Guys, I have noticed that in the past nebula could reduce ability accuracy of robots by 20% for every passive electro shock charge on her, meaning 5 stored charges shut down all robot abilities ie ultron evade and regen, vision power gain etc.
Now the description has been updated to show that only active charges reduce ability accuracy ie she needs to put shocks on the robot to reduce ability accuracy.
Is this done to reduce her effectiveness vs sentinels??
Dear @Kabam Miike kindly clarify.

Now the description has been updated to show that only active charges reduce ability accuracy ie she needs to put shocks on the robot to reduce ability accuracy.
Is this done to reduce her effectiveness vs sentinels??
Dear @Kabam Miike kindly clarify.
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I checked her old description and it never said active charges. Kabam is so smart.
We have to get screenshots of the old descriptions coz kabam can update them in their spotlight pages. They can easily get away with small details.
I would lean towards this
If you look at her champion spotlight it says:
"Ability Accuracy of Robots is reduced by 20% per active Electroshock Charge."
"Charges her weapon, generating a passive Electroshock charge every 0.9 seconds."
"Nebula can reduce the Ability Accuracy of these(robots) Champions with her unique ability, as long as she keeps up the Shock charges on them"
Hard for each of us to do so admist busy playing and running out of time for real life, but if some hardcore gamers like Trucos, ClanHQ, some famous MCoC sites, some youtubers, etc can have a page specific to this, that will be great for us to check back anytime whenever we have doubt.
And if you want to reference how nebula’s ability has not changed contestchampion or seatin will have an archived play test of her you can reference.
Yeah I checked seatin's detail before posting but you are correct, this may just be a sentinel related bug.
Addressing their issue. SHIIIIIII no way...
It never has outside of the champion spotlight.
Fine one to talk when your joining in with mob mentality by calling them sentineloids like the rest of the mob . Has it got symbiote attached in it, no because there isn't. It's a robot called a sentinel. Really not hard to understand
Her ability should say ‘Robotic champions suffer 20% current ability accuracy decrease per electroshock charge nebula is holding’.
Stop using passive vs active when you mean passive vs non-passive and active vs inactive. It’s confusing people.
Wasn’t this already fixed ages ago by calling them charges vs buffs/debuffs? OML gets berserk charges, converts them to buffs // Gambit gets (name?) charges, converts them to prowess // SSE gets poise charges, converts them to taunts. Nebula gains electroshock charges, converts them to shock DEBUFFS. I’m with you here: what the hell is an “active electroshock charge?” The new language and apparently the way she interacts with Sentinels is kind of stupid and seems “nerfy” to me.