what you need

    It does not depend on what you need, the answer is blade. There's no scenario where blade is not the answer when it comes to opening crystals.

    Blade is not the answer for everything that is why I said "what you need"

    Nope, it does not matter what you need. Saving for blade is the correct answer regardless of anything else.

    so blade is the answer for everything because I disagree he is not everything people say and I'm kinda hating playing him as I find better characters then him.

    Yes he is, what is your reasoning as to why everything people say about him is wrong? I don't like playing with him either and this he's a **** character but his greatness in the game is undeniable.

    I don't believe he is **** but what my POINT is there are other champs out there that can out damage him and have better abilities

    You're wrong, blade stands above all champs, period. Nobody is as good as he is.

    Something is wrong with you OPEN YOUR EYES

    Give me an example of someone who's better

    Being better depends on the situation honestly, a spiderman for example. He's not a villain/dimensional being and his evade is annoying. While we can still take him out with blade, what if he's on a bleed/poison node? That's where we need an iceman/immune champs.
    A Hyperion for example, we can take him out with blade any day but better? Magik is better in this case. Period.
    LOL is another example, blade can do LOL no issues. But better? Starlord is better.
    While blade is among the top champs currently, a major reason to that is him being a counter to magik/dormammu, that's because we're fed up with the unavoidable damage.
    Take away danger sense and you'll see a lot of better options yourself and it's obvious that kabam is gonna add characters that won't trigger danger sense.
    Btw i do have a blade, just trying to say there can be situations that he can't handle or where other champs can be better.

    1. Blade turns off bleed/poison nodes. I use my 4* blade against 4/55 Magiks on bleed node in war and it's a joke.
    2. He's better then SL for labyrinth (will take longer but way less units).
    3. Sure, he's not good against spidey or hyperion, but who cares.

    He does not turn off Bleed/Poison nodes. He isn't better than SL for LOL unless you can't keep a combo. He shuts down Limbo but he still bleeds on a bleed node. And I happen to like him against Spiderman lol.

    So you have an r4 blade and don’t know how he works? Ok noob
  • BobomanBoboman Member Posts: 716 ★★
    Blade is overrated get over it lads
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    danielmath wrote: »
    nameplas wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Boboman wrote: »
    Your choice because a whole ton of people will say blade but it depends on what you need

    It does not depend on what you need, the answer is blade. There's no scenario where blade is not the answer when it comes to opening crystals.

    Blade is not the answer for everything that is why I said "what you need"

    Nope, it does not matter what you need. Saving for blade is the correct answer regardless of anything else.

    so blade is the answer for everything because I disagree he is not everything people say and I'm kinda hating playing him as I find better characters then him.

    Yes he is, what is your reasoning as to why everything people say about him is wrong? I don't like playing with him either and this he's a **** character but his greatness in the game is undeniable.

    I don't believe he is **** but what my POINT is there are other champs out there that can out damage him and have better abilities

    You're wrong, blade stands above all champs, period. Nobody is as good as he is.

    Something is wrong with you OPEN YOUR EYES

    Give me an example of someone who's better

    Being better depends on the situation honestly, a spiderman for example. He's not a villain/dimensional being and his evade is annoying. While we can still take him out with blade, what if he's on a bleed/poison node? That's where we need an iceman/immune champs.
    A Hyperion for example, we can take him out with blade any day but better? Magik is better in this case. Period.
    LOL is another example, blade can do LOL no issues. But better? Starlord is better.
    While blade is among the top champs currently, a major reason to that is him being a counter to magik/dormammu, that's because we're fed up with the unavoidable damage.
    Take away danger sense and you'll see a lot of better options yourself and it's obvious that kabam is gonna add characters that won't trigger danger sense.
    Btw i do have a blade, just trying to say there can be situations that he can't handle or where other champs can be better.

    1. Blade turns off bleed/poison nodes. I use my 4* blade against 4/55 Magiks on bleed node in war and it's a joke.
    2. He's better then SL for labyrinth (will take longer but way less units).
    3. Sure, he's not good against spidey or hyperion, but who cares.

    He does not turn off Bleed/Poison nodes. He isn't better than SL for LOL unless you can't keep a combo. He shuts down Limbo but he still bleeds on a bleed node. And I happen to like him against Spiderman lol.

    So you have an r4 blade and don’t know how he works? Ok noob

    LMAO that's me. Quite the noob. And if you look closer you will find I don't have a r4 Blade...
  • Flash_AsherFlash_Asher Member Posts: 80
    The fact that every Blade Nerf post is being flagged by "someone" really makes you wonder.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Nah the flag abuse is all over the forum. The fact that Blade nerf posts are everywhere is annoying
  • Flash_AsherFlash_Asher Member Posts: 80
    I really don't understand why NERF other than it hurts Kabam's wallet. He's not that OP. He's good against the annoying mystic champions, villains, and anyone who bleeds. I mean, other than that, there's better champions out there who could get nerfed before he does.

    I'm hoping there's no nerf. There doesn't need to be. Buff all the trash cans, like Sentry. I still can't believe they released basically a waste of place holder on a team. No, not all champs have to be god tier. They should all be at least demi-god tier though. Think of a different AQ and AW team every day because you can!
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