GOLD. Is it really an issue?



  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Riegel wrote: »

    1) Yes, progression of the game WILL happen, so it's not a "might happen."
    2) 6* are already here and cost more, so that's happening now.
    3) It does support gold being an issue.
    4) You're posts are a waste of time.
    5) Gold has not changed in any meaningful way.
    6) you say a lot of meaningless things for no reason. I don't have a victims mentality I'm simply stating gold is hard to keep up with and I'd like it not to get harder. :)
    1)Again just making things up. Will the game progress? Uh yeah and resources will be tuned to changes.

    2)6s cost less for their CR equivalent. Even cheaper when you factor earnings over time and the increas in materials.

    3)No, something that is not planned and has not happened does not support gold being an issue now.

    4)I agree I’m wasiting time, if I’m tying to influence your thought process. However this is a public forum that is open for anyone to read andnform an opinion.

    5) Again you trivialize gold increases within the game, i suggest again its done to support imagined victimhood which “strengthens” a flawed position. Try tivializing this one, Gold realms. They’ve been a thing and awarded huge ammounts of gold.

    6)No you are making things up, denying reality and crafting a false narrative in which you are somehow put upon by running the most expenise AQ which is designed to be cost prohibitive.

  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    I run map 6x5 (500k+ weekly gold donation), rank-up all my champs at will, and do a fair share of arena grind. With all that, my gold reserves are slowly depleting a few 100k per week, more so if I have to R4 a 5* or level-up a 6*. I’m at about 4m remaining now. So it’s definitely possible to keep up with the highest gold sinks with some arena grind. But I definitely understand the concerns of people who don’t arena grind and need gold because it is very time-consuming.

    If Kabam today released a GREAT offer for gold that solved their gold issues, most people here would jump on it. Apply that to today’s meta and you won’t have a problem with gold anymore.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    1)Again just making things up. Will the game progress? Uh yeah and resources will be tuned to changes.

    2)6s cost less for their CR equivalent. Even cheaper when you factor earnings over time and the increas in materials.

    3)No, something that is not planned and has not happened does not support gold being an issue now.

    4)I agree I’m wasiting time, if I’m tying to influence your thought process. However this is a public forum that is open for anyone to read andnform an opinion.

    5) Again you trivialize gold increases within the game, i suggest again its done to support imagined victimhood which “strengthens” a flawed position. Try tivializing this one, Gold realms. They’ve been a thing and awarded huge ammounts of gold.

    6)No you are making things up, denying reality and crafting a false narrative in which you are somehow put upon by running the most expenise AQ which is designed to be cost prohibitive.

    1) Didn't make anything up. So, you agree gold will change? Then, why argue that it shouldn't?
    2) 6* cost more.
    3) You have no idea about what is planned or not planned. Neither do I, but the game WILL progress and it is progressing.
    4)Feel free to post.
    5) I didn't trivialize them. They ARE trivial increases. No one is a victim you've made that up yourself. It's an opinion not a flawed position. Gold realms are great everyone loves them. Why? Because they give much needed gold!
    6) I made nothing up, I don't deny reality, I have no false narrative. Map 6 is expensive I agree.
  • SHIVTron_24SHIVTron_24 Member Posts: 6
    @Riegel yeah anything like that will b a good step
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Oh sad day, refer to your OP 6s are cheaper. Gold will increase however map6 welfare wont happen. We have no idea whats planned we agree however you just based your moar gowld argument on map 7, laff. Its a flawed position like your arguments and ignoring the increase in available gold over 2.5 years.

    Btw 42,000pvp x 100bcs = 4,200,000bcs>5mil.
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    This whole thread sounds like a couple of top players, with stock piles of gold, trying to prove to kabam that gold shouldn't be increased. Gotta keep that gap between the very top players and the top active players as wide as possible.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Oh sad day, refer to your OP 6s are cheaper. Gold will increase however map6 welfare wont happen. We have no idea whats planned we agree however you just based your moar gowld argument on map 7, laff. Its a flawed position like your arguments and ignoring the increase in available gold over 2.5 years.

    Btw 42,000pvp x 100bcs = 4,200,000bcs>5mil.

    1) Yes, please refer to it and actually read it:
    5* R1 level 1-25 Cost 60,900 gold --- Rank 1 to rank 2 cost 135,684 gold
    6* R1 level 1-25 Cost 548,000 gold (9x the cost of a 5*) --- Rank 1 to rank 2 cost 529,173 gold (4x the cost of a 5*)
    2) Great gold will increase lets talk about when with someone who can provide real answers like a mod or dev.
    3) Another childish statement, but yes we do need more gold.
    4) It's not a flawed argument, but you are allowed your opinion.
    5) 42,000 series wins, sure. 100? Where did that made up fictional number come from?
    You get ~40 BC per fight + 300 for the series win so already your math is wrong.
    How are we to believe anything you say when you post so much misinformation :/
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    Like i said these gold threads always devolve into insults.


    If you want to break even on gold you will have to grind the arena for at MINIMUM 2-3hrs per day, everyday.

    If Kabam got rid of the 2400 gold crystal and replaced it with a 5k crystal the arena grind time would be cut in half.

    Again, Kabam has the data, they see our debates (if you want to call them that) I’m certain they will address the issue. Players who go broke (myself 3 times) will QUIT, WALK AWAY, PLAY ANOTHER GAME. This will cause more piloting, more trouble finding alliance war matches, people getting tired of getting over matched in war and quitting. Kabam knows this, just give them some time, they usually try to balance the game, it doesn’t always work, but they do try. They may have something they are going to introduce on the horizon, that may change the way we play they dropped some hints.

    We don’t need any more gold threads, there are a number of other things we could all be debating about in the game.

    Many of you posting here are very knowledgeable about the game and you are passionate about it, so let’s all do our part to keep the community growing and the game evolving.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    This whole thread sounds like a couple of top players, with stock piles of gold, trying to prove to kabam that gold shouldn't be increased. Gotta keep that gap between the very top players and the top active players as wide as possible.

    I'm at the top and I would like a gold update. I would like you to have more too :)
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    This whole thread sounds like a couple of top players, with stock piles of gold, trying to prove to kabam that gold shouldn't be increased. Gotta keep that gap between the very top players and the top active players as wide as possible.

    It sounds to me like people want what others have without putting in the same effort. A lot of it isn't that we are opposed to more gold but don't want efforts devalued because others aren't willing to put in the same time and effort.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Riegel wrote: »

    1) Yes, please refer to it and actually read it:
    5* R1 level 1-25 Cost 60,900 gold --- Rank 1 to rank 2 cost 135,684 gold
    6* R1 level 1-25 Cost 548,000 gold (9x the cost of a 5*) --- Rank 1 to rank 2 cost 529,173 gold (4x the cost of a 5*)
    2) Great gold will increase lets talk about when with someone who can provide real answers like a mod or dev.
    3) Another childish statement, but yes we do need more gold.
    4) It's not a flawed argument, but you are allowed your opinion.
    5) 42,000 series wins, sure. 100? Where did that made up fictional number come from?
    You get ~40 BC per fight + 300 for the series win so already your math is wrong.
    How are we to believe anything you say when you post so much misinformation :/

    All you had to do was compare a 6 Star with the CR equivalent of a r4 5* to a 5* with the cr equivalent of a 3/30 4*. Denying reality/facts to craft a narrative. Compare the 6* to its actual value of a r4 5*. The 5* cost you 1.2m plus materials. The 6* cost you 600k.

    Thats not series wins those are individual battles and the arena awards 100bcs per win.

    At this point your arguments are all piooma.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Blax4ever wrote: »
    Like i said these gold threads always devolve into insults.


    If you want to break even on gold you will have to grind the arena for at MINIMUM 2-3hrs per day, everyday.

    If Kabam got rid of the 2400 gold crystal and replaced it with a 5k crystal the arena grind time would be cut in half.

    Again, Kabam has the data, they see our debates (if you want to call them that) I’m certain they will address the issue. Players who go broke (myself 3 times) will QUIT, WALK AWAY, PLAY ANOTHER GAME. This will cause more piloting, more trouble finding alliance war matches, people getting tired of getting over matched in war and quitting. Kabam knows this, just give them some time, they usually try to balance the game, it doesn’t always work, but they do try. They may have something they are going to introduce on the horizon, that may change the way we play they dropped some hints.

    We don’t need any more gold threads, there are a number of other things we could all be debating about in the game.

    Many of you posting here are very knowledgeable about the game and you are passionate about it, so let’s all do our part to keep the community growing and the game evolving.

    Gold is a resource, and a bottleneck for some. Yes, it's a time bottleneck too. In my opinion it is too much of a time bottleneck and looks to be getting worse with no signs of correction.

    Kabam knows how the community feels by in large reading these threads which is why there are posts here. Many are on gold because it is a current issue. When the next current issue arises we will post on it I'm sure.

    We don't want people to quit so lets discuss meaningful change that would make people happy and continue playing the game.

    The post coat posted by @Kabam Miike was not transparent at all. They claim to want to be more transparent, but the response was let the game tune itself. He could have easily said we are aware of the gold issue and it will be addressed or we looked at the gold issue and don't think its a problem. They did neither.

  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »

    All you had to do was compare a 6 Star with the CR equivalent of a r4 5* to a 5* with the cr equivalent of a 3/30 4*. Denying reality/facts to craft a narrative. Compare the 6* to its actual value of a r4 5*. The 5* cost you 1.2m plus materials. The 6* cost you 600k.

    Thats not series wins those are individual battles and the arena awards 100bcs per win.

    At this point your arguments are all piooma.

    1) Why are you using CR? What a poor metric. Look at total cost it's the only thing that matters.
    2) Are those not series wins? IDK either way you are still wrong on that math. :D
    3) IDK what piooma is, but relook at that math again.
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    The main reason gold is an issue is because 6*'s were rolled out too fast. The 5* pool should have been expanded well before this. But since the 5* pool was expanded as well as 6*'s rolling out concurrently there are a lot of resource intensive champs to rank at once. However, I think this issue will start to slow in about 6 months or so as 5* rosters develop and people start pulling more dupes of 5*'s rather than getting new ones. The problem a lot of people have is ranking up their current 5*s in addition to all the new ones they are now getting. Once new champs being pulled is rarer and more dupes occur then gold will be less of a necessity.

    The main reason I see Kabam not wanting to roll out more gold availability is that it devalues time spent in the arena. Less time spent in the arena = less time spent in the game overall which is bad metrics for an app developer.

    Hopefully the issue starts to be mitigated over time. I'm in the pool of people who plays just enough arena to break even every month. I've been at 4 mil gold for about 6 months now and that's with a lot of resource intensive rank ups. If T2A suddenly becomes much much more available though then I will have an issue.
  • Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★
    I think gold is too available. They should increase the difficulty of getting it.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    DaMunk wrote: »

    It sounds to me like people want what others have without putting in the same effort. A lot of it isn't that we are opposed to more gold but don't want efforts devalued because others aren't willing to put in the same time and effort.

    The question is what amount is felt needed to be at the top. Obviously, you have to do arena for gold, but how many rounds should be needed? Is 250 enough is 500? I'm comfortable where it is now although I'd like to see change even now. What happens when gold demand increases though? Are we just expected to put more rounds into the arena? That's all. Just a discussion about is gold in a good place? If not what are good avenues of change?
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    The main reason gold is an issue is because 6*'s were rolled out too fast. The 5* pool should have been expanded well before this. But since the 5* pool was expanded as well as 6*'s rolling out concurrently there are a lot of resource intensive champs to rank at once. However, I think this issue will start to slow in about 6 months or so as 5* rosters develop and people start pulling more dupes of 5*'s rather than getting new ones. The problem a lot of people have is ranking up their current 5*s in addition to all the new ones they are now getting. Once new champs being pulled is rarer and more dupes occur then gold will be less of a necessity.

    The main reason I see Kabam not wanting to roll out more gold availability is that it devalues time spent in the arena. Less time spent in the arena = less time spent in the game overall which is bad metrics for an app developer.

    Hopefully the issue starts to be mitigated over time. I'm in the pool of people who plays just enough arena to break even every month. I've been at 4 mil gold for about 6 months now and that's with a lot of resource intensive rank ups. If T2A suddenly becomes much much more available though then I will have an issue.

    I agree, they want to keep you in the game, but I feel the time is increasing to break even. May be just me, but I'd like to see more change to gold to maintain at max current levels arena grind. Seeing the arena grind continue to climb would imo suck. lol
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    @MU313 I think you edited your post and it got deleted, but I agree with most of what you said with the exception of arena cutoffs going down. If people are still "getting in the pool" then yeah they may, but if they aren't then cutoffs may go up.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Is it sad when you run Halls of Healing for the free energy gold instead of potions?
  • This content has been removed.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Riegel wrote: »

    1) Why are you using CR? What a poor metric. Look at total cost it's the only thing that matters.
    2) Are those not series wins? IDK either way you are still wrong on that math. :D
    3) IDK what piooma is, but relook at that math again.
    No comparing a r1 6* to a r1 5* isnt even an equal comparison, again denying reality to craft a narrative. CR is how powerful a character is and reflects its value. A 6 is cheaper, period.

    nah math is ~correct, again you demonstrate your lack of knowledge and need to rely on belief rather than fact to support the argument.

  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    No comparing a r1 6* to a r1 5* isnt even an equal comparison, again denying reality to craft a narrative. CR is how powerful a character is and reflects its value. A 6 is cheaper, period.

    nah math is ~correct, again you demonstrate your lack of knowledge and need to rely on belief rather than fact to support the argument.

    1) Sorry dude, you're wrong. When looking at gold needed to max a champion you look at total that's all that matters. No one believes your fake comparison of CR equivalent. no one would ever use that metric, except I guess you.
    2) A 6* is more expensive. Period. lol
    3) Math is wrong, if it's correct lay it out for everyone instead of just saying it is.
    4) I have a lot of knowledge of the game that's why I actually laid out the correct math. You can review it again if needed. I rely on what belief again?
    5) jumping back here, but you keep bring up this false narrative thing and denying reality. What does that even mean or do you just watch a lot of Fox news?
  • Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★
    edited March 2018
    Is a 6*more expensive ? because it’s an equivalent to a 4/55.
    So is cost of a 6* 1/25 > then 5* 1/25,2/35,3/45,4/55
    I didn’t add the cost but I think 6* is cheaper
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Stara99 wrote: »
    Is a 6*more expensive ? because it’s an equivalent to a 4/55.
    So is cost of a 6* 1/25 > then 5* 1/25,2/35,3/45,4/55
    I didn’t add the cost but I think 6* is cheaper

    Well if more people are looking at that metric that's fine maybe I should look at it from that pov.

    The point still holds that we are getting flooded with more and more things that require gold, but we are still getting the same amount of gold we were previously. I don't spend gold unless needed, and guess I will continue that route. It's sad though I'd like to be able to do AQ, rank up a champ every now and then, and have more time out of the game.

    Wishful thinking I guess. lol
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2018
    Wanted to stop but cannot resist for one more post.

    Now the narrative become fear of gold shortage for Map 7. For God sake, It doesn’t even exist yet.

    Is this something that will certainly happen?
    If it happens, will it be in 1 year, 3 years or 5 years?
    If it happens, are you certain that Kabam won’t make adjustment?

    As of now, there is no gold shortage for majority of players except for those who run map 6 regularly and want to rank all his 5* roster quickly at the same time.

    If map 7 coming and Kabam still don’t make adjustment, then we can have another constructive debat. For now, hell no! And this is not top players who don’t want others to have more gold. It’s false narrative. I’m not top player. I have an above average roster, and I don’t have huge stash of gold. In fact, I don’t have enough gold to R5 my Spidey or R4 my MS. But I don’t want more gold. I play with bunch of lower level players who only play half of hour a day for fun. They do not have gold shortage issue.

    Top players already have everything Catalyst, God tier roster, etc. If Kabam gave them more free gold, it would widen the gap even bigger. If you want to be at the top, you should pay the price, short of gold should be there as the bottleneck for them at this stage.
  • C0atHang3rC0atHang3r Member Posts: 78
    Guys guys guys... I think we can all agree there needs to be more gold in the contest.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Wanted to stop but cannot resist for one more post.

    Now the narrative become fear of gold shortage for Map 7. For God sake, It doesn’t even exist yet.

    Is this something that will certainly happen?
    If it happens, will it be in 1 year, 3 years or 5 years?
    If it happens, are you certain that Kabam won’t make adjustment?

    As of now, there is no gold shortage for majority of players except for those who run map 6 regularly and want to rank all his 5* roster quickly at the same time.

    If map 7 coming and Kabam still don’t make adjustment, then we can have another constructive debat. For now, hell no! And this is not top players who don’t want others to have more gold. It’s false narrative. I’m not top player. I have an above average roster, and I don’t have huge stash of gold. In fact, I don’t have enough gold to R5 my Spidey or R4 my MS. But I don’t want more gold. I play with bunch of lower level players who only play half of hour a day for fun. They do not have gold shortage issue.

    Top players already have everything Catalyst, God tier roster, etc. If Kabam gave them more free gold, it would widen the gap even bigger. If you want to be at the top, you should pay the price, short of gold should be there as the bottleneck for them at this stage.

    I'm sorry man, but you know not of what you speak. You can't say you do map 3, and then pretend to know what players at the top do or don't do, or have or don't have.

    Yes, maybe you think this discussion should be done later, because for you it's not an issue. For some it's an issue now and that's why it's being talked about. I accept your opinion on the matter though and thanks for your time and thoughts on the matter.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    I agree that Kabam isn’t very transparent and I’d like them to be a bit more transparent, and I’d love to see players going back and forth with Kabam about that.

    In my post I said that I’ve gone broke 3 times, I’ve made my comments about the gold issue as have many others. My main question has been, and continues to be how much is a reasonable amount of time to spend grinding the arena just to break even. I think 3hrs a day is too much, way too much. However, I can play this game 20hrs a day and still not get enough T4CCs or Alpha Cats to progress, that’s a resource bottleneck, if I played the arena 20hrs a day I’d have all the gold I would need so it’s not a resource availability bottleneck.

    However creating too many bottlenecks be it time or availability, limits the game overall. Meaning that if a player is constantly hitting walls that take months of do the same thing over and over for several hours per day, for them to progress just the slightest bit will eventually lead to them scaling back their participation and eventually quitting altogether.

    So players can center themselves in the debate and boast about what they have, but if they are not doing their part to help improve the game and the community, they will be here playing the game by themselves.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Stara99 wrote: »
    Is a 6*more expensive ? because it’s an equivalent to a 4/55.
    So is cost of a 6* 1/25 > then 5* 1/25,2/35,3/45,4/55
    I didn’t add the cost but I think 6* is cheaper
    The 6 is 600k. The r4 5 collectively is 1m (with 12 t4b, 7 t4c, 16 t1a).


  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    I agree that Kabam isn’t very transparent and I’d like them to be a bit more transparent, and I’d love to see players going back and forth with Kabam about that.

    In my post I said that I’ve gone broke 3 times, I’ve made my comments about the gold issue as have many others. My main question has been, and continues to be how much is a reasonable amount of time to spend grinding the arena just to break even. I think 3hrs a day is too much, way too much. However, I can play this game 20hrs a day and still not get enough T4CCs or Alpha Cats to progress, that’s a resource bottleneck, if I played the arena 20hrs a day I’d have all the gold I would need so it’s not a resource availability bottleneck.

    However creating too many bottlenecks be it time or availability, limits the game overall. Meaning that if a player is constantly hitting walls that take months of do the same thing over and over for several hours per day, for them to progress just the slightest bit will eventually lead to them scaling back their participation and eventually quitting altogether.

    So players can center themselves in the debate and boast about what they have, but if they are not doing their part to help improve the game and the community, they will be here playing the game by themselves.

    I agree and I too have been asking how much time is enough time to spend in arena. It seems it's going up :/
This discussion has been closed.