Are Synergies Ever gonna work on AW Defense... Ever?

For years now I have based so many of my defensive rankup choices on Synergy with other AW Defenders.
What a shock it was to find out synergy doesnt even work in AW Defense. I mean a real WTF moment. Sooo many resources invested, including real money. Just to have the rug pulled out from under me years later.
Is this ever gonna get fixed? I mean its a pretty big deal...dontcha think??
What a shock it was to find out synergy doesnt even work in AW Defense. I mean a real WTF moment. Sooo many resources invested, including real money. Just to have the rug pulled out from under me years later.
Is this ever gonna get fixed? I mean its a pretty big deal...dontcha think??
You could be part way through a fight against Hulk (Ragnarok) when suddenly, his SMASH attack becomes Unblockable because he has a synergy with Thor (Ragnarok) that you didn't know was active. Now, we're not saying that this is a bad thing, but we want to give players the chance to be prepared for these kinds of things. We're currently exploring ways that we can do this.
So, yes, we are working on fixing this, but unfortunately, there is more to this issue than just what it seems like on the surface.
Isn't that part of the challenge when you have hidden defenders? If you wanted to let people know which synergies were active then just show all the placed defenders and the players can do the leg work of seeing who placed what defenders and deduce which synergies are up. Otherwise, just fix the synergies so that they're active and let the players get caught with their pants down.
I’d rather not see the nodes and not even see the class of the champs. You take a path with known buffs/debuffs. You understand champs have synergies which come into affect. Other than synergies not working, what’s the problem?
I won’t ask “why” aren’t they working, but can you provide a rough estimate of when this issue should be resolved? 1 week, 1 month, 1 year? It’s not binding but allows us players an idea so we can base some of our rank ups accordingly.
This is fantastic. few small paragraphs is all it takes to bring the community out of the dark.
Ok, let's say I'm knowledgeable, smart and strategic and I remember every unique synergy ever released and I don't underestimate my foe (not sure how that's going to help). Now tell me how I'm supposed to know that the science champ on the bleed node is going to be an antman with thorns? Even if I know that, how am I supposed to counter that antman? The only champ that stops glancing is AA and he isn't bleed immune
If kabam can figure out a ui prompt for synergies, you'll at least be able to sit there and deliberate for a second to prep for the fight just like you would with a node. Some of the synergy effects are more obvious that others, and you shouldn't have to spend the whole fight wondering if it's active or not.
You guys must of know synergies were not working for a very long time before the community rumbled they weren't.
Are we talking 2 months time, 6 months time or bases time ?
I know that "Inhuman Royal Family" pops up in arena when thet is active, why not have all unique synergies pop up at the start of each fight?
There are many ways to tell who you might be fighting. Look at the character profile of you were are facing. Does he have an AntMan on his profile? Are you about to fight a science champion? Is that science champion good on the node you are about to fight? Has anyone else already fought an Antman?
There are many things you can do to have a better idea of your match up.
I still find it pretty annoying that champs such as dorm, hood and mordo are being phased out of the meta and never even had a chance to function as intended. Guys who invested in feature 5* crystals and 150 unit 4* scratch tickets had a broken product right from the start and worse yet is when players began to speculate that dark empowerment didn’t work Kabam was quick to say that it was and move on. They continue to release champs with AWD geared synergies and only higher tier players are in the loop enough to be aware that they never worked. Kabam hasn’t done enough to let the players know it’s not working and only a small percentage frequent the forums. We keep talking about transparency and communication and this is yet another failure by Kabam on that front.
Maybe kabam could stop making bigger issues with each update and have time to fix this just a bit of wishful thinking
At minimum there should be some notification for the attacker for a unique synergy. Showing class and "unique synergy active" before attacking isn't giving anything away.
Anyone who wants a free for all needs to read through the synergy guide.
You can give any defender a 100% chance to revive at 20% Health. How about unblockable Hulk when below 25% health.
Be careful what you ask for. So many wonderful surprises to kill us without any warning. All so we can use our resources and then complain in this forum about all these new BS "bugs"... That are working as intended.
@Kabam Miike what you describe isn't an issue, or a side effect. It's exactly what we want to happen.
If synergies are that much of a game changer, I'd personally like to see nodes ramped down slightly w/ synergies added to potentially offset the node ramp down. This benefits the players that can put a good synergy'd team together on defense and knows how to deal with such teams when attacking.
This. As long as both sides can do it, it stays fair.
It's not that big of an issue you designed the champions, you designed the syenergies so we can use them to strengthen our teams and then made some unquie ones with interesting possible effects which we know could happen because we can look up the possible syenergies and what may happen if we fight them.
Yea if the champions are hidden we can get surprised and certain things can happen in a fight due to syenergies but that's kinda the point.
I don't get why you broke them or disabled them or whatever in the first place just work on bringing them into war and let it be like it should be.
Because as it stands now you're throwing a big part of team building and placement out of the window because something you designed is causing some problems that you don't understand or think we aren't ready for which really doesn't make sense to me.
Why put this in the game and let us build a war defense if one of the important things just suddenly stopped working and had been broken for months and the people who made the game and the all the systems act like it's somekind of giant puzzle that they can not fix even though it was working fine beforehand.
Not sure what you did but it seems to me that you are literally over thinking it, just fix it and then fix the rest of your game.