AW match making

Kabam, can you please stop matching my alliance with other alliances whose rating is 2 million or more than ours. It’s getting a little ridiculous
Thank you
Thank you
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
Can I see the War Rating?
Thats the thing. If you're good at war, you get tougher opponents. It's only fair. Its not fair to have you bully lower skilled alliances.
To my knowledge alliance rating never mattered when match making. So basically what y'all crying about is you want to be able to climb to t3 without every fighting an alliance bigger than you?
It did matter, and they recently did change it, try to keep up on changes. And I am not the original poster, I am not complaining about anything, I am just giving the OP information about his issue.
Below is the link where they admit changing war matchmaking to accommodate this one particular alliance, but of course any change to the system effects every alliance.
So once again this thread is people crying about wanting to be able to climb to higher tiers and better rewards without having to fight stronger alliances
2 million? LOLLL my alliance was matched with an alliance 8 million higher in rating.
Get on my level lol ... 2 million is pretty standard
You’ll run into the same problems with people selling their champs to drop to the same level as you guys.
Anyway, it was based on alliance rating before and tier 1 was filled with low rating alliances.
Why is matching against war rating not right? War rating measures an alliance's success at winning. Two alliances with the same war rating have had the same success at winning and losing, and matching them against each other is the very definition of a fair fight.
Matching against alliance rating is not intrinsically fair, because alliance rating factors in the total rating of every player and the total rating of a player doesn't correlate with how strong they are in alliance war. It includes every single champion they possess, right down to the 2* champs. A player can manipulate their player rating to make it lower without hurting their war performance - just sell the lower champs. In that way, a very strong alliance can manipulate their way down to a very low alliance rating while maintaining a very strong war performance.
Basically, players seeing match ups in which they are matched against an alliance that is several million points higher than them are seeing what happens when the game correctly ignores alliance rating. But if the game did factor in alliance rating it would only encourage alliances to dump lower champs, lowering their rating. You'd then be fighting alliances with ratings several million *lower* than you, and still getting smashed by them. Worse, no matter how many times you lose you'd still get matched against those alliances because losing doesn't lower alliance rating. You'd then have to make the tough decision on whether or not to do likewise, and sell lower champions to manipulate yourself into a lower rating also. That would be bad for the game, so it isn't a good idea to match on alliance rating.
I can understand not wanting to use a criteria like Alliance Rating that can be easily manipulated, but the fact is that War Rating has been manipulated for a long time through practices like shell alliances, collusion, manipulating the matchmaking process, tanking/sandbagging, etc. Plus, War Rating can be much higher or lower than what it currently should be based on mergers, mass exodus, rebuilds, and start up alliances.
War Rating is also highly imperfect because it never resets. An alliance's current War Rating can be impacted by past results that literally none of the current roster had any involvement in. Virtually every Alliance's War Rating is impacted the performances of individuals no longer in that alliance. If each individual player had their own War Rating based on their individual past performance, and the Alliance War Rating was the total of it's current members, it would be a better measure.
It's also a bad measure because it's effectiveness gets worse and worse the further you get from the top. A 10 mil Alliance vs a 12 mil Alliance with an identical War Rating of 1500 is a much more even matchup than a 3 mil Alliance vs a 1 mil Alliance with an identical War Rating of 150. Realistically, it's probably better to use both as a weighted measure, with War Rating holding more weight in the upper tiers and Alliance Rating being the primary factor in the lower tiers.
Our alliance ^
We missed A war last Sunday the 18th (our first missed war due to 3+ hour search time)
Then after a long long long long season of never moving from 700ish range rank GOLD 1, we were put up against these for the next 2 wars ....
How were you guys winning wars in tier 4/5 with 10 guys below 100k?
Not only were we winning, but we were undefeated for the season till the first missed war