Ghost Rider is inconsistent

GR is the most inconsistent champ on the game. I have him level 70 and did my sp1 2 times, sp2 once, and did a 30 hit combo and no judgment placed 😂😂..I've never had that happen before but it was crazy. Doesn't he supposed to have a 75 percent chance to place his judgments or something? Why are they so inconsistent. Good way to get me killed while I need to regen.
Where did this occur? Story, Arena, AQ or AW.
Happened in story.
Thats why I didn't bother to r5 him. He's sometimes useless and its sad.
Any chance there was a buff (like debuff immune) on your opponent? Also did it never activate or did it activate once?
He's one of best AQ champs in the game. One of the funnest to play too.
Isn't winter soldier a villain?
Silence! Don't go telling people that. They will start demanding nerfs!
Lol maybe 10 percent of ppl have blade. So im sure this info about the synergy is irrelevant to almost everyone.
That's true, although for completeness sake Ghost Rider has a 20% increased chance to place judgments on villains. Against non-villains he has the chance listed under his abilities. 70% for the light-combo one and SP1, 80% for heavy and SP2, 100% for SP3, and 65% for the medium-combo one you get when he is awakened.
I'm also not sure if "20% increased chance" means 70% becomes 90% or if 70% becomes 84%. As worded, it should be 84%. But "as worded" and percentages means less than nothing when game developers write text descriptions.
Exactly. If he has a chance to inflict bleed after a 5 hit combo with a 70 percent chance or more, how didn't I inflict one with 6 full combos? The percentages are off.
5 hit combo (LLLLL) (70%)
5 hit combo (LLLLM) awakened only.
SP1 (70%)
SP2 (80%)
Heavy attack (gives regen, the more judgements, the longer the regen) (80%)
SP3 Places damnation which resets all judgements.
It's harder to get judgements on Non-Villains than on Villains. So WS wouldn't proc judgements as easily.
1, i thnk thats the only problem like that ive ever seen, seems to just be you. i have him 5* and r4 4*duped never had a problem with him
2. your lucky were getting a 3* blade
no you dont, most of his judgements trigger the first time, if they dont then they do the second time, the blade synergy barely helps, but if your that unlucky with judgements proccing then yes, use blade. hes not over rated, and hes already so fantastically good
In my opinion, you don't even need to awaken him for him to be a really good champ much less need any synergies. You just have to learn to use his judgments well. Between his very strong heal and his super-fate seal on special three, he's one of the best attackers out there. Furthermore he doesn't really self buff and its easy to avoid debuffing which makes him strong in end game content. I can't think of another champ that has immunity, healing, power control, nullify *and* doesn't feed buffet and masochism. His tools are all trickier to use than other champs, but he has a basket load of them to use against targets.