¥ Upgrade Carnage ¥



  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    edited June 2017
    Carnage is definitely a Champion players are going to have to get used to. He doesn't play like a majority of Champions and you will have to play differently/with a different strategy. He has the potential to be very effective in longer fights where you are able to choose what Buffs you need to make the most of the fight.

    Let me just say, I do not have a Carnage (not really sure I want one either).

    After fighting him in the master quests all I could think was...
    Well that was easier then it should have been...
    Man those specials animations are pretty cool...
    Carnage needs a "I've fallen and can't get up" button...

    Honestly, I think he's buggy or something making his defenses weaker then they were intended.
  • RafitasRafitas Member Posts: 65
    @Kabam Miike , any news from dev team for us? As u can see, no one like him, all it's about his weakness/poor stats/extremely low bleeds.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Yesterday we got told we'll let the dev team know you think carnage is weaksauce but if you're expecting a fix don't hold your breath. :wink:
  • RafitasRafitas Member Posts: 65
    I know Neb, just asking to him if he got an return on that.
  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    Mikeself9 wrote: »
    Guys, you aren't speaking their language. Let me try:

    Kabam, your Dev team is costing you tens of thousands of dollars (at least) with carnage's poor utility. A great majority of your community was looking forward to this champ and willing to spend money to acquire him. We were willing to spend Odins to pull his 4* and willing to buy the 5* shards deals for a shot at his 5*. He looks great, has great prestige, but he can't be used in the game for any advanced content. There are a lot of dollar$ being $pent el$ewhere becau$e we can't u$e him. I had planned on buying offer$ and $elling 4* champ$ to get hi$ 5* version.

    You can still increase your revenue by implementing some of the small changes players have suggested. Don't let this opportunity pass, there's more $ to be made here!

    Thi$ i$ a work of @rt !!!
  • wSWeaponXwSWeaponX Member Posts: 366 ★★
    His bleed only occurs on heavy hits and is weak.
  • Danny_DohyunDanny_Dohyun Member Posts: 32
    I spend a big money to pull him because I expect he will be most important champ in game.
    So much frustrated due to his low stat.
    Kabam , Please seriously consider his importance and some way of buff ASAP.
  • Jobi_ManJobi_Man Member Posts: 16
    I agree with the previous posters. Carnage is trash.

    Now that I've used Carnage in AQ, AW, and Events he's way to weak on defense and his offense is way too reliant on landing a heavy and the fight being long that he's useless. The long fights in ROL, RttL, and LOL he will not be able to last long enough to be useful.

    Here's the big glaring problems mechanics that need to be fixed:
    1. After a special, the 10 second timer should be reduced to 3 seconds.
    2. Attacks should cause bleed. I'd suggest that it's the same as DeadPool (X-Force).
    3. If he's supposed to be somewhat of a glass cannon at the beginning then his base offensive attributes need to be raised significantly. If not, then his life and block should be increased.
    4. Attempting a heavy is a risky thing in MCOC, the bleed should be more significant for the risk involved.
    5. The temp buffs should have a 2-3 second timer instead of switching as they do. This would allow for my dynamic and fun play combinations and stacking. The fun factor.
    6. Bloodlust Powergain should work more like Doctor Strange's power gain based on the wording used. Instead it increases power gainED from hitting or being hit. The wording before I went for him told me he would be getting power gain which is a passive power increase which would be way more Singature IMO.
  • SupaflyaznSupaflyazn Member Posts: 75
    Grinder wrote: »
    Clearly they tried to compensate carnage by reducing his stats and giving him buffs, but they failed to "remember" that the new combat system nerfs buff stacks into the dirt. It is completely worthless to have multi-stack buffs unless those buffs are just insanely op to make up for it, because by the time they stack it won't be op anymore... This is nothing more than the billionth time that they added something to the game without actually testing it before release.

    I'll say it time and time again... KABAM QA really sucks!!! It is incredible how they can make all of their own characters OP like Gwenpool and Hyperion (not to mention the level of care and detail put into them), but yet the most loved characters in the MCU such as Phoenix, Cable, and Carnage leave a lot to be desired (although the 5* versions of Phoenix and Cable have been buffed a little).

    When I was having to QA test code in my last job, I had to create test cases that were thorough enough to encompass several different criteria, and then these had to be signed off by the end users (business). I would suggest that Kabam use JIRA's/CODE, any means of performing an Agile test environment that allows you to have a quality product while meeting deadlines.

    @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike @Kabam_Caf Full disclosure, while I don't have Carnage because I don't want to grind for a broken champ, nor do I want to spend any of my 43K+ 5* shards... I am writing this post on behalf of my Alliance teammate and friend who was lucky enough to pull a 5* Carnage and awaken him. He showed me a pic in an Arena fight, which is the most basic of all fights in the MCOC contest, where he used his 5* duped Carnage and lost to a 5* Capt. Marvel 42 hits to 2!!! That's ridiculous, and utter garbage... and here you are telling us that these champs "work as intended, and won't go back to the drawing board anytime soon." What a canned load of ****!
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    There's really no explanation for it. Sometimes it feels like the best champs are just accidents. My 3 star hyperion out damages a 5 star carnage with full buff stacks by simply landing 1 heavy and using a sp2.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    There were demonstrations, you're right. They said he would be a pro at longer fights, which he's not. They also said he'd have a higher prestige then he actually ended up with. If the point of your post was to flame anyone that is still holding onto any faith in kabaam then I got it, message received. With each passing day your argument becomes more valid.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Still pretty salty at how bad he is. I haven't even done an arena match since. To be honest too many new champs are being released broken or just poorly designed. Might be time to hang up the towel and call it a day.
  • 4_ME_U_D0N34_ME_U_D0N3 Member Posts: 141
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    Morgan wrote: »
    im gonna say that whoever whale spent 2 odins to get him and now is writing here "im so disapointed" cause he sucks DESERVES to own a carnage. I mean how clueless can possibly ppl be for not checking a champ before spending money for him.

    There have been PLENTY demonstrations for carnage. You just don't know how to spend your money, so sucking or not, you'd prolly take any champ.

    I guess at least Carnage HAS one utility. lol.

    That's a pitiful thing to say. You should be ashamed.

    People have characters they love and want to attain. Spending 2 Odins is probably a bit steep, but maybe he's been saving his Mcoc budget for ages waiting for this moment. You can't say what is going through his mind and his reasoning.

    I had been saving units for punisher 2099 and they put first carnage it was to be expected but still i couldn't help my self and used all my units for Carnage now trying to grind arenas heroic quests etc etc for Punisher due to what kind of disappointment carnage is
  • BassamistaBassamista Member Posts: 33
    He doesn't live up to his name :(.
  • Ross979Ross979 Member Posts: 12
    Yeah, cry with your carnage, rich boys HAHAHA
    "Kabam, please make carnage unbeatable, because i spend a LOT of UNITS for HIM"
    Peace brother HAHAHA

    The only thing kabam should fix is, bring back those champs abilites like old times
  • Jobi_ManJobi_Man Member Posts: 16
    DLegend wrote: »
    These are just some additions/improvements to make carnage be what he's suppose to be. (these abilities are eqivalent to a 4* 5/50 sig 99 Carnage)

    - Heavy attacks cannot be interrupted

    - Once carnage uses a heavy attack on his opponent, he places a "deep wounds" passive on the opponent.

    - Deep wounds allow critical hits to become a stack of bleed, each dealing 400 damage over 5 seconds. Bleed is capped at 8 stacks.

    - If a debuff is applied to carnage, he has a 50% chance to remove it. This is affected by class relationships.

    -Carnage uses his symbiote stealth, granting him a 40% chance to ignore evade.

    -New Signature Ability: If the opponent is already bleeding, he gains a fury buff increasing attack by X% for each stack of bleed on his opponent. Each fury buff reduces his opponent's ability accuracy by 6%

    What do you think about it?

    Not bad but there is still a few things also need to be corrected...

    The 10 second sig is way too long that has to be removed or lowered significantly.

    Give 100% bleed to all special attacks.

    Give Carnage "Power Gain" while the opponent is bleeding as the description describes. right now it just increases power gained when striking or being struck by an opponent. pretty lame'o.
  • dmadge11dmadge11 Member Posts: 28
    @Ross979 Lol no one said make him un beatable, I would just settle for him being usable and be able to be used the way he was intended to.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Every forum has it's trolls. Don't bother trying to reason with them, they feed on that. He clearly didn't post with any intent to be constructive.
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