Most versatile and under-rated champion in your opinion

As the topic says , since the game is changing and champions you have spend time to bring up are almost useless (again) wondering which champions i should dustoff
Most versatile and under-rated champion in your opinion 137 votes
Decent bleed and damage and power control plus a tint of regen
I'd say OML,Decent bleeds,and furies.
Most versatile and underrated would be GG,Not power control,But that sp2...
In short,I picked two champs
Besides that, on this list I might go with Karnak... or if Beast was on it i'd go with the blue dude
should i rank up kk?, both are unduped
He also steals buffs and turns it into regen.
He also gets random buffs during the fight which is fun
His bleed is also great and does big damage.
Civil warrior
Karnak because of that sweet crits and true strike.