Featured Blade OR Basic 5* | 90k+ Shards

I've been saving up until February's big drop with Blade, Mephisto, Doc Ock and Medusa.
6 Featured 5* OR 9 Basic 5* (Maybe more soon)
6 Featured 5* OR 9 Basic 5* (Maybe more soon)
It does not depend on what you need, the answer is blade. There's no scenario where blade is not the answer when it comes to opening crystals.
Blade is not the answer for everything that is why I said "what you need"
Nope, it does not matter what you need. Saving for blade is the correct answer regardless of anything else.
so blade is the answer for everything because I disagree he is not everything people say and I'm kinda hating playing him as I find better characters then him.
Also- if you’ve save for this long keep saving till he gets added to the basic pool.
Yes he is, what is your reasoning as to why everything people say about him is wrong? I don't like playing with him either and this he's a **** character but his greatness in the game is undeniable.
Wrong. The answer is the save for blade, stop trying to mislead a fellow player! Not nice
I don't believe he is **** but what my POINT is there are other champs out there that can out damage him and have better abilities
You're wrong, blade stands above all champs, period. Nobody is as good as he is.
Something is wrong with you OPEN YOUR EYES
Give me an example of someone who's better
Last video skip to 9:12
i went 0/6 going for medusa, but she is nowhere near as good as blade, period.
Did you not see the damage are you crazy stop hopping on the bandwagon
When she can turn off a node, then we can talk. Till then, blade stands alone
Being better depends on the situation honestly, a spiderman for example. He's not a villain/dimensional being and his evade is annoying. While we can still take him out with blade, what if he's on a bleed/poison node? That's where we need an iceman/immune champs.
A Hyperion for example, we can take him out with blade any day but better? Magik is better in this case. Period.
LOL is another example, blade can do LOL no issues. But better? Starlord is better.
While blade is among the top champs currently, a major reason to that is him being a counter to magik/dormammu, that's because we're fed up with the unavoidable damage.
Take away danger sense and you'll see a lot of better options yourself and it's obvious that kabam is gonna add characters that won't trigger danger sense.
Btw i do have a blade, just trying to say there can be situations that he can't handle or where other champs can be better.
I started saving because the game was giving catalysts I couldn't use on champs I didn't have. When T4CC started overflowing that was when I decided let's wait for a bigger pool. Plus my 4*s were coming out cringy as well.
I've never popped featured, always considered them a gamble and my RNG on this game is a lot less than what you would expect for a free account.
The new pool will be out about the same time as the Blade crystals, so there's no rush. Just more waiting. I don't like opening crystals anyway.
No he doesn't
1. Blade turns off bleed/poison nodes. I use my 4* blade against 4/55 Magiks on bleed node in war and it's a joke.
2. He's better then SL for labyrinth (will take longer but way less units).
3. Sure, he's not good against spidey or hyperion, but who cares.
Nope you loose that power that brings out raw damage for health so it either play passive or aggressive
True, he does that. I noticed that fighting dormammu in AQ and he turned off healblock.
But is that working as intended? No confirmation on that to my knowledge. Also, he doesn't do that all the time, it's RNG too? If that's working as intended, then I'm happy as well.
LOL, starlord can still be better and cheaper with a proper skill set. We all know that bud, not trying to defame blade here.
I gave you an example and you didn't care, oh well.