Difficulty of AQ

Every boss killer in my alliance agrees. Fighting Sentinels is more difficult than fighting mini bosses and bosses.
We run 5x5 and have for a bit now. As with every alliance there are those that are more adept at taking harder fights than others. I run lanes 7/7/7 in aq which means I have the potential to face 10 Sentinels. Each one of those fights is more difficult than fighting the mini boss or Dorm.
Our core has already been talking. A lot are burnt out already and it’s only day 4.
Thank you Kabam, you have destroyed a group of people that have been playing together for 2-3 years.
I assume that this mid-point refresh serves the purpose of allowing Kabam to gather data for the full refresh of AQ. However, I agree that in exchange the should have made this AQ series free.
Fighting the Skill Sentinels on Immunity nodes in the second section of map 5 (inner right path) is really trying my patience at this point. Add to that the fact that these fights drag on much more than symbioid fights.
Mods, there's a lot of content to go through on a monthly basis. Heck, there's a lot of content to go through on weekly, even a daily basis. Do we really need to make AQ more of a time/resource investment?
These rewards better be damn good though as Sentinels are the bane of mcoc and it really feels like a slap in the face to the community rather than a difficulty adjustment. It is making a lot of people dread doing AQ even more than they did before.