Arena Is Pointless



  • ScythescornScythescorn Member Posts: 11
    I agree that arena cutoffs are crazy high just to get a 4 star. I only play them for milestones the amount of time required to achieve a champion is not worth it. At this point in the game brackets would be a better way to solve this why is a 3 month player in the same bracket as a 3 year player. We need new players for this game to continue so at some point compromises must be made or people will just move on to other games.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    Pointless indeed.

    Void arena:

  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    See what I’m saying 20 million!! That’s just stupid!! I personally think it should be a separate 5* arena and you get a 5* champion. But it should be a milestone reward with shards. If you already have the champion you can’t dupe them but you can still get the shards and a crystal. That way you get the new champion to better your roster and it’s not ridicules. But that’s my own option.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    Or let people dupe them who cares as long as there’s a chance for others who don’t have the time or roster.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    If winning long term means carpal tunnel then count me out. Been there done that. Used to be a hardcore grinder, but it's not worth it.
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    If this game is indeed called contest of champions where is the contest for abominatin pants then huh?
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    Arena grinding is tremendously tedious; partly due to the infinite streak method, largely due to the sheer numbers of fights/points now required to get a good champion. There is also the fact that the Kang and Thanos teams lack the additional utility that player-based teams gain from their Mastery set-up, which makes them boring.

    It's a game - it's supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be a challenge. Why have an infinite streak mechanism at all?

    The 4* cut-offs would almost certainly fall if we had a constant challenge with 5/50 opponents with effective Mastery set-ups (or equivalent 5* characters).

    As a few ways to make it less tedious going through dozens of opponents weaker than your own team, and also potentially shake up the infinite streak:

    1 - How about (as well as Kang and Thanks) giving teams to villains like Ultron and MODOK? The Black Iso-Mafia?
    Wouldn't it be cool to run into MODOK's mashed-up champs or Ultron's drones in the arena?

    2 - Why don't the villains each have a particular Mastery set-up? Kang's would be all offense, Thanos' would be control/denial, MODOK's would favour defense, that kind of thing. This would make fighting then more challenging (and therefore, more fun).

    3 - Remove the infinite streak mechanism where your opponents get toned down after 15 fights, so they remain maxed out.

    I'm expecting a lot of disagreement on the last point, but seriously, there's a reason we call it 'grinding', and (shock news just in): the game is supposed to be fun! What's more fun in the arena - 60-70 difficult fights, or 200 easy but time-consuming ones?

    I'd rather lose my streak regularly in a challenging arena than never lose it in a 100-200 marathon is largely dull predictable match-ups.

    But maybe that's just me.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    I’ll agree that would be cooler. But my biggest complaint is the fact that it’s not “grinding”. It’s the top 10% controlling the arena. The area isn’t fun because you know you aren’t going to get the outcome. At 20million only select people will. But it’s going to be the same people every time.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Mmx1991 wrote: »
    DJRipster wrote: »
    Hats off to the grinders who go at the arenas week after week

    Hats off to them for sure, but it's not sustainable long term. Carpal tunnel and arthritis...
    Or let people dupe them who cares as long as there’s a chance for others who don’t have the time or roster.

    So you win but don't want to have to compete with others...

    It's a contest. Not.some.magical giveaway

    Dude you aren’t even controlling the people you fight against in arena. Let me explain this as slow as I can....... the... term.... contest......... in...... the...... game...... title...... is..... just....... a......title!!!!!! When you have players whith stacked rosters that make it so that there is a 20 million to win..... it’s..... not...... a......contest........

    This isn’t like if you win the arena you win a car or a new house these people aren’t Opra!!!! It’s a stupid freaking champion for a free game that you can choose to buy into..... do you have stock in this game?.... are you one of the top % people?.... if so, does it make you feel like you’ve accomplished something that you can spend 72 hours straight playing this and win the champion.... scratch that I don’t care.

    So for the very last time I will explain to you because I’m tired of it. You don’t agree great who cares. But just for giggles we will do this one more time. (Hence my last reply to you) you set a 6 or whatever million milestone that has the champion and some shards.... then oh look people “grind” for the champion. You still took the “contest” (FYI I’m pretty sure that’s in alliance war is where that title is meant to be used not arena) and achieved the goal.

    Anyways best of luck to everyone in the game. I hope Everyone gets their opra moment. “You get a champion, you get a champion, everyone gets a champion!” I’m done, I’m out and arena sucks donkey! ✌🏻
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    You suggested using units to open the featured crystals... if that’s such a great way to get a champ besides grinding then why don’t you do it yourself? Oh wait it’s a terrible idea as you are just gonna get some trash 3* (assuming featured GMC). Yes cut offs are high, but you know what, beginners shouldn’t be competing with the top guys, if you want a free arena champ wait for the next trash champ to appear in basic arena and go for them.

    Just another poor soul that foolishly went for a featured and resorts to insulting everyone because they didn’t get said champion.
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    mvk1996 wrote: »
    I did 21m for blade. No units spent

    No eye for you lol i did 16 for nebula and can't play for 3d
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    lol..I only went for one featured and that was the one at the beginning of the year for the unknown champ and I put up 10 million and finished with shards and no champ..I will stick to basic from now on
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    Kabam needs to make it so that there is a cut off. Like once you make 6 million you get the featured champions. Because higher up players that have the units to spend on crystals aren’t. They are playing arena causing it to be 18 to 20 million to try and win the champion. It’s honestly not even worth it to play arena. There’s not a end goal because you won’t achieve it thanks to some players. Like one I guy I saw live streaming was already at 17 million. It’s just ridiculous.

    Please change your title to "Arena Is Pointless for Me""
    Cause this is a YOU issue, not arena!!!!
    Its like sports, you want to give a win to any team that scores a particular amount? Like if you score 5 goals in hockey, you win automatically?? doesn't matter if the other team scored 6 goals!!
    Only the best/most dedicated will win in life/game!! Don't change the system if you cant compete in it!!
    6* are coming soon, Im expecting to see a big change in arena/milestones/rewards!!
    Hopefully, you will get a low grinding arena!!
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    Kabam needs to make it so that there is a cut off. Like once you make 6 million you get the featured champions. Because higher up players that have the units to spend on crystals aren’t. They are playing arena causing it to be 18 to 20 million to try and win the champion. It’s honestly not even worth it to play arena. There’s not a end goal because you won’t achieve it thanks to some players. Like one I guy I saw live streaming was already at 17 million. It’s just ridiculous.

    Please change your title to "Arena Is Pointless for Me""
    Cause this is a YOU issue, not arena!!!!
    Its like sports, you want to give a win to any team that scores a particular amount? Like if you score 5 goals in hockey, you win automatically?? doesn't matter if the other team scored 6 goals!!
    Only the best/most dedicated will win in life/game!! Don't change the system if you cant compete in it!!
    6* are coming soon, Im expecting to see a big change in arena/milestones/rewards!!
    Hopefully, you will get a low grinding arena!!

    Ha ha ha!
  • DrenlinDrenlin Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    Arena is a choice whether you want to grind or not. I no longer grind for any champs but generally dump 3-4 million between the basic and featured arena each round and walk away with units,shards,etc. well worth the effort i find without devoting my I've to it
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2018
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    Drenlin wrote: »
    Arena is a choice whether you want to grind or not. I no longer grind for any champs but generally dump 3-4 million between the basic and featured arena each round and walk away with units,shards,etc. well worth the effort i find without devoting my I've to it

    I still go for the milestones but just think personally it would be a good idea if they went with a after the 6 or so million you get the said champ. But that’s just I think.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    I didn’t know this would get some people’s panties in a twist. Lol. Just pointing out facts and posting on a form that kabam could make some changes. Wasn’t rude to one person to start out the post. But hey if you love arena then clearly this isn’t the post for you. But looks like a lot of people have just settled (like myself) for what it is.
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    I didn’t know this would get some people’s panties in a twist. Lol. Just pointing out facts and posting on a form that kabam could make some changes. Wasn’t rude to one person to start out the post. But hey if you love arena then clearly this isn’t the post for you. But looks like a lot of people have just settled (like myself) for what it is.

    You haven't been rude at all!!
    Very respectable!!! Agreed!!!
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Having to grind to 6M isn't fair to those who don't want to grind to 6M though. Everyone should just get the champ sent to them for free! Trophies for everyone, no work required!
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    I didn’t know this would get some people’s panties in a twist. Lol. Just pointing out facts and posting on a form that kabam could make some changes. Wasn’t rude to one person to start out the post. But hey if you love arena then clearly this isn’t the post for you. But looks like a lot of people have just settled (like myself) for what it is.

    You haven't been rude at all!!
    Very respectable!!! Agreed!!!
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    I didn’t know this would get some people’s panties in a twist. Lol. Just pointing out facts and posting on a form that kabam could make some changes. Wasn’t rude to one person to start out the post. But hey if you love arena then clearly this isn’t the post for you. But looks like a lot of people have just settled (like myself) for what it is.

    You haven't been rude at all!!
    Very respectable!!! Agreed!!!

    Thank you for saying that.
  • BUZZdog3000BUZZdog3000 Member Posts: 457 ★★
    I just duped my SL because of arena doesn't seem that pointless to me.
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    Having to grind to 6M isn't fair to those who don't want to grind to 6M though. Everyone should just get the champ sent to them for free! Trophies for everyone, no work required!

    Im voting for you as the next President of the no, President of the Univers!!!!!
    Cant wait for my free everything for putting 0 efforts!!!!!!
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    I didn’t know this would get some people’s panties in a twist. Lol. Just pointing out facts and posting on a form that kabam could make some changes. Wasn’t rude to one person to start out the post. But hey if you love arena then clearly this isn’t the post for you. But looks like a lot of people have just settled (like myself) for what it is.

    You haven't been rude at all!!
    Very respectable!!! Agreed!!!
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    I didn’t know this would get some people’s panties in a twist. Lol. Just pointing out facts and posting on a form that kabam could make some changes. Wasn’t rude to one person to start out the post. But hey if you love arena then clearly this isn’t the post for you. But looks like a lot of people have just settled (like myself) for what it is.

    You haven't been rude at all!!
    Very respectable!!! Agreed!!!

    Thank you for saying that.

    Just stating the facts my friend!! :)
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    I just duped my SL because of arena doesn't seem that pointless to me.

    Well that’s great for you. I hope it continues to work out.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    Having to grind to 6M isn't fair to those who don't want to grind to 6M though. Everyone should just get the champ sent to them for free! Trophies for everyone, no work required!

    Im voting for you as the next President of the no, President of the Univers!!!!!
    Cant wait for my free everything for putting 0 efforts!!!!!!
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    Having to grind to 6M isn't fair to those who don't want to grind to 6M though. Everyone should just get the champ sent to them for free! Trophies for everyone, no work required!

    Im voting for you as the next President of the no, President of the Univers!!!!!
    Cant wait for my free everything for putting 0 efforts!!!!!!

    Very sweet but that’s Opra not me.
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    Having to grind to 6M isn't fair to those who don't want to grind to 6M though. Everyone should just get the champ sent to them for free! Trophies for everyone, no work required!

    Im voting for you as the next President of the no, President of the Univers!!!!!
    Cant wait for my free everything for putting 0 efforts!!!!!!
    WhatRYou wrote: »
    Having to grind to 6M isn't fair to those who don't want to grind to 6M though. Everyone should just get the champ sent to them for free! Trophies for everyone, no work required!

    Im voting for you as the next President of the no, President of the Univers!!!!!
    Cant wait for my free everything for putting 0 efforts!!!!!!

    Very sweet but that’s Opra not me.

  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited January 2018
    At the crux of things there lies one fact - Kabaam needs to make money. It is still an organization where people like you and me work, to make a living. If the rewards could be achieved with minimal grinding then the money spent on this game would be less making it unfeasible to support this game.

    It is true that players are the ones taking those cut-offs higher, not kabaam, unless they have bots pushing the scores higher. Arena is pretty fun -

    1) For rewards - units / shards / crystals / champs.
    2) Killing time if you have nothing else to do for the moment and you are out of energy.
    3) For practice against a variety of champs.
    4) Utilizing your own champs and getting to know their abilities better.

    Also, in all honesty, kabaam is pretty generous. You can actually make quick progress without spending, game modes are immersive and fun and the mastery system as a whole gives a new dimension to this game. Arena rewards are based on your skill / roster / dedication, there is no need to grind it if you are busy or feel it is unnecessary.
  • CodymdanielCodymdaniel Member Posts: 19
    At the crux of things there lies one fact - Kabaam needs to make money. It is still an organization where people like you and me work, to make a living. If the rewards could be achieved with minimal grinding then the money spent on this game would be less making it unfeasible to support this game.

    It is true that players are the ones taking those cut-offs higher, not kabaam, unless they have bots pushing the scores higher. Arena is pretty fun -

    1) For rewards - units / shards / crystals / champs.
    2) Killing time if you have nothing else to do for the moment and you are out of energy.
    3) For practice against a variety of champs.
    4) Utilizing your own champs and getting to know their abilities better.

    Also, in all honesty, kabaam is pretty generous. You can actually make quick progress without spending, game modes are immersive and fun and the mastery system as a whole gives a new dimension to this game. Arena rewards are based on your skill / roster / dedication, there is no need to grind it if you are busy or feel it is unnecessary.

    I agree that kabam is a company that needs to make money and they do. I think it was 360 million in just profit alone last year. I don’t know their profit breakdown I would have to see how much they made from arena a lone to make a fair assessment on how truly profitable arena is.

    I agree that arena is great for better getting to know champs. That’s how I’ve learned to beat a lot of champs without losing any health and finding out what champs I like. I personally think kabam does a okay job for some stuff I still want to see what their drop rates are to see how generous they truly are lol. I’d love to know if they released that yet. Might have to go digging.

    This was just my suggestion wasn’t saying that anyone who “grinds” arena is stupid or loves kicking puppies. It was just a suggestion because the over all total arena points isn’t obtaineable without a stacked champion list and a big alliance backing you.

    Again my thoughts and my thoughts alone.
  • Jimmy_Utah83Jimmy_Utah83 Member Posts: 246
    Putting that up for a 4 is ridiculous now. Especially those top guys who don’t need that 4* most likely will make a few test videos or use them a few times then it’s on to the next featured champ. Once the 5* arena comes around those guys will move on from the featured 4 lowering cutoffs
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