Arena Is Pointless

CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
edited January 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
Kabam needs to make it so that there is a cut off. Like once you make 6 million you get the featured champions. Because higher up players that have the units to spend on crystals aren’t. They are playing arena causing it to be 18 to 20 million to try and win the champion. It’s honestly not even worth it to play arena. There’s not a end goal because you won’t achieve it thanks to some players. Like one I guy I saw live streaming was already at 17 million. It’s just ridiculous.


  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    Yes it is. You can spend all day and maybe make two million depending on the amount of champions you have. Some don’t have much but it leaves zero room to even try. Players that have the units just don’t want to spend them. Like I said makes arena pointless.
  • mvk1996mvk1996 Member Posts: 55
    I did 21m for blade. No units spent
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Yes it is. You can spend all day and maybe make two million depending on the amount of champions you have. Some don’t have much but it leaves zero room to even try. Players that have the units just don’t want to spend them. Like I said makes arena pointless.

    You're right, to an extent; but you know perfectly well you're only talking about the Featured arena. If you can't win in the Featured arena (and I know I can't!), then that's what the basic arena is for.

    I took a look at the 4* featured arena when they invented it and thought "never gonna happen", because my life doesn't allow me to spend that sort of time on a game. But I looked at the 4* basic and thought "hmmmm. I can do that".

    And I do. I've grinded for and got plenty of 4* heroes. Coming up are these guys (not all brand new; but plenty of quality):


    This week I'm burning through a stockpile of months of unused boosts and over 50 solo crystals (as a source of more boosts) in an effort to finally awaken my Star Lord (final unawakened GOTG, and would be my first and only 'God-level champ).

    Essentially, you can earn 4* basics without spending either money, or your entire life on the game. If you want the featured champion, there are only 800 people on the planet who will, some of them who make their living by playing and streaming themselves doing it, so: Live the game.
  • Ravenrob_33Ravenrob_33 Member Posts: 120
    So all you guys that say 18-21million is easy how big is your roster and at what lvl the lower guys are forced to spend to get the champions because you lot keep sending the arena to stupid level do you even need half of the champs?
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    The last couple of weeks I have looked at how much time I have spent ingame versus the life I have missed and decided that this doesnt actually matter in the grand scheme of things.

    If you arent going to win, be like me, it is a bunch more refreshing.
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    Arena is good for getting units from milestones.
  • silverseraphsilverseraph Member Posts: 133
    when they release the 5 star arena most whales and people who spend all their time on the featured may help bring cutoffs down? I think the meta is that the people that grind those champs and to those point levels spend ungodly/unlawful amounts of money on this game or funnel their surplus cash they dont want taxed(yup) into crystals/items and as was said only 800 people get the champion. If you've been playing for 2 to 3 years or 2 to 3 months in those brackets with some luck and money/time you can acquire featured champs.
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  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    Do the basic arena. The featured is only for the top-end players with a big roster, or people willing to spend a bunch of units.

    But yes, the arena system is very flawed. I'm scared for the 5 star arena and the cutoffs it will bring.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    The reason I mentioned the units is if you have X large number of units that you are just stocking up on. Why not spend 300 or so on the crystal and try to win the champion. As far as the 18 million goes. I don’t know what some people have as far as champions but it’s not easy as some clam it to be. It’s very difficult. What I’m simply saying is that if there is a cut off of 6 million or so and you get the 4 star champion more people would be playing it more. There are maybe 10 to 20 percent of players that can easy reach the mark and that’s because that’s all they do. But people who do love the game but have jobs and lives can’t spend 6 to 8 hours a day continuously playing the arena for three days. But you spend as much time as you can and you still won’t even come close. If there is a cut off people would play the arena more and would be able to achieve champions that allow them to advance other then the 10 to 20 who don’t need to.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    You just have to build your roster through the lower arenas like everyone else did. It's a contest not everyone gets a trophy like in youth soccer.

    I also love how you complain about people with bigger rosters having more units. Where do you think they got most of those units?
  • 2StarKing2StarKing Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    Milestones are worth it and shooting for most shards without getting champ is also worth it. Never worry about gold, iso or new champs again, plus those 5 star shard will be rolling in.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    Wait....... this isn’t youth soccer? Man I thought it was soccer... wait you get a trophy?.... can I see yours? Oh man I would love to see it? Can you post pictures of you holding it? Was your mom and Dad proud?... ohhhh that’s how you get units... man and all this time I thought you had to know the secret password on level 263 when you talk to the elf... wow who would have thought....

    Now that we have moved away from that. Clearly I know not everyone get a trophy like oh I don’t know a physical activity such as. Just to throw a sport out... soccer... it’s a freaking video game... why not put a cap on it where if you get 6 or 7 million you get the champion. You can get it once trough arena but can’t dupe them but still get the end rewards just not the champion that way everyone has a chance to expand their roster and advance trough the game...

    I still do it for the milestones. But just sucks there’s no shot for the final regardless of roster. Time is also a issue.

  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    If you don't put in the time and effort that others are willing to then you do not deserve the champ.

    Maybe Marvel Participation Trophy of Champions would be a better game for you?
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  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    Oh man I would love that! Thank you so much! Man you are just way too kind. I knew that moment I read your first just kind harted words that you were just the nicest most understanding well rounded individual. 😢 thank you.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    I want one too. But I can do that much. So I don't.

    I know right some people have lives and kids and what not. Makes it hard to spend that much time in a day on a game.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    Yes it is. You can spend all day and maybe make two million depending on the amount of champions you have. Some don’t have much but it leaves zero room to even try. Players that have the units just don’t want to spend them. Like I said makes arena pointless.

    You're right, to an extent; but you know perfectly well you're only talking about the Featured arena. If you can't win in the Featured arena (and I know I can't!), then that's what the basic arena is for.

    I took a look at the 4* featured arena when they invented it and thought "never gonna happen", because my life doesn't allow me to spend that sort of time on a game. But I looked at the 4* basic and thought "hmmmm. I can do that".

    And I do. I've grinded for and got plenty of 4* heroes. Coming up are these guys (not all brand new; but plenty of quality):


    This week I'm burning through a stockpile of months of unused boosts and over 50 solo crystals (as a source of more boosts) in an effort to finally awaken my Star Lord (final unawakened GOTG, and would be my first and only 'God-level champ).

    Essentially, you can earn 4* basics without spending either money, or your entire life on the game. If you want the featured champion, there are only 800 people on the planet who will, some of them who make their living by playing and streaming themselves doing it, so: Live the game.

    Thank you for the list of champions coming up.
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  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    With 5 stars and 4s I do 1.46m a full cycle takes 71 minutes

    71 minutes per cycle at 1.46m?

    You have to do that 13.7 times for 20m over 3 days, except that 5*s only refresh 3 times a day (9 times over 3 days) so you won't be getting anywhere near that full 1.46m every time, so you'll have to go through your roster a lot more than 13.7 times.

    You'll literally spend 8+ hours a day grinding, not "over the course of 8 hours", but literally 8+ hours of grinding everyday not including downtime between refreshes, breaks, showering, eating, or going to work. Straight grinding 8+ hours a day.

    You'd be lying if you say that's easy.

    I've done 21m+ before on a stacked roster. Not easy at all.
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    edited January 2018
    Having done several featured runs, Id have to agree that 20mil+ isn't easy at all... It takes a lot of time (at least 24 solid hours of grinding over three days) in order to hit that target without units on the featured arenas... The only advantage you can have on there are the 5-star champions, who continue to cut down your time as your roster grows..

    Anyone who wants to significantly reduce their featured arena grind time, would likely be refreshing their 5-stars, which itself is quite costly

    Hats off to the grinders who go at the arenas week after week
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Funny I have been thinking the same thing. We hear all the time that this is "competition" but there is no competing against someone with an army of 5's or 4/50 4s. And after months and months of grinding and getting squat you loose the desire to "compete" because you know you've lost before you begin. I am not spending money to get to where my champs are pulling 20-25k a fight and I can't compete against that guy cause it takes me 2 or 3 4 stars to make the same points as one of his 5s, and I don't have the time nor the desire to spend 8 hours a day grinding in an attempt to compensate for his (and others like him) massive advantage over me. And the shards make it worse. You should go back to complete phc crystals like it was in the beginning. Arena after arena, thousands and thousands of us enter knowing we got nothing to really look forward to but a batch of 2 stars and wasted time and whatever we could grab achievements and as a rank reward. Tell me? Is that anyone's definition of fun?
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    DJRipster wrote: »
    Hats off to the grinders who go at the arenas week after week

    Hats off to them for sure, but it's not sustainable long term. Carpal tunnel and arthritis...
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    And if the points in the secondary arena are going to get up to 7 and 8 million you aught to make it a full 20 unlock. Seems **** to grind to 7 or 8 mil for a lousy single unlock. Then the bulk of the players don't even get him and have busted hump for chunks of incomplete crystals bearing the exciting gift of a new 2 star.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Fully agree all basic or feature champs should just be a milestone goal. Fairly decent high amount of points but still. Or even the number can change from arena to arena.

    Although as Kabam has stated before they won’t do that because it takes away the only real “player vs player” aspect of the game.

    I’m rolling my eyes at that statement by the way.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Here is my suggestion. Yes, put the featured and secondary champs at a high but reachable achievement level, but...beyond that point, if you keep playing you get a full dupe and the ususal bonuses. There is a massive gap that needs closed. With the introduction of the six stars kabam needs to make getting 4s easier or we will see another large scale exodus...hand em out!!!! You have made it pointless for 80 percent of us to play with the six star champs. A vast majority of us don't have a significant number of 5's. And when guys like me get to the point of pulling 5s more regularly we will have like zero odds in our favor to dupe flippin' loosen up on the 4s!
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  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    It's a contest top wins 18m without units isn't even that hard

    Might not be hard, but it's incredibly sad
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Or you could all go find my post on 5* arena and be in favour for it.

    4* arena isn't even worthy anymore.

    Is a new 4* champ really gonna remove a r4 from your questing team? NOPE
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