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What many people get as their first five star?



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    RapRap Posts: 3,203 ★★★★
    My first pull was the worst! Iron patriot. I have IP ,and Superior IM, original Black Panther, Mordo, Dr. Voodoo, Drax, Civil Warrior, and Yondu, and King Groot. 3 guardians champs and not a synergy between them!
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    Haggis_ballsHaggis_balls Posts: 24
    SIM was my first. Duped him with my 3rd pull. Mediocre ones since then although last three have been Medusa, Mephisto and Kingpin. Happy with them.
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    TinoMiaTinoMia Posts: 56
    My first, which was recent, was Doctor Voodoo. Was pretty excited. Was really hoping it wasn’t someone not worth it.
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    SgtAnime1SgtAnime1 Posts: 66
    My first one was Magneto, but that was when he was new into the crystal. Pulls have only gotten better from there.
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    i got collosus
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    Lighten_DarkLighten_Dark Posts: 40
    1) Guillotine (2/5: awesome)
    2) Colossus (2/5: eh)
    3) She-Hulk (1/5: ugh)
    4) Venompool (3/5: really digging him for attack)
    5) ArchAngel (2/5: amazing attacker)
    6) Nightcrawler (3/5: killer defender)
    7) Cable (2/5: decent defender)
    8) Cyclops (blue) (2/5: eh)
    9) Superior Iron Man (1/5: eh)
    10) Vulture (1/5: not sure yet)
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    IcheiusIcheius Posts: 1
    I have only two 5* champs....my first was Moon knight and second is my beloved qwenpool
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    JyotishkaJyotishka Posts: 122
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    JosellAngeloJosellAngelo Posts: 29
    I got only 2 so far. Moon knight was first, then cable.
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    TurbulentUrFaceTurbulentUrFace Posts: 311
    First one I ever got was Storm.
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    DesanonimoDesanonimo Posts: 6
    Cliclops red suit.
    Last ones better Blade GP SL(Duped finally).
    Also have CB Rogue Loki GG Hela. Total 33 5* four of them R4.

    Good Luck
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    Got a Falcon :'(
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    Shadow_PhoneixShadow_Phoneix Posts: 17
    I am going to open my first five star crystal and I want know whether there is a list or chance of specific five star champions that summoners can get as their first five star.Also share what you got as your first five star.
    I am going to open my first five star crystal and I want know whether there is a list or chance of specific five star champions that summoners can get as their first five star.Also share what you got as your first five star.

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    Shadow_PhoneixShadow_Phoneix Posts: 17
    Mine was a Green Goblin. A decent champ but the same day i got the 5 star version i had opened a 4 star crystal and got GG. A day before got GG on a 3 star crystal. So was not enthused to get a green goblin as my first 5 star champ.

    Recently opened my second and got a 5 star Storm. Don't know how to feel about that.
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,972 ★★★★★
    I've had 3 5* crystals. I got Ronan, Phoenix and then duped Phoenix. Frickin' 90-2 odds and I got a dupe. Okay, Phoenix is way awesome and all, but I kinda wanted a new champion. March has been a **** month that way; every 3* crystal from the M.O.D.O.K. labs has been a dupe and I got King Groot and Green Goblin from 2 PHCs. I got dupes in 2 of the women of power crystals and got Hela in the third and today I got a 2* Phoenix in the X-Men crystal I got with some units.
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