The 5 star crystal is full of complete rubbish

Hi, I'm just another player who's sick of grinding and saving shards for months only to get a totally useless champ. I'm completely over spending my 10,000-15,000 crystal shards to end up with garbage like yesterday when I opened Gambit. Below I'm providing a list of 5* champs in the crystal that have literally NO USE in this game. They are basically a total waste of catalysts which would instead be better off spent on a different 4* in the same class.
Regular captain America
Iron patriot
Red cyclops
Blue cyclops
Symboite spiderman
Rocket raccoon
Winter Soldier
That's 12 champions out of a possible 36. There are another 8 champs which are completely terrible unless duped:
Venom pool
Iron man
Superior iron man
Ant man
Spider man
Star lord
So 20 out of 36 champions are a complete waste of space on my roster. Sadly I have a bunch of those listed and only 1 dupe after playing for 2 and a half years now.
Either drop 5* crystals from 10,000 shards to 5,000, or give us a damn chance at getting something worthwhile. After act 5 chapter 2, it's obvious chapter 3 will require a couple of 5* at rank 4 to get through. What hope do we have?
This game has sucked so bad over the last 12 months.
Regular captain America
Iron patriot
Red cyclops
Blue cyclops
Symboite spiderman
Rocket raccoon
Winter Soldier
That's 12 champions out of a possible 36. There are another 8 champs which are completely terrible unless duped:
Venom pool
Iron man
Superior iron man
Ant man
Spider man
Star lord
So 20 out of 36 champions are a complete waste of space on my roster. Sadly I have a bunch of those listed and only 1 dupe after playing for 2 and a half years now.
Either drop 5* crystals from 10,000 shards to 5,000, or give us a damn chance at getting something worthwhile. After act 5 chapter 2, it's obvious chapter 3 will require a couple of 5* at rank 4 to get through. What hope do we have?
This game has sucked so bad over the last 12 months.
As for your "game has sucked over last 12 months" statement. I disagree with you a lot of good changes has occur in past 6-7 months. Such as arean changes, calender, exclusive quest and other stuffs....
You know what's hilarious about arenas? Most of those horrid 5* champs I mentioned are only good for that. So we're getting a bunch of 5* junk champs to use to grind more 4* in the arenas. How backwards is this stupid game lol.
And dude regular cap sucks. He's one of my first ever 4*, duped 3 times and he hits like a fairy, with no special abilities. RR is virtually a glass cannon, again with no special abilities. They literally took Star lord, toned him down 50 notches and gave birth to RR.
Symboite Spidey sucks, regular Spidey is far better. At least regular Spidey has class advantage over Mystics which is useful for AW, and symb Spidey doesn't trigger evades til you use a special.
I dont know how come Winter Soldier, Loki, Hulkbuster and Gambit can be junk? I got WS in 5star, hes awesome with his ammo varient. Got all types of ammo for all sort of chams even for the bleed immunes. Loki is awesome with buff steal with SA1 and unblockable SA2. Imagine he steals the regen buff of an awakened Ironman or S.Ironman. I got Buster and Gambit in 4star. Both of them are very good to do longer fights in line or against boss with high health, high attack.
Not all champs will regen like wolverine or bleed like BP or steal life like Rogue or steal power like Vision or gain power like Hyperion or killer sa like Hulk. But does it really makes them Junk?
I really doubt that mate. If so i guess Junk as you say, is good enough for servival of millions of players here. And i guess that makes Heroes.
There are 36 total in the regular 5* crystal.
Go play a high tier in AW and report back, you won't see many of the champs I mentioned on offense or defense.
If you think gambit and hulkbuster are great, you clearly have a horrible roster lol.
don't twist my words. There are legitimate concerns about what kabam is playing at here. I have a stacked roster of rank 5 4* champs, and the odds of getting a useful 4* are vastly greater than getting a useful 5*, even if you don't factor in the 8000 shard difference in price. With such a small pool of 5* champions in the regular crystal, why are the odds so bad?
My post is questioning why kabam has chosen the champs they have in the 5* crystal. They are inherently bad, is it because they want us to blow resources on them and spend units in quests because they're essentially useless?
You have a less than 50% chance of getting a 5* that you can use in AQ, AW or quests. There's something wrong.
Not everyone has as much disdain towards all Champs. Especially when they're trying to build a 5* Roster to begin with. Most of the Champs you mentioned aren't bad at all. You can't expect them to fill the 5* Crystal with nothing but Top Champs. I'm not twisting your words. They're already twisted as it is. You don't seem to be happy with anything.
I got Hyperion, Voodoo, Hulk, Rogue, Electra, Ultron, Strange, Guillotine also. But no way i will call others Junk in general.
For sure it may feel junk to you, honestly i feel almost same lke you about some of them. But that doesnt mean that i will give them the title JUNK and send to kabam.
I agree that those were moves in the right direction but I would trade them all in a heart beat to get the game back to it's glory days of 11.0
It's like driving your car straight into a tree and then putting brand new tires on it. They may be nice but it would be far better to have your car back in the shape it was before the accident.
Also I think WS is a great 5* Champ when duped. Nice damage. Good Bleed. Power Drain and an L2 that wrecks opponents.
So go away. It's a game and does not need you here. This isn't your job. You don't have to do it.
Not all champs are gods and that goes for every fighting game out even on consoles, some will be awesome and some will suck.
How you can call sym spidey garbage though is beyond me... learn how to fight with him and stack ABs like a beast, he can do mega damage
For those of us that have, the trends are disturbing.
Anyway, I've said my piece so I'll leave it for everyone to debate.
When you build one roster this time long and upgrade a team till rank 5, only a child will cry for new champs with one star more. After playing 2 and a hulf years, and Roster Stacked with R5 heroes no quest should be too hard for you.
If your current roster is as you speak of, and still you think you are not safe, seriously bro you dont need a hero, you need a priest to call God All Mighty to secure you (maybe play a little for you too) lol.
every body has their special champion even though doctor voodoo Hyperion ghost rider are in demand I dont like any of them their abilities are ok but I dislike them
Sorry bruh, but Winter Soldier is far from useless... dude is a straight beast now...
1. Power Drain that procs all the time
2. Fury
3. Bleed
4. Ammo Stockpile
I use him to regularly kill any mini boss or boss (including r4 5* duped Magiks) in AW (tiers 1 & 2)
Easily takes care of Dormammu in AQ (expert tier)
I'll agree that some of the champs suck (Iron Patriot), but most of them have their uses... to each their own though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The game or the higher value/reward content requires a 'team' of champions, never singular. Whilst each may not weigh up to its own merit (sometimes) but as a group and with proper synergy, a team of 3 or 5 can be somewhat formidable, be it duped or unduped.
I've used Antman/YJ as offense in tier 1 war. Both unduped. I've also used WS, similarly unduped in Tier 1 War, and all of them did surprisingly well.
But of course, each to his/her own liking and affinity towards some champs.
P/S: I'm really looking forward to draw HB and Hulk or Magneto/Gambit in my future 5* pulls.
But from my experience if you place this many of champs directly in Junk list, no matter how long you are playing, no offence buddy, you are still an amature. Improve you playing style i am pretty much sure that list will get a lot shorter.
Sorry you aren't enjoying the game. If I wasn't enjoying a game I've played for 2+ years, i would drop it.
agreed. I spent 30K shards on featured crystal on gambit as he was my favourite character in xmen and marvel. guess what? duped him 2/2 and totally stoked.
you can pass me your garbage lol.
not every character is everyones cup of tea. deal with it mate. or save up about 4 or 5 open at once to 'lessen' the disappointment.
im so waiting get my captain as well. have a 5* sci awakening ready