AI unpredictable and more passive than ever?

GentleGrizzlyGentleGrizzly Member Posts: 27
edited February 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
I’ve noticed over the past few months that the AI in the game feel more unpredictable and passive than ever. They don’t seem to ever make a move until you do. I wanted to know if this was me as a player, or if anyone else has noticed this. It’s caused me to get caught and intercepted by the AI more than ever. In the past I rarely ever got caught. But now, it’s like a once in every 3 fights kind of thing and very infuriating for a long time player.

AI unpredictable and more passive than ever? 32 votes

Yes, the AI seems to have changed
Darkstar4387AgentOfSHIELDSpity68DraenathUndeadProphetLurkerFeeney234EvilRazorVuDahr3zonateTinklestinkieWsm10SpiritOfVengeanceThemanofjDTMelodicMetalCrilla420DangerNoodleIceHeartBlackissamaf80Mmx1991 29 votes
No, the AI is the same
thanks4playingSungjRememberValor 3 votes


  • DrpancakesDrpancakes Member Posts: 102
    Yes, the AI seems to have changed
    especially in harder difficulties
  • DrpancakesDrpancakes Member Posts: 102
    Yes, the AI seems to have changed
    like seriously, we're both blocking?
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    The AI aggressiveness seems to be tied to the quest and varies quite a bit. In things like the BP daily quests, they are very passive and you need an act of Congress to get them to attack. But then in the Expert Proving Grounds, the AI is almost hyper-aggressive.

    It does seem to vary from event to event, but it does seem to be consistent within that event (i.e. all champs in the same event have the same level of aggressiveness).

    I think it's become a bit more obvious because the variability from quest to quest is becoming more extreme.
  • GentleGrizzlyGentleGrizzly Member Posts: 27
    @Drpancakes exactly! it’s hard not to get impatient when we’re both holding block. It’s making the game quite boring for me. I don’t know if kabam knows about this and are working on a fix. I hope they intend to fix it. Btw which device are you on? I’m on iPhone X
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited February 2018
    I almost never hold block unless I specifically am trying to prevent the AI from attacking (like waiting for a bleed stack to kill them). If you want them to attack, standing there holding block isn't going to bait them into anything except a heavy and that's never consistent.
  • GentleGrizzlyGentleGrizzly Member Posts: 27
    @Dexman1349 that’s not working for me consistently. When I just stand there, they do the same. It’s always when I get tired of waiting around and attack, then they finally make a move and intercept me.
  • GentleGrizzlyGentleGrizzly Member Posts: 27
    I have noticed that In some events that it definitely varies. Like in arena did examples. For fights 10-13 in the featured arena. They are extremely passive and almost never use SPs. The passiveness can make it unpredictable at times unfortunately
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited February 2018
    Yes, the AI seems to have changed
    more passive when they need to be and more aggressive when they need to be. best of both worlds for the AI!:

    - you got them past 2 bars? especially in arena? good luck trying to bait. they'll just slowly jog you into the corner and then wail on you until you get tired of close quarter evading. or just getting them to use a special in general when you need it

    - they're very passive with their specials unless they DEX evade you and then smash you with an instant special. or they'll bait YOU with a heavy attack and as you're going in to punish them (doesn't matter if your timing is right), they'll instantly recover from their heavy and blast you with a special all in one motion

    - stand in front you with their blocks down for 5 seconds staring at you? don't rush in cause they'll intercept you 90% of the time

    - combine all of this with regular lag (that's instant death), shrinking parry window, shrinking intercept window, increased recovery for all of our actions (evading, blocking, hitting, and any combination of them in all areas of combat), and faster recovery for the AI, and you'll want to smash your phone and never play this game again

    there's documented video of all of this (there used to be a ton of it but threads are getting locked, deleted, and buried), but they don't want to hear it. that's blasphemy around here. and warning-worthy. and ban-worthy. shut and up and give them your money. you don't deserve a stable, working, and fair game.

    i'm probably going to get banned for this post cause i've been labelled a troll, a nuisance, a trouble maker, and negative for the sake of being negative and none of that is true. i'm a die hard mcoc player who's invested a lot into this game and i take this game seriously. all i (and thousands of others want) is a fair game. nobody likes coming here and complaining FOR THE SAKE of complaining. we've mentioned these issues for many many months and many of them go unnoticed, dismissed, and or swept under the rug. good luck getting any real answers.

    it'll be a few minutes before a trigger happy mod comes in clicks the ban button. was fun posting with y'all.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Basic strategy when the AI is passive:

    If they are blocking, I attack once (one or two hits) and will hit my block with the same timing as if I'm trying to parry after a combo. This works rather often. I will sometimes have to repeat it 2 or 3 times, but eventually they attack.

    If they are just standing there, I will dash back. This is because the AI will intercept/parry depending on game mode. Usually this will trigger them to dash attack where I can either intercept/parry. If they don't attack, I let my champ naturally walk forward. If nothing happens, I dash back and do it again. Have to be ready to parry/dash back/intercept in an instant, but it works.

    I almost never use a heavy attack unless they are stunned just because of the variability of their attack.
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  • DrpancakesDrpancakes Member Posts: 102
    Yes, the AI seems to have changed
    @Dexman1349 that’s not working for me consistently. When I just stand there, they do the same. It’s always when I get tired of waiting around and attack, then they finally make a move and intercept me.

    exactly hate it when that happens. We be both blocking, then I get tired of that so i try to attack their block and they just intercept :/
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,116 ★★★★★
    No, the AI is the same
    The AI varies based on the difficulty of the content ( uncollected AI differs from heroic ) but I haven't noticed variance of AI passiveness in the same difficulty of quest
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,323 ★★★★★
    The confirmation bias in me says that when I use AA the ai charges in and stops short to avoid the parry at the start of fights.

  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    Yes, the AI seems to have changed
    phillgreen wrote: »
    The confirmation bias in me says that when I use AA the ai charges in and stops short to avoid the parry at the start of fights.

    They seem to give less parrys to GR too when he has judgements up and low on health.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Yes, the AI seems to have changed
    ITS TOO FREAKING DEFENSIVE! Now you might be asking yourself: Why is that a problem? Simple. Trial of Heart. MBJ challenge Iron Man
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  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    Yes, the AI seems to have changed
    AI is getting really turned up. Noticed a big change today compared to just yesterday. AI dex evades MUCH more than usual.

    Must have tweaked it during maintenance.
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