Should Magneto Magnetize Blade?

Blade is equipped with 2 swords, 2 throwing weapons, a fully loaded SMG, and other metal objects suck as knee pads and buckles. Magneto, an underdog in the contest, could serve as a respectable counter to Blade if he was able to magnetize him.
Should Magneto Magnetize Blade? 168 votes
Well.. full is an exaggeration there’s about 4 grams in a typical male adult. That scene from Xmen is a bit impossible
and blade needs a powerlock buff
That is true.
Nah, it’s not. See the video that someone posted by nerdiest, Kyle Hill because science.
I personally think it's just easier to not apply any logic to games since all it does is create paradoxes and confusion.
So is YJ and gets magnetized
A lot of bullets are not made of iron, or any ferromagnetic substance, so if you shoot at magneto in real life, he dead.