6* BPCW bugged in Michael B Jordan challenge?

Can a mod or anyone else explain why Black Panther civil war is going unstoppable in the Michael B Jordan challenge?
His abilities page doesn't say anything about it, and none of the local buffs for that tile grant an unstoppable buff.
Is this a bug?
I have a few videos of it happening from three different passes through the quest.
His abilities page doesn't say anything about it, and none of the local buffs for that tile grant an unstoppable buff.
Is this a bug?
I have a few videos of it happening from three different passes through the quest.
That's the way the feature works. If he has an armor up when getting hit by a heavy attack, it has a chance to consume the armor to go unstoppable to absorb the impact.
This seems to have to do with BPCW's signature ability that allows him to absorb the damage of a heavy attack by consuming an armor up buff. As I watched your video, I could see that when you make contact with your heavy BPCW loses an armor up stack and also although the attack generates damage numbers his health bar doesn't move. I think this is the signature ability in action. Why it specifically says he goes unstoppable I'm not sure. I don't know if he really is unstoppable at that moment or if it is just a floating text error.
Seems like they could just make it say "Absorbed" like they do for resisted heavies, or use the word unstoppable in his Sig description.
I feel like they added it in a “silent” buff. But yeah I can’t really recall ever heavying him because it’s too risky in AW generally
Guess it's the node that is causing this bug
There are other bugs as well—like how he sometimes triggers reflect stun off non-contact stuns (from special attacks), or how he sometimes triggers a reflect stun after getting an armor up buff while already under the effect of a stun (stun triggered while he did not have armor up)